
The Butcher and the Cattle

At the ski-resort, is about 5:50 in the morning just as the survivors are trying to sleep in the waiting sofas in the airport. Bart wakes up, before he gets up from sleeping and walks down the store section. He tries to locate the bathroom, and manages to find it, but the bathroom has caved in.

Bart: Ugh....can't even find a decent fucking bathroom to take a fucking piss in, man.

Meanwhile, Killen is on the ski-resort viewing deck, smoking a cigarette. Suddenly, he hears a noise and turns around with his pistol aimed at Dante.

Killen: (With his cigarette in his mouth) oh, it's you.

Dante closes the door behind him, before he walks up to Killen.

Dante: Sorry...thought I'd come up here and watch the sunset....

Killen: Yeah....

Dante: Whenever my wife and I would take vacations to snowy locations like this, she'd wake me up and early and we'd sit out on the porch and watch the sunset....she was passionate....kind and loving....you would've liked her....

Killen tosses the cigarette away.

Killen: Your wife reminds me of my girlfriend....

Dante: You had a girlfriend.....

Killen: Had a girlfriend.....


Killen is with his girlfriend, a young Caucasian-American woman with blonde hair, such as being intimate, laughing and having sex together.


Killen: Her name was Kara...

Dante: Huh....my son had a neighborhood friend named Kara....you...uh...want to tell me what happened to her?

Killen sighs.


Killen: Kara and I were living in Blood Hog territory ran by this fucking asshole named Jasper....Kara and I....we were behind on protection fees and caps we owed for food....one day...

Killen and Kara are eating antelope together before Jasper and his bandits break into Killen's home, beat and restrain him and Kara.


Killen: They came by....not only for owed caps...but because they were bored....and needed something to do....someone to fuck with....they chose me and Kara....


Killen is bound and gagged as Jasper grabs his hair.

Jasper: This is what happens when you don't pay your caps in time...

Killen is beaten by two of Jasper's men.


Killen: They tortured me.....and then...


Jasper and his other henchmen viciously begin to beat and rape Kara as the other two men force Killen to watch.

Killen: They beat her....cut her....raped her...made me watch...and then....


After the rape, Jasper pulls out his blade with Killen pleading under the gagged rag.

Jasper: This isn't punishment, boy. This is a lesson....

Jasper walks up to Kara and grabs her by the hair, putting the knife to her throat. Kara looks Killen in the eyes one last time.

Kara: I love you. It's going to be okay.

Jasper slits Kara's throat.

Killen: No!


Killen looks down with guilt and shame of the memory.

Dante: Fuck....I'm sorry, Killen.....What happened to Jasper and his men?

Killen: I tracked him down....and killed him....that's all I'm going to say about that....for now, at least....

Dante: I understand....but...fuck, that's brutal....

Killen: This whole fucking world is brutal....

Bart walks outside to use the restroom when suddenly, he hears noises of twigs breaking. Bart urinates and after finishing, he hears a noise again. Bart turns around and sees nothing at first. Bart turns to the front of the entrance, only to be startled by Kyle, Billy, Colin, Walter and Nora, who are also startled.

Bart: Jesus!

Kyle: What are you doing, man?

Bart: Had to take a piss.....I'm hearing noises, man...what are you guys doing up so early?

Nora: We were just about to go hunting. Doing a run before everyone gets up. Billy already started. He's out here somewhere.

Colin: Want to join us?

Walter: Yeah, we could use an extra hand.

Bart: All right.

The runner group walks through the forest during a fog. Bart talks to Walter.

Bart: You know, Jacob.....you got a good friend, Walter.....

Walter: Never expected sympathy from you, Bart.

Bart: Yeah, well, the way I see it. These day's might be my last. Don't want to be judged by the lord of being a racist who only saw black and white.

Walter: Glad you see it that way, Bart.....Also...sorry about Cratersville.

Bart: Hey, everyone's fucked me up every once and a while.

The fog begins to kick in.

Walter: This fog is going to mess up our sight, man.

Bart: Well, least, we have strength and numbers. (laughs) Isn't that right, Colin? Colin?

Bart turns around to notice Colin and Nora missing.

Walter: Colin! Nora!

Bart: Guys! Damn.

Walter: Shit! Stick close.

Bart: Dude, I do not want to get lost.

Walter: Keep calm....just look around...they couldn't have gotten far.

Suddenly, growling is heard as Walter and Bart look around. Meanwhile, Colin and Nora search the area while Kyle and Billy search elsewhere. Walter and Bart continue looking around. Bart begins to separate from Walter. He suddenly hears a growling noise and looks behind him to find nothing. Bart relaxes himself.

Bart: Jesus.

