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"Tutorial?" Xia Chunyu didn't understand.

Ye Jiayao explained :"That is to teach the cooks cook. Lu Xiaotian said he wanted to run a specialized training course for cooking. And I promised to teach, so I have to compile a teaching material. Practice is important, but so is the theory. The two have to be combined."

 "Ah, in fact, running a course is also a way to make money…" Ye Jiayao sighed in the end. If asking whose cooking skill is the best, it must be Lanxiang in Shandong. She was completely able to run a famous chef training course. However, the idea had come up with Lu Xiaotian before her.

Xia Chunyu knocked on her head funny :" Haven't you been busy enough?"

Ye Jiayao refused to suffer a loss, knocking back hard, said bitterly:" Can't I just think about it?"

She didn't have the time for it indeed.

Xia Chunyu made an exaggerated face of pain:" You've hit too hard, I've always been gentle."

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