
380. Song Beibei, is this all your sincerity?

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However, Gu Yanqing still went to the kitchen and cooked a bowl of noodles for Song Beibei.

The soup for the noodles was the spicy crab soup that was cooked at night.

It was fresh, fragrant, and spicy. Song Beibei's nose was covered in sweat from eating it.

However, it was very delicious. She wished she could swallow her own tongue and even finish the last bit of the soup.

Gu Yanqing just sat across from her and watched Song Beibei enjoy her meal.

This scene was unusually familiar. It was as if time had returned to a few years ago.

The person in front of her did not change her appearance. Time did not leave any traces on her face.

She was still as youthful as a student.

This included her little temper and little tricks.

In the past, when Song Beibei was angry, she would take the initiative to reconcile and beg Gu Yanqing to cook something for her.

If he was willing to cook, it would mean that this matter was over and that she would just let it go.

Gu Yanqing also felt tired.

If this argument continued, his heart would feel uncomfortable.

Seeing Song Beibei in pain, his heart would also feel a piercing pain.

Then he would compromise.

As long as nothing happened to her.

Song Beibei finished eating and licked her lips.

Gu Yanqing stood up, wanting to clean up the dishes.

Song Beibei quickly took the initiative. "I'll wash it. "

Saying that, she entered the kitchen.

After fiddling with it for a while, she came out.

Gu Yanqing had already stood up and was preparing to return to his room.

Song Beibei looked at Gu Yanqing's cold back view, her heart was still very conflicted.

In the end, she suddenly shouted at Gu Yanqing's back view, "Gu Yanqing, stop right there. "

Gu Yanqing stopped in his tracks, but he didn't turn around.

In the next second, Song Beibei had already rushed up She hugged Gu Yanqing's waist tightly from behind, "Gu Yanqing, I was wrong, but I don't know how to apologize to you. I know that no matter what I say now, you won't believe me, and you won't forgive me. But, Gu Yanqing, can we not do this anymore, even if it's for Xin Tong? "

Gu Yanqing didn't react.

But Song Beibei clearly felt Gu Yanqing's body stiffen.

Song Beibei hugged him even tighter Her tone was especially anxious. "Gu Yanqing, I swear, I promise that I will never be so impulsive in the future. I will put my family first, and I will always pay attention to my own safety. Can you forgive me this once, just this once? "

Gu Yanqing still did not speak.

There was no reaction.

Song Beibei felt a little disappointed.

Gu Yanqing still refused to forgive her?

Could it be that Gu Yanqing was completely disappointed in her and did not want to care about her anymore?

Song Beibei felt very conflicted and uncomfortable.

Gu Yanqing slowly loosened his grip around Gu Yanqing's waist. "Gu Yanqing, if you're really too disappointed in me and can't forgive me... "

"Is that all your sincerity? "

Before Song Beibei could finish her sentence, Gu Yanqing's cold voice drifted over from above her head.

Song Beibei was about to release her grip when Gu Yanqing caught her.

Song Beibei was slightly stunned.

Before she could react, Gu Yanqing had already turned around and pressed Song Beibei against the wall at the side. His Lips had already pressed down on her.

Gu Yanqing's kiss seemed to carry a hint of anger. He tossed and turned on Song Beibei's lips as if he was punishing her. He sucked hard. He sucked, as if he wanted to devour Song Beibei's soul.

Song Beibei was pressed against the wall. Gu Yanqing's hand grabbed Song Beibei's hands and pinned them behind her back.

Gu Yanqing was really too strong.

He leaned forward, as if he was pinning her to the wall. She couldn't move at all.

Song Beibei felt pain, but she couldn't resist. Her mind gradually became foggy.

It had been a long time since she had been so close to Gu Yanqing.

A kind of crazy longing slowly spread to every corner of her body.

When Song Beibei couldn't bear to take the initiative to return the kiss, Gu Yanqing also stopped. "I'll teach you a lesson later. "

Song Beibei's face was bright red, and her charming eyes were like silk, as if they were covered with a layer of moisture.

But she deliberately bit Gu Yanqing's lips. "It's not certain who will teach who a lesson? "

Gu Yanqing's eyes gradually darkened, and his voice was hoarse and low. "okay. "

Song Beibei, on the other hand, felt a chill run down her spine.