Suddenly, an animal lunges at a startled Bart. Suddenly, a gunshot from Bart's position alarms Colin and Nora as well as back at the lodge, waking up Sarah and Ashley and alerting Kyle, Billy, Nathan, James, Dante, Jacob and Killen.

Killen: What was that?!

In the forest, Walter runs to the gunshot only to witness Bart being ripped apart by rabid dogs.

Bart: Get the fuck off me!

Bart's throat is ripped open while Walter continues to look on as the dogs devour Bart's mauled corpse.

Walter: Jesus Christ.

One of the dogs turn their attention to Walter, who hesitates to shoot the dog. The dog charges and lunges at Walter, who trips on a rock, but the dog is shot by an arrow. Colin helps Walter up as the dog's chase them through the forest. Colin talks into his radio.

Colin: Guys! We're getting tailed!

One of the dog's leaps at Colin, who shoots an arrow at the dog, but misses.

Colin: Oh, shit!

Suddenly, the dog is shot by Nora.

Nora: Colin! Come on!

The three retreat back to the ski-resort, shooting back at the dogs and killing a few of them. Dante, Killen, Nathan, Jacob, Sarah and Ashley look outside to notice gunfire outside.

Sarah: What is that?!

Suddenly, gunfire hits the side of the ski-resort as the Cratersville Survivors take cover.

Jacob: Shit!

Nathan: Get down! Get down!

Dante, Killen, Nathan, Jacob and Billy return fire onto the group of survivors attacking them, killing a few of them. One of the survivors throws a grenade into the building, but Jacob grabs the grenade and tosses it back.

Butcher Survivor: Fuck!

The grenade explodes, killing a few of the survivors. Kyle and Billy are separate and witness the gunfight while taking cover. Suddenly, the Lieutenant of the Butchers, Stuart, walks up with a microphone.

Stuart: Hold your fire!

The butchers cease their fire as Stuart speaks into the microphone.

Stuart: To the bastards in the ski-resort, you've done a nice job at living, but clearly, you're outgunned and outnumbered! We've been watching you, so I'm going to give a onetime offer.....lay down your weapons and step nice and slowly.

The butchers bring up Nora, Walter and Colin, who are restrained.

Stuart: Or we kill your friends.

Nathan: Shit.....

Dante: What are we going to do?

Stuart: You have five seconds two comply or we execute one of your friends.

One of the butcher's places a pistol at the back of Colin's head.

James: Uncle Colin...no...

Stuart: Five.....four...three....two...

Nathan: Stop! We're coming out!...We-we're coming out....

Dante, Killen, Nathan, Jacob, Sarah and Ashley step out with their hands up while Stuart approaches them.

Stuart laughs.

Stuart: We have plans for you.

Kyle and Billy witness the Butcher's forcing the Cratersville Survivors into the back of their school bus. Stuart turns to two Butchers.

Stuart: Keep an eye out on the place in case more show up.

Dave: You got it, Stuart.

Two Butchers, Dave and Andy stay behind as the school bus leaves with Dante, Killen, Colin, James, Nathan, Sarah, Ashley, Nora, Jacob and Walter in tow as Billy scopes this out with his binoculars.

Billy: Shit...wait, where's Bart?

Kyle taps Billy's shoulder, before he nods over to Bart's devoured corpse.

Billy: fuck...

Billy attempts to shoot Andy with his sniper rifle.

Kyle: No!

Kyle stops Billy from shooting.

Billy: Son, we gotta help them!

Kyle: We need them alive! They know where they're taking the others....look, you and I are both soldiers. We have to think here....think better than the enemy.

Billy: I got an idea.

Andy and Dave are seen guarding the ski-resort, before Billy, covered in Bart's blood and limping, approaches the two, who aim their rifles at Billy, who groans.

Billy: Help! Help me! Please!

Andy: Not one step closer, asshole!

Billy: Please! I-I've been stabbed....I...I need help..

Dave: I'll give you some help with some bullets if you don't fuckin stop right there.

Billy kneels.

Billy: Please...please...I'm dying...I'm dying..

As Dave and Andy are distracted the feign Billy, Kyle sneaks up on Andy and Dave.

Dave: You want some help with dying, asshole? We can give you that.

Kyle suddenly grabs Andy and punches him as Dave turns.

Dave: Hey!

Dave attempts to shoot Kyle, but Billy punches his knee and throws Dave to the ground. Kyle rams Andy into the wall, before Billy kicks Dave unconscious. Kyle approaches Billy.

Billy: Nice...nice...that time in Zeus Corps really helped out.

Kyle: You too, old man....all right...grab him...I got this one...

Kyle bends down and grabs Dave, dragging him.

Kyle: You come with me, buddy.

Dave: Let me go. I'll...fuckin...kick your ass.

Kyle: Uh-huh. Yeah, I'm sure you will. Come on, asshole.

