
Chapter 14: Nature Calls

Today, the Plantars were seen packing up for a trip out of the farm. Darrel and the Salamanders helped them pack up Bessie. "This should be the last one, Sprig," said Tint carrying a backpack. "Thanks guys," he replied.

Darrel helped with the heavy loads and packed them on Bessie's shell. "Are you sure you guys are okay with Anne staying here?" he asked. "Don't worry, Darrel," replied Polly. "She'll have you guys to hang out with."

That's when Anne came out of the house holding something in her hand. "Guys!" she cried. "I brought a Bath Bomb from home and didn't even know it!" She holds in her hand a ball with a mixture of pink, purple, and light blue colors. On the tag, it says 'Peony Princess'.

"Oh yeah," she said in excitement. "I can't wait to try this baby out." That's when she was grabbed by their attention packing up. "Are you guys going somewhere?" she asked. "The Plantars are planning on going to a place called Camp Phlegmington," replied Darrel. "We're going to rough it outdoors and get filthy," said Sprig.

"Without me?" Anne asked. "Don't feel so bad Anne," said Darrel. "They didn't invite us to come along." "He's right," said Hop pop. "And besides, when we Plantars camp, we camp hard. No sense in you coming with us and feeling miserable."

Sprig hops on Bessie and says, "We know you hate bugs, dirt, rocks, and nature." "You're soft Anne," said Polly. "Like a baby." "Clearly you should be glad you and Darrel are not one of us," said Hop pop.

That statement made Darrel and Anne feel very upset. Sure, they're not entirely related, but their time with the Plantars made them feel like family to them. "I don't know about that," said Cronaxx. "Because in all my years of wizardry, I have never seen a more powerful source of magic than family itself. Even in the oddest of places."

"He's right," said Tint. "We feel like a family here. Right Darrel?" Darrel nodded his head, "Yeah, Tint is right. Just because we're not Plantars doesn't mean you're not family to us." "And besides," said Anne. " Who's to say I can't have a good time with you guys? Take us with you. Please?"

Hop pop was concerned, "Are you sure Anne? I wasn't kidding when I said rough." "And I wasn't kidding when I said you were soft," said Polly. "Super sure," replied Anne. Sprig believed her and said, "Come on guys. If Anne says she can handle it, she can handle it."

Hop pop soon gave in and said, "Well, alright then." "You feel comfortable coming along Darrel?" Sprig asked. Darrel smiled at the invite, "Sure, I'll come along." He turns to Clipper and says, "You okay for a few days, boy?" Clipper clips his jaw with acceptance. "He'll be okay."

Anne cheered, "Whoop whoop!" The two humans climb on Bessie's shell and sit next to each other. Sprig pops up beside them and shows them a honeycomb stick covered in sticky gunk. "Since you guys are coming, we need to cover you guys up with this gunk. Only way to keep the ticks away."

"Ticks?" Darrel cried. "Give me that." He takes the stick and smothers gunk himself on his face, arms, and legs. The Plantars and the Salamanders look at him with surprise. "What? I don't like ticks," said Darrel. "You try them when your dog brings them in the house once in a while."

He gives the stick back to Sprig who then brushes gunk on Anne's face. As Sprig pushes the stick again, she falls back and her face gets stuck on Darrel's face. Both teens blush in embarrassment. "Totally not regretting this," said Anne. 'Already excited,' thought Darrel.

The group make their way to Camp Phlegmington, where frogs are roughing it like humans do in campgrounds. Sprig gets off of Bessie's shell after they've stopped. "I can't wait to tell scary stories," he said. "The more teen frogs running from deranged psychopaths, the better."

"I'm just happy to get off the farm," said Polly. "So much fresh air, and it's all mine." "I personally love the peace and quiet," said Hop pop. "A frog can really hear themselves think out here." He closes his eyes and hears his deep thoughts.

Darrel looks to the wilderness, looking to the tree lines, watching the rivers flow. Then he looks to Anne, who is seen feeling uncomfortable with her surroundings. "Are you sure you want to stay, Anne?" he asked. "There's no shame in going back." "Darrel's right, Anne," said Hop pop. "You two can take Bessie whenever you need to."

