
Have a Taste of Your Own Medicine

Editor: Elkassar1

This rope provided a gliding path between Sheyan and the Statue of Liberty. Even if the motorboat was driving away fast, the rope that shined with a silver glow was also extending rapidly with no signs of breaking.

Hakeem's mouth curled into a sneer. He grabbed the rope with one hand and glided towards Sheyan at a high-speed!

This was Hakeem's must-have tool for killing and plundering - the 'Magical High-Speed Lasso'! If this object was used well, becoming Tarzan or Spiderman under certain circumstances would no longer be a dream.

"You damn lowly ant! You think that you can escape from me just because you got a bit stronger? Well you thought wrong! No matter how powerful you get, ants are still ants, you will never escape the fate of the weak!"

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