In the Kronos facility, the scientists prepare the testing of the Cobra virus on Barnes, who is wearing nothing but tight black shorts.

Regina: Now, due to the Cobra's enhances, we've concluded that the only way to inject a subject with the Cobra Virus is with this machine. We called it the Four-Legged Widow

She points to a machine that is made to be looked like a spider. Four legs with the needles at the end with samples of Cobra and in the middle, straps for hands, feet and waist.

Regina: The process of this has to be slow. Otherwise, the subject could die of shock if their blood types not proper.

Barnes: Enough of the chat, doc. Let's get started.

Barnes is strapped into the machine from the waist and both hands and feet. Regina types onto the computer with Barnes' holograph light pink with his flesh and tissue showing. The procedure starts as the machine starts up. The spider legs on the machine with the needles move towards Barnes. On the computer says a green button flashing "begin procedure". Regina looks at Barnes in the machine.

Regina: God speed, sir

She presses the button as the needless dig into Barnes. The needles release the Cobra serum into his vein as Bares moans and grunts in pain. The larva in the serum continues throughout his body, and enters his spinal cord. Barnes screams in pain as his scream echoes throughout the whole facility. Meanwhile, The Cratersville Survivors are taken to a butcher farm, where they are taken out and walked around the farm, noticing the skinned corpses of men and women they have killed. The survivors are brought in front of the leader of the Butchers, Kane, before being forced to kneel.

Kane: So.....

Kane stands up and walks up to the survivors.

Kane: There's a big thing going around here....about where certain people...shouldn't be...looking for a certain peace that you all want but can't find.....

Kane turns to Dante.

Kane: am I, right?

A butcher guard hits Dante in the back.

Dante: Fuck!

Stuart: Answer him!

Dante: Just about....

Kane: Hmm....that ski-resort....that forest....it's our turf....and we don't like outsiders....on our turf.....you want to know what happens to outsiders who stumble onto our turf.....

Dante: I'm going to guess they....

Dante looks at skinned bodies hanging upside down.

Dante: ....end up like that.

Kane: Uh-huh.....dog's gotta eat, brother...

Kane laughs.

Dante: Damn, and I though the Blood Hogs were crazy.

The butcher guard hits Dante in the back again.

Kane: Learn what to say, man. Not nice to provoke a man with an army. Also, thanks for the that stupid ass skinhead cracker...Dojo was hungry. 

Kane pets one of the dog's that devoured Bart.

Kane: .....we've always had a pleasure of capturing outsiders and just so you know, you all are a blessing because my people have not had a decent meal for dinner. 

Kane laughs.

The Cratersville Survivors give each other looks as they insinuate that the Butchers are cannibals.

Kane: Understand this; my people and I gotta eat.....and I'm sorry, but I have no intention of letting anyone of you live.

Dante: Don't you want to know why we were out there?

The Butcher guard hits Dante in the back.

Kane: No and to be honest, I could give two fucks.

Dante: Well, we have a purpose to be out there...we were trying to survive as what we were doing.....if your guy hits me one more time, I'll fucking kill him.

Butcher Guard: Come again, asshole?

Dante stands and punches the Butcher Guard in the face, before grabbing his blade and repeatedly stabbing him in the neck. The other Butcher guards restrain Dante.

Kane: Whoa!

Stuart: hold him down! Hold him down!

Butcher # 1: This guy's fucking crazy!

Stuart pulls out a revolver and prepares to execute Dante.

Kane: No! Don't shoot him! I like this one! 

Kane laughs.

Kane: This one's an animal....and animals belong in the cage....

Stuart puts his revolver in his holster before grabbing him and dragging in front of Kane's throne.

Kane: As for the rest of you....you'll be chopped into tiny pieces and cooked....and fed...sorry, but it's survival of the fittest.

Nathan: Please. Please. You don't have to do this. Let my sisters, my girlfriend and everyone else go. Please.

Colin: And my nephew.....

James: Colin....

Colin: James, shut up. 

Colin turns to Kane.

Colin: Please....they're just kids....

Kane: I'm doing this because I have to.... it's because I mostly want to....

Kane walks over to Nora, then turns to Nathan. 

Kane: This your girl?.....you know....women especially the pretty ones....they do have more fat because of the eggs they carry....but....we'll be picky and save who's dinner....take them to the cage.....

Kane picking up his hatchet and pointing at Jacob.

Kane: Except for the cowboy....he'll do for now. 

Kane then points to James.

Kane: This one will be desert....Take them away.

Walter: Wait! No! Jacob! No! Jacob!

The butchers drag Killen, Colin, James, Walter, Nathan, Nora, Sarah and Ashley off while another butcher guard drags Jacob away and Stuart who drags Dante away.

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