
A Book Can't Be Judged By The Cover

Sasajima Hajime is considered to be the delinquent of their class, with his below-average grades, absences, and his knack for getting himself into trouble. The class's overall reputation went downhill because of him and to patch things up in a desperate manner, their homeroom teacher assigned Kikuchi Megumi, the top student in their class, to watch over him and try to help him. But little did she know that Sasajima Hajime's front is more than meets the eye. Disclaimer— photo is not mine but all edits are. If anyone knows who owns the photo please feel free to reach out to me, thanks ^-^ Tags: Romcom, School, Tragedy, Slice of Life, Drama WSA 2022 Candidate

DaisukiDayoSenpai · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
160 Chs

Epilogue: A New Page, Another Chapter

Six months had passed.

Fall and winter overlapped and transitioned into another season of spring and new beginnings. A new chapter in Hajime's life had begun, and it converged into one single moment. Everything that transpired led to this moment, and he couldn't believe that it was finally happening... today of all days.

Akiko heaved an exhale as she slowly sauntered towards the front gates of Dai Yama High School. As a first-year, she basically forced herself to come to school with mixed feelings. For one, she wanted to prove to her older brother that she could take care of herself right now. Secondly, she didn't want to be a burden to her brother.

Although her brother repeatedly told her that it was his sworn duty to take care of her, she wanted him to focus more on himself rather than his younger sister. Besides, she had already been going to school for a month now. There was nothing for him to worry about.