She knew of Gu Yanqing's abilities, and felt that she would probably have to beg for mercy tonight.

Song Beibei's face turned even redder at the thought of this.

Song Beibei deliberately pushed Gu Yanqing. "I won't stoop to your level. I'm going back. "

Just as she turned around, she saw a voice standing at the restaurant's door.

Oh my God!

Why was there someone there?

Song Beibei stood rooted to the ground. Standing at the door, her face darkened, her brows furrowed, and her fingers clenched into fists. It was he Yucheng.

Song Beibei had no idea how long he had been standing there.

Could he have just happened to see the scene just now.

Must He have seen it?

Song Beibei was extremely embarrassed when she thought of this.

She was also extremely embarrassed.

Song Beibei forced a smile and called out his name, "Ah Cheng, you're still awake? "

He Yucheng's fingers were clenched tightly, but his gaze fell on Gu Yanqing who was standing behind Song Beibei.

Gu Yanqing had already walked over at a moderate pace. He gently held Song Beibei's shoulders and said, "I'll go back to my room and wait for you. "

Gu Yanqing left after saying that.

Song Beibei was currently in the fields.

She knew that Gu Yanqing would explode whenever he Yucheng came into contact with him. How could he dare to stay alone for a long time.

Gu Yanqing hadn't left for long when he said to He Yucheng, "Ah Cheng, I'll go back first. It's already late. You should go back and rest early too. "

When Song Beibei reached the door, he yucheng grabbed her arm.

He Yucheng said, "is it because he doesn't want you to see me? "

"No, what are you saying? "

"Song Beibei, I just want to ask you a question. Why did you rush in at that time? "

Song Beibei was suddenly stunned.

Song Beibei pulled her arm out of he Yucheng's hand uncomfortably. "Ah Cheng, I'm your aunt. This is an unchangeable fact. Actually, I've made it very clear every time. We're family. When you're in danger, I'll definitely be the first to rush in. However, I don't want Yanqing to be unhappy because the two of us are getting too close. After all, I'm his wife. What I care about the most is his feelings. "

He Yucheng said, "I won't give up. "

Song Beibei was really stunned. "Ah Cheng, why did you... ? "

He Yucheng said, "do you want to know why I suddenly said this? " "Last time, I clearly said that we were just friends and that I wouldn't pester you anymore. Song Beibei, I lied to you. I've never given up, and I will never give up. What uncle, what aunt, what the F * Ck? All I know is that I only love you, Song Beibei, for the rest of my life. No matter what, I will have you. Song Beibei, just you wait. One day, you will be willing to be my wife. You will think that I'm not inferior to Gu Yanqing in the slightest. Whatever Gu Yanqing can do, I can do. Gu Yanqing can give you the whole world, and I can give you the whole world. "

Song Beibei was stunned. She didn't expect he Yucheng to say something like this.

Song Beibei was stunned. "Ah Cheng, don't be like this. "

He Yucheng said, "I don't want to stand behind you and look at you silently anymore. Song Beibei, I'll tell you frankly today that I have other intentions for you. I don't think you'll understand if I don't tell you. Beibei, I just want you to know that no matter what I do in the future, it's all for the sake of loving you. "

He Yucheng turned around and left.

Song Beibei stood rooted to the spot in a daze for a long time.

He Yucheng clearly didn't say that last time.

He clearly said that they were only friends.

He clearly said that he had given up.

She had never seen he Yucheng's ferocious look before.

It was as if he had put away all of his gentleness and elegance, becoming ruthless and domineering.

His gaze just now actually made Song Beibei Tremble.

Song Beibei went to her room in a daze.

Gu Yanqing had just come out of the bathroom.

Seeing Song Beibei's dejected look, he asked, "what's wrong? Has He been provoked and finally revealed his cards? "

Song Beibei looked at Gu Yanqing blankly. "How could this be? "

Gu Yanqing snorted coldly. "those who are involved are confused. In the whole world, only a fool like you would believe in those pure friendships. It's impossible for men and women to have pure friendships! "

Song Beibei was actually unable to refute for a moment.

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