

Alpha Zeev's POV

I walked to the jet hand in hand with Fenrir, Martinez, and Jada waving from the rooftop of the mansion.

" I'll Miss you, sister-in-law," Martinez said to Fenrir after Jada gave her usual butterfly kisses.

" I'm always in Italy, anytime you need me, I'll be here," he said again before I threw him the fuck finger from behind.

The pilot was sitting in the cockpit and Jay already settled down on one of the seats inside.

We walked inside the jet, closing the deck followed by the takeoff, and the journey back to the crystal moon pack started.

" I miss home, Fenrir said jostling my thoughts. " Me too, your Kayla must be waiting for you already, I said placing a small kiss on her head.

Jay darted his eyes towards me just like I'd expected he'd, his eyes carrying a nonchalant attitude, before snuggling further to drift off to sleep, followed by Fenrir.