Swiftly, they rushed forward and bent their knees. "Welcome, creator of the universe! And to you, master of heavenly law!"
"Cough!" Di Hao started to cough.
Alerted, Gu Xijiu woke up to check on him. She looked at him and quickly gave him a quick pat on the back. "Baby, what is wrong? How did you choke yourself in your sleep?"
Di Hao was finally able to catch his breath. Feeling overwhelmed, he rushed into his mother's arms and started muttering to himself, "Mother, I am so glad you are well and alive."
Bewildered, Gu Xijiu did not know whether to cry or to laugh. Lovingly, she rubbed his head. "Did you dream of me dying?"
Di Hao said in all seriousness, "Mother, you will live on for all eternity. Death will never occur to you."
"You and your sweet mouth," Gu Xijiu teased. She began yawning and looking at the sky.
The sky was still dark, and there was no sign of any light on the paper-lining of the window.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: