Fortunately, the mussel remained calm in the face of danger. "Get in here! Everyone! Let's go back the same way we came in!" It improvised.
Long Siye dragged Hua Yan into its shell. However, the black candle dragon hesitated for a moment. In the end, after contemplating, it decided to join the group. Lu Wu was the last one that made its way in.
As for Gu Xijiu and Di Fuyi, they were nowhere to be seen. The same could be said for Fan Qianshi.
Meanwhile, the ground in the place started to break apart as soon as the mussel sealed its shells, thus sending the mussel and the gang down a rabbit hole.
Nothing changed about the desert. Perhaps the main noticeable difference was that the winds had grown stronger due to the increased number of unrelenting spirits that were busy swallowing everything in their path.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: