
We Simply Will Not


"Six hundred and seventy-seven years and three hundred and sixty-four days ago, you secretly left the Hundred Herb Garden to meet with me and my junior brother. At the time, you stated what you would do if we assisted Emperor Xian in ascending to the throne. Two hundred and fourteen years and sixty-nine days ago, Emperor Xian's eye disease increased in severity and he became incapable of sight, so he decided to have you represent him in correcting and criticizing the memorials to the emperor. When I and my junior brother were asked for any objections, you said that it was only temporary. This temporary period has now lasted for two hundred and fourteen years and sixty-nine days. Twenty years ago, before Emperor Xian returned to the sea of stars, you said to Emperor Xian that you would only hold court for a single year and then return the imperial throne to the Chen clan, yet…"

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