However, Anne wasn't having any of it. "How about we stop questioning my decisions, and get to camping together already? Who's with me?!" Sprig cheered, along with the other amphibians.

Darrel smiles at her determination. But this time, his smile was more heart filling. He takes out his photos of him and his friends. He looks to his photo with Sasha, and gives off a glum expression. 'Courage knows when it's time to change the relationship,' he thought. 'Cronaxx is right, maybe it's time to move on.' He covers the photos with his free hand, only showing Anne and Darrel among the two photos. 'And if Anne agrees with my decision, then she really is a true friend.'

Throughout the whole day, the Plantars and the Salamanders spend their day relaxing at the camp. Anne, however, was trying to stay alive. She almost got eaten by large fish and insects. Luckily, Darrel fended them off with his magical skills. He spent most of his time with Anne then with the Salamanders.

That night, when everyone was asleep, Anne rolled off into a field of thorn bushes. Darrel tended to her wounds the next morning. Darrel places the honey gunk on Anne's back. "Ow!" she cried. "Sorry, Anne," said Darrel. "It's okay, just be careful," said Anne. I'm pretty sure those ticks cause internal damage."

Upset that the camping experience is damaging his friend, Darrel tries to make a stand. "Okay Anne, that's it," he said. "I'm getting Bessie, and we're going home." "What?!" she cried. "I'm tired of seeing you hurt yourself like this. And to be frank, I'm getting tired of putting my life on the line as well."

"Calling it quits, Darrel?" Hop pop asked. "It would appear so, Hop pop," replied Darrel. "Now don't you worry about a thing. Cause will be just fine without you." Darrel whistles for Bessie and takes her reins. But all that changed when he heard, "NO!"

The group looks to Anne in confusion. 'What are you thinking?' Darrel thought. "Look, I know it seems like I'm miserable, okay?" said Anne. "But I'm not. It's just that.." She looks around to see her surroundings and comes up with an idea.

"I'm not used to such easy camping." The group looks confused, but Darrel just facepalms himself. "I mean look around. Singing, butterflies, laughter? I guess I'm used to something more extreme."

That's when a big frog comes out and startles the group. "So this place ain't extreme enough for ya?" "Uhh, dang right it ain't." Anne replied. The frog laughs menacingly and says, "I can take you fold to a real campsite. One where there ain't none of this kiddie stuff, like shelter or plausible water."

"Would a more extreme experience make you happy Anne?" Hop pop asked. "Uhh, yeah?" Anne replied. "If Anne wants hardcore, we go hardcore," said Sprig. "Lead the way Mr. uhhh," "Names Joe," said the frog, "Soggy Joe."

The group begins to follow Joe, but Darrel stops Anne to have a brief chat. "Anne, are you out of your mind?!" he cried. "You haven't ventured anywhere further than your own backyard." "What are you talking about?" she asked. "Anne, you know as well as I do that if we go into those parts of the forest, we'll die," said Darrel.

"So what?" she asked. "Isn't that better than staying at their farm?" Darrel shook his head, "Something's bothering you Anne, and I'm going to find out what it is." "Why don't you stay out of my business?" Anne asked aggressively. "Because I want to help you," replied Darrel. "Then you can help me, by dropping it." Anne replied as she walked back to the group. Darrel shook his head in defeat. 'I know you're better than this,' he thought.

The group venture deep into the darker parts of the forests, with Joe as their guide. Darrel and the Salamanders couldn't get rid of this feeling that they were being watched. The Plantars started to feel uncomfortable seeing the potential dangers surrounding the area. "We're here," said Joe.

The group bunk for the night, and Joe told them that if they were to survive he would take them out for pancakes. The group sat by the fire very quietly. Darrel looks to Anne, who is looking very anxious. Tint looks to Darrel with a concerned look. 'He must really care for her,' he thought.

"Gather round," said Joe. "And hear the tale of the Mud men." He crawls into the muddy marsh and begins his tale, "Born in the bowels of the bog itself, the mud creatures stalk the inky night lusting to devour any frogs that wander into their domain." He buries himself into the mud, but then jumps out, "JUST LIKE US!"

