
A Collector's Guide To Caring For Your Pets

Kyouya is seven years old and enjoys making herbivores spontaneously combust. (In which Kyouya collects flame active children because the colours are pretty. By the time someone notices, it's already far too late.)

Ourliazo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs


Yellow does not produce fire, unlike the orange one. This is a problem, because while Kyouya likes the pretty glow, outright flame would be better. Perhaps the extent of the detonation radius relies on the colours shown, in which case Kyouya will need to perform an experiment. The method is easy to decide on, since using fire to create more fire is just simple logic.

The next day Kyouya once again finds the yellow firework, the herbivore jogging near the small river. It is easy catching his prey – disappointingly easy.

Before the yellow one knows what's happening, Kyouya is sitting on its chest, his legs pinning the rather muscular arms. He shifts a bit, getting comfortable, and searches his backpack. The herbivore wriggles but for all of its strength it does not have the technique necessary to move Kyouya.

"It's nice to meet you again! My name is Ryohei and we'll be extreme friends!"

It is loud, however, so Kyouya must do this quickly. He pulls his arm out of his backpack, clutching a lighter. It flicks to life when Kyouya rolls his thumb along the wheel and Ryohei blinks in curiosity. The yellow herbivore only starts panicking when Kyouya moves the lighter closer to Ryohei's forehead, right where the brunet lit up.

However, struggling is useless, and Kyouya sets the herbivore's long, white hair on fire.

Ryohei tosses Kyouya off and dives into the river, creating a loud splash and wetting the grass of the bank. He pops up, his hair a lot shorter now, almost a buzz cut with the ends yellowed from being burnt. Ryohei hisses in pain at the burn on his forehead and rubs the spot, a bright yellow glow appearing for barely a split second, and his hand comes away to reveal a perfectly healed forehead.

Ryohei stumbles up onto the bank and runs his hands through his abruptly short hair. "What's Kyoko going to braid now?" he complains. "She loves practicing braids." He rubs his scalp a bit more and pauses, blinking. He grabs a lock and pulls it as far down as it can go. The ends are still yellow from being burnt but the length is longer again, just past his shoulders.

Kyouya stares in shock, slowly rising to his feet. The stunned look turns to a dangerous amusement.

Ryohei tries to run, but Kyouya is simply faster.

Admittedly, Kyouya is just having fun at this point in time. He's completely forgotten about any sort of experimentation and he's focused on the herbivore's incredible ability to shake off any injury. Kyouya thought only adults could be doctors, but this child can heal as well, so that proves his theory wrong. Yellow doesn't even need the disgusting medicine, so he's better than a doctor.

The lighter comes to life with ease, and it's only after the sixth time that Ryohei finally refuses to regrow his hair. Kyoko will just have to braid Hana's. Kyouya pouts for a moment and then lights other parts of the herbivore on fire.

It's not that Kyouya gets bored of setting the herbivore alight, it's that he gets hungry and wanders back home.


After lunch, Kyouya finds Sawada. He knocks politely on the door and the mother opens it, looking around in confusion. Kyouya clears his throat and she peers straight down and smiles at him.

"You must be Tsu-kun's friend from the park. Come in, come in." She holds the door open wide and pats him on the head as he enters. "Tsu-kun is upstairs, the room with a fish on it. I'll bring up some snacks later, okay dear?"

Kyouya blinks up at the woman. He reaches out and takes her larger hand in both of his. "It is a pleasure to meet a beautiful lady such as yourself," Kyouya says, bowing over her hand and pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

Her giggles and cooing follow him up the stairs.

Kyouya has successfully infiltrated the home of his target. He has also secured the loyalty of the mother herbivore due to his coded message that he's stolen from strange foreign movies with spies and lots of explosions. She will not interfere in his mission.

Kyouya finds the fish easily enough and through the open door he can see the brunet flopped over a pillow on the floor, sleeping. Kyouya steps inside the room, closing the door behind him, and nudges the brunet with his toes.

Tsuna stirs and blinks when he catches sight of Kyouya. He then bursts into flames. Neither of them know it yet, but the growing hyper intuition is thinking just as childishly as Tsuna and therefore labelling Kyouya as danger level twelve out of ten, the response being 'light up and scare the boy away'. It's not working.

Kyouya is rather impressed because clearly the herbivore has been practicing in order to please Kyouya. It's a good offering despite the crying, how short the flame lasts and the immediate lunge for the door. Kyouya grabs the herbivore by the back of its shirt and throws it back down to the floor.

"You can conjure your fire on command," Kyouya summarises in approval. "Now you need to make it last longer and then we'll move onto manipulation."

"Tsu-kun doesn't like you," the boy sobs.

Kyouya frowns and crouches down to get closer to the boy. "Stop crying. No one will save you."

The flame comes back and the crying gets louder.

Perhaps this child doesn't react to logic like Kyouya does. "I mean," Kyouya begins hesitantly. "I will give you… a hug if you co-operate." He has apparently chosen the correct words and the herbivore quietens down after a little while.

Kyouya then sets Tsuna on fire.

Tsuna shrieks and immediately leaps up, running around and flailing his hands at the fire that has now fully engulfed his hair.

Kyouya frowns in confusion at the lighter, running his fingers along the now grey exterior and trying to move the wheel. It almost looks like rock. He was going to spend a bit more time playing with it but the brunet catches the curtains on fire and Kyouya is forced to find the bathroom.

He climbs the footstool so he could reach the taps and fills the sink with water. Kyouya grabs the herbivore and drags him to the bathroom next, dunking the brunet's head under before taking the toothbrush holder and filling that with water to put out the curtains.

The herbivore does not regrow its hair. It sniffles and whimpers until Kyouya finally agrees to fix it.

"Stay here," Kyouya orders to the whimpering ball of human under the bed covers. "I will find the yellow one." He does not get a response.

Kyouya turns for the door but remembers his promise and walks to the bed, climbing onto the child sized furniture and burrowing under the covers to find the herbivore.


Tsuna shrieks when he sees the other boy has invaded his sanctuary, completely bypassing the universal law of 'sheets and pillows are indestructible barriers'. Tsuna's mind has imploded, his trust is frayed, and his heart is broken.

It's just wrong on so many levels that Tsuna's quilt is defective. The entire world is against him, and for the first time in his life he gives up on living because nothing matters anymore -

Small arms wrap around Tsuna, squeezing just the perfect amount as Kyouya curls around the herbivore. Tsuna's eyes snap open, peering in shock at the boy lying next to him, the silver eyed demon hugging Tsuna.

The brunet goes boneless and hugs back, the two children spending a moment to just lie there in comfort.

Tsuna makes a protesting noise, kind of a high-pitched whine, when the other boy pulls away and slips off the bed. Tsuna sits up, struggling a bit to get the blanket off him, and blinks at the retreating figure of the other boy.

Once again, Tsuna's theory has been proven correct. Hugs fix everything.


Omake – Lighter

Kyouya peers down at the infant and slowly takes the lighter out of his pocket.

"Fon's kid or not, I will break you," Reborn promises calmly.

The lighter flicks to life.