

"Sam, are you alright?" The dark haired girl questioned as she approached him from behind.

"Elena," Samael addresses her as.

"Sam," She called out to him, gently once more as if tasting his name once more on her tongue as she continued to approach him.

"I'm... Well, not exactly fine, but I can make do." He told her as he gently took her hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Elena," Samael began, "Will you marry me?"

Her mouth slightly opens up in shock at his question, "W- What?"

Samael brought her hand to his mouth and gently kissed it, "Will you marry me?"

"I- I heard you the first time, but..." She states, hesitant.

"But what?" Samael questions as his face scrunches up in confusion and worry.

"A- Aren't we moving a little too fast?"

"Fast? Come on Elena, we've been together since we were children. We literally made plans about this since we were thirteen." Samael stated, he couldn't quite understand it, but something felt... wrong.

"Elena, do you truly want to be with me? I'm not here for something short term, or for some little fun. I want to truly be with you, and I need to understand if the feeling is mutual." Samael stated.

'Especially now, when I am planning to fight a Eldritch Abomination for you. If I am truly going to do that, make all those sacrifices for a girl, then they better be my wife.'

"It is! Sorry, I'm still very much reeling from- from all that!" She explained.

Samael found that reasonable, but still for some reason couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. His instincts were telling him this and they've never betrayed him before.

He was brought out of his thoughts as he felt her kiss him, as their kiss deepened, he once more felt something was wrong.

Kissing with Elena always felt, gentle and innocent, but also with a hint of attempt at being less so.

This one seemed the same, but felt more, inorganic.

As the kiss broke she gently pulled him towards upstairs with a lustful look, guiding him to his own room.

As she then kissed him once more and both started to undress one another Samael just couldn't shake the feeling of wrongness he felt from her.

"Why did you stop?" She asked confused as he broke the kiss, seated on top of her, both almost completely unclothed. Her only her bra and panties still on and Samael, only his shorts.

Without warning Sam choke slammed her onto the bed, "Who are you?" He questioned with a hiss, his voice soft, but full of ice cold rage.

"What's your problem! It's me Elena!"

"No, no it isn't. And this confirms it. Elena wouldn't react with anger at me choking her, she'd be scared. Any normal girl threatened by somebody my size would. Since the moment you reacted to my question so hesitant I knew something was wrong.

I know the woman I love, well enough to recognize a poser. Now, tell me, where is she? Where is Elena? How long have you been pretending to be her?" Samael questioned her with even more fury as, he tightened his hold around her neck eliciting a moan of pain out of her.

"Okay, you're right, but be careful now, the soul may not be hers, but its in the same package. I took over just as you went down after your little tantrum."

"What?" Samael muttered in shock, as he loosened his hold on her.

"Who are you?! Why are you doing this?!" He roared, demanding an answer, his fury finally burning white hot.

"I'm the woman you'll save, the woman who has been waiting for you, for centuries, the woman who truly deserves you, my young god, burdened with glorious purpose. The oracles themselves have foretold it." She answered as in a very loving and adoring tone as she raised her hand and gently put it on his cheek.

"What?" Samael questioned confused. He didn't understand this person, who she was, why she was doing this.

But that was at the moment the least of his worries, he needed to get her out of Elena as soon as possible.

Suddenly he got an idea, the person before him was not a vampire in body, but in soul they were. But either way, soul or body, they were weak to one thing he had plenty of.

Not wasting anymore time, he immediately kisses her and as he does to her shock, she feels like she is burning, for Samael is pouring Hamon, the very power of the sun into her.

The magic used to posses Elena by nature is vampiric and so has the same weakness. And just as any part of you being burned away, it will hurt, soul or body.

She, aware of this tried to push him off to no avail as he with The World slammed her hands on the bed until she finally stopped resisting, and Samael felt the sense of wrongness wash away.

"Elena, Elena, tell me, are you okay? Did she hurt you?" Samael questioned her frantically as he broke the kiss.

"She's out- she's out," was all she could mutter in relief as Sam got off of her.

The door was then suddenly kicked down as Grayson Gilbert alongside everyone else stepped inside.

Seeing the state of his daughter Grayson flew into a rage as he attacked towards Samael roaring, "Get away from my daughter!"

The World immediately defended its holder as it gently pushed Grayson Gilbert away against the wall, holding him there.

"I didn't hurt her!" Samael told them as they looked at him horrified.

"He didn't! He really didn't! He saved me!" Elena frantically stated in support towards his words.

"What?" Her father questioned confused, no longer full of aggression, prompting The World to let him go.

"We'll explain later, now get out, we need to get dressed." Samael ordered.

As they still stood there stupefied he grew angry, "I said get out! We do not appreciate being looked at with so little clothes on!" Samael roared, breaking them out of their stupor, causing them to all get out, Richard pulling Grayson up, helping him along.

Though as they went out Sam didn't start to put his clothes on but simply brought Elena's head to his chest, hugging her.

"Why aren't we dressing ourselves?" Elena questioned curiously, put her hand also on his chest as he layed down on the bed.

"I don't hear you complaining. Besides, my greatest priority right now is finding out if you're okay," Samael stated as he gently ran his fingers down her hear.

They remained like that for what felt like hours, but was mere minutes. Minutes of comfort that got Elena to finally start to speak.

"She... I- I felt like I was drowning and no matter how much I swam up, I just couldn't get out. I could see everything she did, hear everything she did.

I could even sometimes hear snippets of her thoughts, which- which she very much didn't appreciate.

She told me, it- it had to do with my- my connection to her. I couldn't make any sense of it. She punished me for it, with- with pain. She choked the life out of me a lot.

The only time of clarity I had was- was when you were ripping her out of me...

She was thinking about sa- sacrifice, some stone, someone named- named Klaus, and I- I could feel her fear and hatred towards that name.

Though her strongest thoughts and feelings was towards you. Something about how you would be her saviour. She literally was worshipping you in- in her heart, like, she saw you as some promised messiah or something against this Klaus person.

I don't know, it was just very- very confusing." Elena explained through her tears and hiccups.

Samael himself was also very confused but wary. It seemed that his existence adapted enough to his world that he was part of it's fate, and this person seemed to know he was against Klaus.

Now, all he could hope for was that the monster wouldn't find out or atleast find him too small of a bug to bother crushing, because he was very much unprepared.

"Were you able to get a name? Anything she thought of herself as?" Samael gently asked her. He himself had his suspicions, but needed more concrete evidence before he acted on them.

Elena was silent for a moment, "Kat- Kathrine. I think I heard someone in a memory of her call her that." She answered as she fell asleep in exhaustion.

And suddenly it all made sense.

It was the woman who betrayed Klaus and feared death more than she did his wrath.

Katerina Petrova.

The Doppelganger.


(Author note: Hello everyone, how did you find the chapter?

Did you like it?

Do you want me to still continue? I'll probably ask this till chapter 10. Seems by then I'll truly know if enough people want me to continue.

What do you think Katherine wants with our dear Samael? What did she mean?

Please do comment and review, interaction with you guys is one of my greatest motivations to continue.

Well, hopefully I'll see you all later,


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