After that snide remark, many people asked for this dragon to be killed so as to send a warning to the devil tribe.
Yun Yanli was also trying to use Kun Xueyi to distract the crowd and perhaps even bring them back to his side. He was delighted by their reaction to the sea dragon's derogatory remark. Some people had started throwing stones, and even rotten eggs at the creature as Yun Yanli stood there watching everything unfold.
The net that Yun Yanli utilized to capture the creature was a very unique and powerful weapon. It was very flexible and could expand and contract at will. Furthermore, it was made of a highly rigid material, which would make it almost impossible for anyone to escape. Last but not least, this net could also absorb the spiritual power of the people in its grasp, so even if Yun Yanli released his captive, they could only beg for mercy at his feet.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: