
Patriarch Sun once said that there were no humans, nor Asmodians or other ancient races in the Underworld Realm, only Xuan Beasts that were beyond count.

However, there were plenty of humans here and the leading lady could speak the human language with standard Central Plains' accent…

Lu Li felt puzzled. Patriarch Sun and the other patriarchs were struck dumb with astonishment.

A moment later, upon closer look, Lu Li suddenly shouted, "No, those girls are nothing but phantoms. This lady here is no human. She is sinister-looking."

Since he had consumed the claw of a Beast God, apart from being able to control low-rank Xuan Beasts, Lu Li had become more sensitive to their smell. He had sensed a sinister smell from those girls. Those girls were all looking at Lu Li in awe, except for the leading lady. Those girls were all frightened by his Beast God power. That was how Lu Li sensed something was wrong.


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