
A baby in the Apocalypse

Madison did not survive the zombie Apocalypse,infact she died 4years into the apocalypse,all her family died in the very beginning,her best friend pushed her straight into a herd of zombies when they were surrounded,she died having so much regrets and wishing she could make things better. Waking up after her death expecting to be dead,she is stunned to discover she has been transmigrated to a chinese novel she read a few weeks before her death,not only is she pregnant and married to a cold soldier but she has less than 2 years before the zombie apocalypse begins and she and her son didn't survive the apocalypse in the book. Madison stunned rubbed her stomach a bit and said "don't worry baby I'll make sure we and your father will survive"

Maureen_Adetula · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Waking up the next morning Adira wasn't surprised to realize that Alex was going going according to the book he should have been called back to duty to stop a terrorist attack in a nearby state

But what actually surprised her was the note he left

Adira,I have a serious issue to attend to we will discuss our marriage when I'm back


As straight forward as the letter was, she could feel that he cared and the thought brought about a warm feeling in her.

Getting out of the bed she went to the bathroom and was pleased to see the former Adira had almost the same look as her excluding her violet eyes and pink hair,she had the same facial features,had the same body proportion too.

After appreciating her good looks, she had her bath and dressed up for work especially pleased to remember the former Adira was also a Surgeon just like her

Getting to work Adira made herself comfortable and made her rounds according to her planner, when she was less busy she went online and started searching for islands, convenience stores and pharmacy' for sale, she continued her research and found quite a few she was satisfied with so she made appointments with their owners and then she was called to perform few surgeries before returning home,in the evening her scum boyfriend Caleb called her to enquire about her progress with the plan, but since she wasn't here to cause trouble she just didn't answer him, getting home she considered her plans again carefully and decided that working was going to delay her so she sent an email to her work informing them of her wish to quit she knew she still had to wait for a week for it to be finalized but thankfully her day offs just coincided with the period of finalizing the resignation.


The following weeks She had bought Five convenience stores and three Pharmacies she decided to keep them running but she decided to close them all up a month to the apocalypse with the excuse of remodeling the stores,she decided to keep stocking them up, to make sure they always had extras in their backrooms.

She also went to Property agencies and put all the landed property she inherited up for sale she also told them she was looking for an island which was faraway from any city in other words her island in the middle of nowhere, her agent had been dumbfounded when he heard her request but still followed her instructions.

Alex was coming home today,in the weeks he had been absent they had occasionally communicated and she had become closer that now she could say she had feelings for him even if it wasn't love yet

As soon as she heard the sound of his car parking in the parking lot,she jumped to her feet ran to the door and threw herself at him the instant he pushed open the door nearly pushing him to the ground in her happiness

"Easy there, what happened?"Alex asked astonished and scared at her sudden appearance

"Nothing, I just missed you"Alex was shocked at Adira's sudden confession,he was also secretly happy. They went into the house with Adira continuously clinging to Alex's arm, she wasn't faking it because she really missed him,she felt like he was her only hope of surviving in this strange world and situation.

After Alex had his bath and they finished having dinner she decided to tell him about the apocalypse

"Darling"she started gaining his attention and making him giddy with joy "hmm"Alex hummed softly showing her she had his attention

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about, and I hope you believe because I'm telling it's the truth please you have to believe me"Adira said desperate for him to believe her, she couldn't afford for him to take her to an asylum because he thought she was crazy or something and she didn't want him to leave her because let's face it she couldn't survive the apocalypse with a baby on her own. When Alex heard her tone of voice he realized it was something serious so he vowed to believe her no matter what she said "I promise no matter what you say I'll believe you"he said with resolution, seeing the trust in his eyes she couldn't stop herself from telling him everything

"In about a year and some months from now,a meteorite will land on earth,once it lands it will shatter and release a gas into the air, this gas will now lead to the blood rain, anyone this rain touches will have a very high fever,8% will die due to the fever while over 70% of the human population will evolve into flesh eating monsters, 2% will also evolve into supernaturals with different elemental powers the remaining 20%will remain as normal humans there will be bases established but most of the people became selfish leading to the destruction of most of the bases. I know I sound crazy right now but I saw all of this in a vision and according to the vision I should be pregnant already I know you probably don't believe me but there's nothing wrong with preparing right and if you don't want to waste your money on my stupid dream,then you can just wait until we've seen signs of the apoca-"

"What are you saying of cause I believe you and besides you aren't buying provisions but buying properties that is a very good idea incase the apocalypse doesn't eventually come,you can keep doing the business or just sell it and make more money" Adira was stunned that he knew what she was up to while he was away which just showed he kept tabs on her and also that he actually believed her no questions asked

She felt so loved that she couldn't understand why the former Adira was stupid enough to let him go for her scum boyfriend