1 1. Come to me

"I can't see anything..... it's just black..... I want to be able see in the dark."

Logan was a young 16 year old boy, small in stature but a veracious attitude that could make a person feel love and hatred within 10 words. He hardly used this skill for anything other than getting what he wanted. By saying small in stature I mean that he was thin as a rail, and average height for his age.

Logan has 2 older sisters. The oldest sisters name is Lara and she was one of the few people in that house that Logan didn't despise with a passion. Then there was his middle sister, Darcy. Darcy was the type of person who was older on one hand, but younger mentally than Logan. His father wasn't around after the age of 3.

With Logan's backstory complete we will start talking about why he is important.

Logan starts his day like any other basic teenage boy, by rolling out of bed and wandering aimlessly with his eyes closed to find the bathroom. As he approached the door to the bathroom he heard what sounded like rock music coming out of the radio that they had in their bathroom. And of course as soon as he hit the door with his upper body and head he heard "GO.....AWAY! I am not done yet." With 3 women in the house and one bathroom their were few choices to get the bathroom. Break down the door and take his sisters, one by one, by the back of the next and throw them head long out the door into the hall. The other option was to hold it and pray there wasn't going to be a UTI involved in his near future.

His sisters finally finish with bathroom and Logan does his business and takes a shower. As he stands in the shower he thinks, as he does every day, that if he just had an ability, any ability, he would be seen as "important", "cool", or "wicked". As far as adjectives go, there weren't many that would be deemed ok in today's society to say. Every time he got out of the shower he tested his possible new ability and, of course, to no avail. There was a disappointment for a short few seconds with a deep breath then back to what he was doing. Trying to get dressed was no big deal, there were 3 criteria to meet as to whether he would wear whatever it was or not;

1. Does it smell?

2. How much does it smell?

3. No stripes and plaid at the same time.

Pretty straight forward when it comes to your stereotypical male. Logan would grab his favorite shoes that had holes in them and put them on. Holes or not, they were black and that's how he felt in his soul. Dramatic right?

Fast forward past the long, arduous walk to school which is full of nothing significant except a blank mind and motor memory. As he reaches the school he finds his group of friends who he is sure is using him for his imaginary status that he actually thinks is a thing. Trevor and Travina are there as usual holding hands and awkwardly making out at the sign of everything they think is romantic. So through a day of repeating, mind numbing classes and lectures, the school day ends. As he walks to the gate to leave he sees Leigh.

'..... I wonder what I would have to do to be with her like Trevor, but without the total tool feeling. There's nothing I could say to her. Her music is probably too loud, she wouldn't hear me anyway. That and the jingling pants that is loud enough to wake the dead. F*ck she is walking toward me. F*ck eye contact.'

"Uhhhh hi! I'm Logan." He says awkwardly.

"I know" she scoffs. "I was wondering why you were staring at me, and why you always stare at me? Please answer in order so we both don't waste breath." She said matter of factly.

"Well I was wondering, if you wanted to go out? Like a date, like I meet you somewhere and we do something. I mean something like see a movie, platonically or not, or we can go eat, or not eat.."

"Well that sure was a stumble wasn't it? The answer to both questions is no. The reason is because I see how fast you go through the girls here and honestly I'd rather die of loneliness than die of an STD." It was as if she had rehearsed this.

"Sooooooooo... ok. Um thanks?" he answered without thinking.

"Thanks? I just basically told you to go f*ck yourself and you tell me thanks?" she responded confused.

"Well yeah. You answered truthfully and didn't blow smoke up my ass. So what else can I do except thank you for being so blunt, I really like that" calmness now soothing his and her heart. They looked at each other for a moment and he swore there was just a little red blossoming from her porcelain cheeks. Unsure of what else to say he waved the most awkward way when trying to show he likes them and it's the creepy wave with the fingers.

He then started his long walk home. As he got home he popped on their computer and booted up the dialup internet and sang along with it as it hummed, beeped, and finally went into its vocal seizure.

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