
A Berserker in Highschool DxD

Penulis: Champion_Leon
Anime & Comics
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What is A Berserker in Highschool DxD

Baca novel A Berserker in Highschool DxD yang ditulis oleh penulis Champion_Leon yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. A classic story. Some would call it cliche. But it would be better to call it an all too common story, honestly.A teen, forced to watch as his parents were killed, driven mad by rage, he awakened some...


A classic story. Some would call it cliche. But it would be better to call it an all too common story, honestly. A teen, forced to watch as his parents were killed, driven mad by rage, he awakened something never before seen in the world. It had seen Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Dragons, Gods...yet never before had it seen something so wrathful before. A story of a boy journeying for revenge yet finding something else...a family. Yet can the appetite inside this furious soul be quenched? Or will it continue to hunger until nothing is left? (A/N - For those who don't like it, I'll put a warning here - he's going to join Rias' peerage. Don't read if you don't like such things.)

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Love is LIE.

At the age of seventh years old after Lin Huiyin's father passed away her mother got addicted to casino and alcohol, she was left with the huge responsibility in managing the construction company that her father left. While studying she's also working so she doesn't have a time to socialize and make friends. Until her mother remarried to a tycoon that has a daughter named Jin Yong. even though she was against it, she didn't say a word because she saw that her mother was happy again. Wanting to keep the peace in their family she did everything to be close to her stepsister Jin Yong even if it meants seducing one of the richest family's son in the country Zhang Li Huan who is a well -known genius strategies and snobbish playboy who hurt her stepsister's feelings. But as time went on, she got to know the real Zhang Li Huan and she couldn't help but to develop a feelings for him. but before she could confess her feelings to Zhang Li Huan her stepsister ruin everything and confess how they enjoy playing with his feeling when he came home from abroad for her birthday. Zhang Li Huan is so furious and made a promise in making them pay for what they've done. After a few years their faith crossed again this time Zhang Li Huan is the C.E.O of the leading construction company in the country and the richest bachelor of their generation. While their company is about to be bankrupt so her mother has no choice but to sell half of the company's stock to Zhang Coorporation which means that she will be working under them. Can she last when Zhang Li Huan is making everything difficult for her? After a month, she was surprised that Zhang Li Huan suddenly start treating her like before. The former Li Huan she met and loved back in College, even though she had doubts, she gave everything to him and her world almost collapsed when she learned that everything was a plan. and he has a fiancee. " Is it true?" with her voice almost breaking while looking at Li Huan eyes but Ziang Li Huan did not answer her and just looking at her with no expression. Then she realized that everything is a lie. His love is a lie. why does she feel that the world is always against her?why does everyone wants to hurt her. "I hope your happy now that you've played with my feelings so good Li Huan. It must be so enjoying" while she's smiling sadly "Yes." while Zhang Li Huan look at her coldly "Never though that you will fall for it." while his fiancee clinging to his right arm. "I still couldn't believe it the infamous Lin Huiyin for her arrogant nature will be such a fool and easy hahaha" Although she seems to want to die out of pain she endured everything and tried to remain steadfast in front of them she would not show them how much she was hurting now. No she will not give them the satisfaction. "I'm sorry for hurting you before Li Huan and i hope your satisfied now. I hope our path will never cross again and thank you for the lesson" while directly looking at his eyes cold eyes then she turned her back and start walking from the first and last man she've loved. Thank you for the lesson. Thank you for making me realize sooner that there is no such thing as true love. She almost hope though that she will be finally happy now reality knock her out so bad. She smile painfully. Every step that she takes she feel like something is breaking inside her. as much as she wants to give up in this life she cannot do that. her mother does not believe or love her. her stepsister wants her dead. and her stepfather trying to harm her. And the man that she thought that can save her is a lie. she can just give up everything since there's noting to lose but that was before now she's carrying a life inside her wombs. she needs to be strong.

AaraIjdah · perkotaan
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One of the physical benefits you will experience is increased flexibil

With all the new television infomercials on gadgets and videos on improving one's health and wellbeing, there is one stronghold on low impact exercise that not only improves your body but also improves the psychological state which gives your entire being the sense of positive well being. By being involved in Yoga on a regular basis one can expect to feel better and more alive. Yoga does promote positive energies within the body which in turn will create positive energy in the mind increasing your total well-being. One of the physical benefits you will experience is increased flexibility. As most people know Yoga consists of many movements, stretches, and poses which act on various joints in your body. Many of these joints are joints that are rarely used. So the stretching and use of these joints, ligament,s and tendons help to increase your flexibility. These movements also provide flexibility to the supporting joints, ligament,s and tendons. Yoga provides massage to all your organs and glands including the prostate which never gets external stimulation. The gent stretching of your muscles and joints when doing yoga maximizes blood flow in your body enabling your body to flush toxins, provide nourishment to your body and in turn slows aging and increases energy. By stretching and using muscles to hold many of these positions, Yoga helps to tone the body provide correct posture and keep your body tone and firm. Yoga is an excellent exercise that helps with all aspects of your life both mentally and physically. Yoga has been used to improve sleep, decrease pain in joints, increase energy, range of motion and also has many psychological benefits. An exercise like Yoga through the bending and stretching of the spine builds strength, endurance and lowering the stress hormone that cause aging. The reduction of stress will reduce the acid conditions within the body and enabling your body to intake more oxygen. It also balances the nervous system helping to reduce depression and anxiety and increases your concentration and enhances your mood. Yoga when practiced regularly puts your body in a positive healthy state. This, in turn, puts your mind in a positive healthy state which helps to keep your body looking and feeling well. Yoga provides a continuous loop of positive well-being and continual rejuvenation. The stretching also contributes to improving your posture allowing you to stand straighter with your back erect and your hamstrings fully stretched and flexible leaving you in an alert and confident state. Yes it is true that people are living longer today but the real question is what is their quality of life? If you have the option to start now and exercise your body using a low impact stretching and toning exercise, enabling your body and mind to get into a place of optimal health and well being or to have to rely on doctors to poke and prod at you and prescribe medications after medication what would your choice be? Hopefully, as yoga grows in popularity citizens of the world will enjoy the benefits of this low impact exercise and increase the positive energy in their mind and bodies enabling them to live longer and healthier lives.

Gideon_musukuma · Sejarah
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2 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia

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Great, more chapters, moremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremore


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