
Getting Close to Freedom

Happy new year!!!

Thanks to Kidzero Kor and Vinicius Vieira for becoming member of my Patreon!!!


I finished eating as the holographic interface of my system showed my current balance.

[Points: 499,192]

Another 40,000 people had purchased fallout as my audience went absolutely mental over it. YouTube channels dedicated to my content were now receiving millions upon millions of views and many Twitch streamers were at the top of the platform, raking in 40-50k watchers concurrently. 

Once again I was flush with points and this time, items from the game were at my finger tips. Bobble-heads to enhance my real life body. Forced Evolutionary Virus to enhance myself beyond the norm, if there wasn't any side-effects... And then the technology within the game like the Pip-Boy 3000 or the Synths used by the Institute. 

"System, how do I purchase items from the game?"

{Hint number 391: To purchase and use the items from the game, the user must go to the shop and search the name of your game. New items will have been added since you first created the game. From there, the use of those items is based upon what said 'item' does. If it is a serum, the serum will purely enter you straight away; administered by the system. Any detrimental affects caused by the serums or items will be mitigated by 99%.}

Following the system's prompting I entered my game into the console of the shop app, soon finding myself gazing at a long list of very unique and powerful options. Everything from Stealth Boys to Fat Man Mini-Nuke Launchers were available... Many were way too expensive though with the Fat man being over 10,000,000 points to buy.

Scrolling through the list I eventually found some of the items I wished to buy.

\SECTION- FALLOUT/ (Updated so the Bobbles spell 'SPECIAL')

Bobble-Head STRENGTH- 75,000P

Bobble-Head PERCEPTION- 80,000P

Bobble-Head ENDURANCE- 75,000P

Bobble-Head CHARISMA- 100,000P

Bobble-Head INTELLIGENCE- 100,000P

Bobble-Head AGILITY- 75,000P

Bobble-Head LUCK- 100,000P

Pip-Boy 3000- 5,000P

Forced Evolutionary Virus- 100,000P (Caution- Can prove useless)


Without care I purchased the Pip Boy, summoning it and placing it down on the desk whilst looking through the rest of the list, weighing up what I wanted to spec into. Luck was one of the obvious choices but I was also looking at Intelligence and Charisma. They were too good to pass up and really, who wouldn't want to become more intelligent or popular?

With only 499,000 Points though the decision was hard, should I get one of both and a single luck and keep 100,000 Points for the game? Or do I just get one stat 3 times? The decision was difficult, but I wanted to get a full range of gains and also digest how each change affected me.

I tapped once on Charisma, once on Intelligence and once on Luck. Immediately the bobbles were placed before me, burning immediately as some sort of yellow energy seeped from one, blue from another and purple for the last. Then as I watched this occur the energy flowed into me.


My mind widened out as I felt much more confident. All of the apartment could be felt within the bounds of my mental space. At the same time I gazed at the nearby window and saw a faint reflection of myself. I was a little prettier, my hair was shinier and more luscious, my facial structure was more tamed and controlled and lifting up my shirt there was evidence of a sleek feminine physique slipping in; as if I'd spent a month exercising.

'That's crazy! I need more in future!'

[Points: 194,192]

Looking at the shop my gut was telling me to buy the Forced Evolution Virus... Something just gnawing at me that it may be important to increasing my Telekinetic powers. I knew though that the FEV from Fallout was potentially dangerous and could change me massively. Considering that I already had a Telekinetic Mutation though, it may help focus the power of the virus.

'FUCK IT! We ball...'

I tapped the FEV and spent another 100,000 points. Immediately the affects were felt as my blood boiled and my skin crawled. My mind reeled as everything tunnel visioned. Darkness slithered into the edges of my vision as if it was a creature trying to consume me. My muscles strained and I dropped to my knees on the floor, the veins on my body flexing as I fell backwards.

[Points: 94,192]



Dinner at Wayne Manner...

Awkward clinking of silver wear was all that could be heard at the dinner table as a succulent risotto was placed next to a sumptuous sirloin steak with a red wine reduction sauce and a demi-glaze of ginger, garlic and cheese. 

Damian was sitting across from his father, Bruce Wayne, as he made slow deliberate movements with his fork and knife. Based off of Damian's understanding of his father, this was the sign of him analysing someone. Thus it could easily be deduced that his own father was attempting to ascertain something about him.

'He is so broody...'

"So Damian... I hear you have been playing a game called Fallout."

His tone was slightly awkward but very controlled, measured, as if he was attempting to be as coordinated as possible. 

"Yes. It is fun."

