
a dream to a new life

2 girls with big dreams. This is how it started. 2 sisters. These are no normal girls. They grew up in a loud house. The only 2 daughters of Mr. and Mrs. black. Alex black and Raven black. They seems so many things at a young age that they grew up way earlier than they should. At a very young age, they saw their parents fights, but one day it all went away. They wished so desperately for them to go away but they didn't think that it'd become a reality. Their parents were killed in front of their eyes. They were sent to a orphanage and there they grew up. The family had 2 children already who always made fun of them. They called them weird and ugly but the girls were already dead inside to feel anything. Alex. She used to be a girl who cared for all. She was a nice and lovely girl but she changed because of her circumstances. If you hand her a gun and tell her to shoot someone she will do it without emotion. Raven. A sweet girl. She's the one who kept Alex calm. Raven isn't a very short tempered girl like Alex. She keeps it in. She cares for all even tho the person in front of her doesn't care about her. Both the girls wanted to find the killer of their parents but Alex and Raven always had a dream to escape. They wanted to live alone away from "home". They wanted to live in a city. When they turned 18 they decided to move out and move to LA. They had a small dream to open their own shops. Raven wanted to be a cosmetologist and Alex wanted to be a tattoo artist. With lots of struggles they opened their first shop. Unexpectedly their dream came true. The became millionaires in matter of years. Everything was going great until one night. Their past comes back to them that night. 2 men with inhumanly beauty greet them. What happens when things get heated? What happens when those 2 guys turn out to be the biggest mafias in the world? Mafias with their own secret....

Queens_of_hell · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

today is the day


(4 years ago)

Today's the day!

Just a week after my birthday we get to leave, me and my sister Raven we finally get to go make our dreams happen. I know it won't be easy but it's the only thing that's keeping our hope for getting out of here. It's been a rough couple of years. Stuck here.

We have saved up all of our money form little job here and there, rather it would be at an ice cream shop or a small store, or in my case underground fighting, I made good money there but Raven didn't like that I fought so I stopped. We saved up just enough for plane tickets and a small apartment for us. And a few months rent.

Right now we are packing the little things we have, mostly the stuff we got ourselves for us. We have to leave soon to make our plane. And to get a cab to the airport. "Raven, are you almost done packing over there?" I say as I zip up the duffel bag that I brought here when we first arrived. "Yeah just one more thing," she said, I sign and turned around facing my sisters back.

We shared a room we have since we got here, and even before that, the room was small with 2 twin beds on either side of the room, I definitely was not going to miss this place.

"Ok all done," Raven said grabbing her bag, "good, now we can leave this hell hole," I said getting a little mad "calm down, it wasn't that bad" you see, the difference in me and my sister is that Raven sees the good in almost everything, me, on the other hand, I didn't care. "Whatever let's just go," I say going toward the boor, Raven roller her eyes behind me.

We walk down the stairs, our so-called "family" is in the kitchen and living room, our foster "father" is on the couch drinking a beer as usual, and our foster "Mother" is in the kitchen making dinner for her real kids as she called them.

I and Raven don't say anything and just walk out of the house, and walked to the corner, I pulled out my phone (that I got myself) and called for a cab.

(Time skip to the airport)

Me and Raven just got to the airport, there are lots of people walking around either go to the boarding area or getting their suitcase. "You know where we need to go right?" I ask Raven "yes, of course, this way," she said as she started walking to the left of us. I justed followed her the whole way to the security so we can get on the plane.

After security, we walked to the boarding area, we show the Lady our tickets and she nodded for us to go on. Once we were on the plane we found our seat and put our bags up. We sat down with Raven at the window seat because I don't like heights at all, and waited for the rest of the passengers to board the plane.

After the plane was filled with all the people, the flight attendants said to turn all electronics to airplane mode and that we will be taking off shortly.

"This is it, sis, we get to go make our plan happen," I said with a small smile "I know I can't wait!!" She has been waiting for this moment since we were kids planning this.

"Hey lex do you think it will work out for us there?" She said looking down; she always had her doubt about this, going to LA and all "we have made it this far haven't we?" I questioned her knowing the answer "yes" she said getting a little happier "you just have to have faith we will make it I promise" I said grabbing her hand "ok I have faith" she said as the plane takes off

Let's hope our dreams come true.