
Betting on Garbage

Editor: GlobeGlotter

Ye Mo took Xu Wei to a middle-aged man sitting on some rocks. Looking at his gambling addict look, Ye Mo was speechless. No matter how rich you were, if you didn't know how to bet on these rocks, you would lose everything.

Betting rocks was very exciting but also very brutally realistic. When you bet, everyone comes to watch you, but when you lose, no one pities you, and they just leave to watch the next person. When you win, however, people envy you. In fact, perhaps those people who bet rocks enjoy those envious and shocking looks the most.

Ye Mo walked over and patted the man's shoulder, "Friend, are these pebbles yours? Can you sell one to me?"

The man looked at Ye Mo in confusion, "These are waste rocks that I opened up, why do you want them? If you want one, just take it."

"Thank you, but I don't like taking people's things for free. How about this, I'll buy one for 200 dollars." Then, Ye Mo signaled Xu Wei to give her last 200 to this man.

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