Joe laughs maniacally as he sits back on his log. "The Mud men fear only two things: Daylight, and being clean." Then he takes off into the bushes, stating 'nature calls'. Darrel sits next to Sprig and Anne and asks, "You guys okay?" His question startled Anne. But, she denies any problems.

Just then, Joe comes out groaning. Until he falls flat on his face revealing a hatchet in his back. That scared the group out of their seats, and the fire fanned out. Darrel suddenly felt something grab him. "What is that?!" he cried. "It's just me, Darrel," replied Anne. "It's too dark to see."

"Hold on kids," said Hop pop. He takes some matches and lights the fire again showing off a light green flame. "Good thing I have my copper matches." The group suddenly gaze in fear as a giant mud creature towers over the bonfire.

"IT'S THE MUD MEN!" cried Sprig. Suddenly, more mud men crawl out of the bog and surround the group. "Never doubt a strange frog from a different world," said Darrel. "Everyone! Grab a torch!" Anne called out.

The Plantars each grab a torch, while Darrel and the Salamanders cast flame spells within their hands. As they prepare to defend themselves, the mud men throw mud on the flames, extinguishing them.

The mud creatures surrounded the group as they huddled together. "Really wish we could have sunlight right about now," said Sprig. "Or better yet, cleaning products," said Hop pop. That's when Darrel and Anne realized something. "We have something better," said Darrel. Anne takes out her bath bomb and says, "Everyone, take cover!"

The amphibians get down as Anne throws the bath bomb in the bog. "Fire in the hole!" Darrel cried. Just then, the bath bomb explodes in fragrant lights, wiping off the mud from the creatures. All that was left were long legged frogs in loincloths. "The jig is up boys!" cried one of them. And they all head for the hills.

The group stared in awe until they cheered in victory. "That was amazing!" Tint cried. "The way you said Bombs away, was pretty cool, Darrel," said Sprig. "Guess we were wrong to doubt you both," said Hop pop. "You guys are used to extreme camping."

Darrel raised his hand and spoke up, "I never said I was used to extreme camping," said Darrel. "In fact, this was the first time I roughed it out by choice." Then it was Anne's turn to speak up. "I have a confession to make guys," she said.

"This extreme camping stuff was nonsense. I was miserable back there. I was just trying to cover it up." The group, aside from Darrel and Cronaxx looked in disbelief. "So you dragged us to this horror show for no reason?" Polly asked. "Twisted, I love it."

"I don't understand," said Sprig. "Why did you lie about it? Why be miserable?" "I guess I've been feeling left out lately," Anne replied. "I'm not a frog, I'm not a salamander, I'm not a Planter, I wasn't even invited on this trip. I really like you guys and I wanted to be with you. Miserable or not." The Plantars gather around Anne for a group hug.

"But the worst part is, I didn't listen to Darrel," said Anne. Darrel looks to his friend with a genuine smile. "He tried to tell me that it was a terrible idea, but I shrugged it off. I'm really sorry Darrel. I should've known better than to doubt a wizard in training. Can you forgive me?"

Darrel joined in on the hug beside Anne and said, "Not just a wizard in training. But, a true friend as well. I forgive you, Anne." Then Sprig started to cry, "I don't know if it's the sweet smelling toxins, or the overwhelming emotions. But dang it, I'm a mess."

"Next time, we'll include you Anne," said Hop pop. "Even if we know you'll hate it. Heck, we'll even ask Darrel to come along." The two humans smiled, "Thanks you guys," said Anne.

Suddenly, Darrel spotted Joe's body and screamed, remembering what happened to him. The body started groaning and he got up on his feet. It turns out the axe did no damage to him, and he explained that it was his axe proof vest that saved him. The group explained what happened to Joe, and then they left the forest to get pancakes early.

Later the next day, after another day of magic training,Darrel was giving Clipper a wing cleaning. Anne and Sprig came out from the house. "Hey Darrel, you got a minute?" Sprig asked. "Sure," said Darrel. "I was just about finished with Clipper's wings." He climbs down from Clipper and he flaps his wings to get the excess water off from them.

Darrel enters the house with Anne and Sprig. "Alright, what's going on?" he asked. "We have a surprise for you," said Anne. The three venture down into the basement and find a set of bunk beds. Darrel's backpack was right next to Anne's, along with his makeshift guitar.