Damian picked at his food again and ate the sirloin as his father followed and ate again as well. A long pause ensued until the next segment of chat was apparently unlocked...

"Could you introduce the game to me?"

"Huh? You want to play Fallout...?"

"I have heard about it and thought it sounded interesting."

Damian was utterly stunned. His father never usually did anything other than crime fighting. He tinkered with technology and his equipment but he was purely focused on his mission.

"Um, sure? I mean, you could just watch Twitch..."

"Whilst that is true... It wouldn't be the same as playing it."

Once again silence reigned until Alfred stepped in with deserts and went to the side of the room.

"Thank you Alfred."

"Thanks are not needed, Master Wayne."

"So you want to play Fallout... What are your plans?"

Bruce narrowed his eyes whilst putting another slice of steak into his mouth. Damian waited for a little as his father ate away at the food in his mouth. Getting a response soon after.

"To spend time with my son?"

Damian frowned, perplexed at the statement. His father usually never wanted to spend time with him for more than an hour at a time. And, when he did spend time with him, it was all about training and moral guidance on not killing people. A stupid idea that Damian couldn't fully agree with, especially after the Lazarus pit. 


"Because I have noticed that my behaviour has been, less than fatherly."

Blinking Damian had no response to give him. A question? What would that look like? A statement of frustration, childish and stupid. General derision, a bad idea since he seemed to be genuine at the current moment. He was just completely perplexed and confused.

"I understand that my mission has taken time away from our relationship... But I wish to teach you right, to be there when you need me and to support you in what you want to do."

"Is that why you want to play Fallout?"

"Yes. You have been playing it for more than a week now. For a game to keep your attention that long it must be interesting and something you enjoy. Thus I want to join you and get to know what you like."

Damian put down his cutlery and simply stared at his father, The Batman. His rigged jawline and masculine features were covered with sincerity, his swept back black hair pressed into a business-like hairstyle. 

"Fine... When would you like to play?"

"Maybe tomorrow? I've got nothing to do tomorrow or the following day."

"I'll have a computer setup with Fallout ready for you, father."

He frowned slightly at the very rigid language used by his son but he nodded, attempting to smile a little. Seeing his father's attempt to be an actual father Damian couldn't help but feel a small ounce of happiness at this change.

"Sure, son, I'll be there."

Damian cleaned himself up with the clean napkin prepared for him and stood up, walking away with his hands in his pockets as many thoughts echoed through his brilliant mind. Wonderings of true intention, hopes that his father hadn't been lying and ultimately the logistics of getting everything set-up and playing together.

(Bruce Wayne's Perspective)

'That went better than I thought it would.'

My eyes traced Damian, my son, as he slinked away with a slough of emotions running over his features. He may have been trained by the league of assassins but he was nowhere near my level of experience.

With the session tomorrow I could kill two birds with one stone. Find out what this game is all about and spend time with my estranged son.

'I wonder if this game will let me understand anything about him...'

Damian disappeared from sight as Alfred stepped over and cleaned up the plate and cutlery. I sat here thinking on all of the aspects I wished to understand about his changes since the Lazarus pit. Training could only bring out so much information, it was necessary to see him in action or in a comfortable setting.

This would be his first test from me in becoming the leader of a new team I was wanting to create in the future. 'Before that though, I need to form the Justice League.' I had these stray thoughts as I began wondering where Clark was at this point. 

'He was in Metropolis last I saw him, since then he has been inactive. Perhaps it is time to contact my person there? She will be happy to hear from me... I am sure...'


I awoke to the sound of my system pinging. Once more I had gained some points... But that wasn't the most important thing currently. Looking around nothing had changed too much. The windows were still windows and the apartment seemed untouched. Sitting up somewhat, pushing with my arms, I looked into the nearby window.

Unlike previously where I looked completely average, my hair now had streaks of bright white running through and those streaks themselves having highlights of black. My eyes were the same, but slightly more luminescent, glowing in the relatively dark main area.

Flexing my toes and arms there was much greater power present then before. Not to the level of inhuman capability, but certainly powerful. Amidst all of those however was the smaller less noticeable feeling in my mind that I had unlocked something. I couldn't grasp what that something was, but it was there and brimming with so much energy that it could most likely power an entire house for a single day, every second.

"I look cooler now, for sure. Did my breasts or privates change...?" I opened my undergarments and had a look. There was no change, they were the same, except for maybe a tightening up of the muscles around those areas. 

My abs however were rather refined, looking feminine but also ripped. This was awesome!

'Fuck yeah! Now I just need to make enough points to get more bobble-heads.'

[Points: 121,521]


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