
Chapter 20: The ‘Turning’ Of A New Day

Anna's POV: I woke up with the most beautiful women next to me. I didn't want to wake Ali up, so I got out of bed and put some clothes on. My best pajamas, a pure black silky set, a button-up short sleeve shirt, and some little shorts. I set out the same pair but in pink for Ali since it's her favorite color. I didn't mean to wake her, but I did, she got up and gave me a kiss, I handed her the pajamas I picked out for her, then we put on some slippers and went downstairs for our breakfast...

Katherine's POV: Once again I found myself glaring at Anna, her and Alison walked down with a smug little bratty look on their faces, I especially felt bad for Ian, he just recently witnessed his niece having sex with Anna. He didn't seem to in the mood for anything, but he managed to choke down his food and leave the room. However, I wasn't just going to let those girls walk around like they own the place, it just wasn't how Anna needed to be raised! I mean, this is exactly how Elijah was raised and look how he turned out, he was a murderous vampire who snapped all the time. I couldn't have a mini Elijah running about the house, so I asked Anna why she was acting like this and all she did was give me a smirk and said that she was growing up and I needed to "accept" that! How the hell and I supposed to do that when she's running around like a little whore with everyone who looks at her. Since I was thinking that I thought I should just tell her that, so I did...

Anna's POV: I'm going to kill her. I am so going to kill her. That little bitch! Why would she say something like that to me...AGAIN! I already warned her once that she shouldn't do that, what makes her think she can do it again. I I had a look of rage in my eyes, I put on a very scare vampire face and charged at Katherine, she fought me off pretty good, but she's no match for me, I won that round, after she gave in and fell to the ground, I stood above her and gave a sarcastic sigh, she looked outraged, good. Now we'll play by my rules! I ran over to Ali, she looked scared because she had no idea what I was about to do, I shouted out the words, "ROUND TWO!" And Katherine shot back up with fear in her eyes, she knew I'd hurt Ali with zero remorse! I whispered to Ali and told her I'm sorry for the sting, and without blinking, I looked Katherine dead in the eye and I snapped Ali's neck...

Katherine's POV: Anna thinks she can scare me by shoving me to the ground, so what if she's more powerful than I am! I drew myself up off the ground when I heard Anna call out round two, I had no idea what she meant until I saw her, she was standing in front of the stairs with her arms around Alisons neck! I was generally scared, not because Anna had Alison, but because of the look of power coming from Anna, she was out of control, I couldn't tell if she was faking or not which left me confused until there was a quick snap and a lifeless Alison laying on the floor! I hurried everyone into the kitchen, I called out to Ian first because this is his own blood, his family. He bent down the the floor over by Alison and started to tear up, I hated seeing me baby cry like that, I walked over to him and put my arm around his shoulder trying to comfort him, he just got mad all of a sudden, he flung my arm away and jumped up. He was yelling, saying that this was me and Anna's fault because of our ongoing bickering and now Alison is paying the price...

Anna's POV: I got everyone's attention, I looked and Ian and said to stop being such a baby, it's only death after all, he knows how it works! And now he'd get to see a dead Ali and not so much dead Ali, I told everyone my little secret. Since I gave Ali my blood yesterday it hadn't passed through her system all the way yet, so when I snapped her neck it was because I knew she'd come back. Everyone looked at me shocked and then I blurted it out so it would sink in, I turned Ali into a vampire, and she'll have to live in terror for the rest of her immortal life...

Katherine's POV: How could Anna do this, Ian's legacy meant everything to him, he made it his life's mission to make sure something like this never happened so his family name could live on forever, and now Anna just took that all away with a snap, literally! We sat for a few moment until we saw Alison, she was starting to wake up, but before we could do anything Anna grabbed her and ran her out of the house. We ran after trying to follow her but we lost her in the woods, we figured she'd be heading to town to get a fresh meal for Alison, so we went in that direction...

Anna's POV: Ali and I arrived in town. I explained to her that I killed her while she had my blood in her system and vamp blood plus death equals a brand new vampire to toy with. I didn't want to give her the choice of being a vampire or dying, so I grabbed a waitress and drug her outside where Ali was, but sure enough the buzzkill party showed up. Except it was only Ian and Katherine this time, I quickly bit into the waitresses neck and almost killed her, I'd leave that part for my sweet, innocent little Ali! I threw her on the ground in front Ali so that when she sensed the blood she'd have no choice but to feed and become a vampire...

Katherine's POV: I watched Anna basically kill the poor women. But she didn't, she wants Alison to I suppose. I told Alison to listen to my voice, that her will is stronger than the urge to feed, because if she did then the lady would die. I made sure Alison was hearing me, I assured her that feeding isn't the option, that we would find a way to protect her from this, but I think the blood was to strong. She was inching closer to it, and when she got on her knees next to the lady she bent over to her neck, I ran over to her but I was quickly stopped by Anna, Ian was in too much shock to do anything or move at all, I couldn't move either because Anna had me trapped, then as we watched Alison feed and kill the waitress Anna broke both of my legs! I saw Anna grab something out form behind her back I couldn't quite make out what it was, but she did the same to Ian, even though he couldn't be bothered to move at all, I was still struggling to get up. But we both saw Anna walk over to Alison, twirling the item she pulled from behind her, it was a stake! We watched Anna grab Alison by the hair, pulling her head back, she said that we shouldn't be trying to change her, and then she staked Alison! How could she, I managed to get up, so did Ian, we were about to snap Anna's neck and throw her in the basement to keep her harmless, but she said something...

Anna's POV: Before Katherine and Ian could do anything about me killing Alison I mentioned that now Alison would be on The Other Side since she was a vampire, and since she killed that waitress lady she'd be alone, miserable, and basically in her very own personal hell! They looked terrified, and they should be, I could do the same to them but I mean they're my family, I'd never actually hurt them. But then I said how no matter who I killed or how I lived, that all of that blood I spilled was on their hands for not just letting me die when I was born...

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