"Ta da!" the two exclaimed. Darrel was shocked and impressed. "Did you guys do all this for me?" "It's not just you," said Tint. He brought Darrel upstairs and found two other makeshift beds in the house. One in Sprig's room, and one in the study.

"Tint and I have become roommates," said Sprig. "And me and Hop pop agreed for me to stay in the study," said Cronaxx. "So long as you keep the place tidy," said Hop pop. "Who else likes to sleep being surrounded by books?" Cronaxx asked.

"We figured you guys deserve a place in our family," said Hop pop. "I thought we were already family when you took us in," said Tint. "Well, you guys are now," said Sprig. Darrel and the salamanders smile and thank the Plantars.

Later that night, Darrel was getting used to his new surroundings in the basement. He spots Anne holding something covered in cloth. Darrel saw the form of the item inside, and realized what it is.

"Is it time?" he asked Anne. Anne nodded, "It's time." The two exit the basement and gather everyone in the kitchen. "Okay guys," Anne began. "Now that we've been through a lot, there's something I like to share with you."

She takes out the cloth from her bag and puts it on the table. "This is how we got here," said Anne as she took off the cloth. Revealing the mysterious music box. The Plantars and the Salamanders were fascinated by the exterior design and image.

"It's some kind of crazy music box or something," said Anne. "Have any of you guys seen anything like it before?" Darrel asked. "Can Cronaxx and I take a look ?" asked Hop pop. "Sure," replied Anne. "I mean, it's busted." Both elderly amphibians took curious glances at the box. "Nope, never seen anything like it," said Hop pop. "I may have," said Cronaxx. "Then again, my memory isn't as strong as it used to be. But I can tell you both some good news."

Both humans listened carefully to Cronaxx. "It's not broken," he simply said. "Just empty." Darrel gave an odd look, but Anne gave a hopeless look, "I know it's empty," she said. "Well, it was worth a shot."

Darrel looked at Anne and touched her hand. "We can't give up, Anne," he said. "There's got to be some records about this box." "Until then," said Tint. "We promise that we're all going to find a way to get you home." "Count me in on that promise," said Sprig. "Me too," said Polly.

"Thanks guys," said Darrel. "It means a lot to us," said Anne. "You're still touching hands," said Polly. The two instantly looked at each other and swiped their hands away blushing in embarrassment.

Hop pop suddenly yawns, "Well that's enough excitement for me today. I think I'm going to turn in." "I think I am too," said Cronaxx. The kids wish them goodnight, as they turn in as well.

Cronaxx follows Hop pop into the study where he was looking through one of his books. Cronaxx walks up behind him and says, "I know when you're lying," Hop pop turns in surprise, "How could you know?" "Hello? I'm a wizard," Cronaxx replied. The two continue looking at the book Hop pop opened up. They find the page that says, 'Calamity Box. Danger! Destroyed! Beware!' It shows the box with the four gems and a frog skull.

Hop pop glared at the page, while Cronaxx looked with surprise. "It's just as I feared," said Hop pop. "Me too," said Cronaxx. "I thought for sure I would never see that box again." "Listen Cronaxx," said Hop pop. "We can't tell the kids about this. If they found out more about this box, they'll be in danger wherever they go."

Cronaxx was unsure about this. "I don't know, Hop pop. I partially blame myself for what happened long ago. I suffer for my actions every day." Hop pop was stern, "Cronaxx, if my grandkids were to know more about this box, they'll be in danger. And so will your great nephew. We can't let anything happen to them, can we?"

Cronaxx was at a crossroads. On one hand, he can't let his past catch up to him and leave his nephew in the dark. On the other hand, he can't put him in danger because of the mistakes he made. In the end, Cronaxx agreed. "Fine, we'll keep this quiet. But if the kids somehow find out we're hiding something, I'm not going to keep them in the dark any longer."

Hop pop kept his eyes on the old, but wise Salamander. "It's my decision. They can't know anymore about that box." Cronaxx gave a scowl look and said, "Those who remain in the dark, fail to see the light." The two amphibians part ways and retire for the night.

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