He only paused for a moment. It would be undetectable by anyone else. His expression didn't change in the slightest, and of course, he completed catalyzing the medicinal plant, which he then handed over to Alchemist Li.
He didn't look over as the woman entered the Immortal's cave.
She wore a white garment, and was pre-eminently beautiful. Upon looking at her, any man would stare and be instantly infatuated.
Her skin was so delicate it seemed a breath could damage it. She was tall and slender, with white, clear skin and luxurious hair that hung about her like a cloak. She gave off an otherworldly aura, and as she entered, a delicate fragrance filled the Immortal's Cave. Even Alchemist Li started to breath somewhat heavily, ignoring the pill furnace to watch her enter.
Chu Yuyan!
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