
Chapter 5 - The Dream

She had no idea how she ended up there. The space was empty beside the door. Everywhere was pitch dark. Opening the door was her only choice. She opened it and immediately closed it. The world behind the door was that realm again, the one she didn't want to step in yet. The dream she had seen last night, was playing again but this time there was a door so maybe she could choose not to go? So, she kept the door closed. She waited a while anxiously, filled with curiosity. Nothing happened as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, but she still saw nothing. She decided to open the door again and, at first, had tried to see if there was anything in the dark place, with the faint light spectrum from the dreamland, before stepping through. It seemed nothing here like a void she was in. So, she stepped onto the path again. She was there now, and the door shut behind her. Somehow she knew door wouldn't be stay open whatever she tries. So let it happened, not fought. She focused on the road and everything around her, so she could tell Andy about this place and they could discuss it. Maybe he knew something about it. Time was beautiful noon then there. Or it seemed that way. The sun was shining at its highest point, giving everything a warm, pale yellow color, almost white. But she could feel it was warm, not like pure white. White was more suits to snow she thought. And then she focused again. There was still bloomed flowers which was spreading their scents. Like a fairytale she thought again. These flowers were akin to those blooming in a king's palace garden. She never saw king's palace of course, but she heard about stories and read a lot about it. So she could say this spot was not cheap. Most of the flowers were ones; she had never seen before those visions. These flowers were the same as those at the cave entrance. Of course these are arranged at both side of a path but still they were the same kind flowers. She wanted to examine it closely, so she bent down, and stared at a flower. The petals of the flower closed up. "It's ridiculous," she thought. "Is it the normal response for this kind of flowers?" She thought loudly this time. Something answer it, "What do you think? Do you like it when someone stares at you as if you are an exhibit." She was puzzled. "No, I suppose not. -she chuckled- I've never been a flower." She was laughing loudly now. What kind of stupid question was that? She tried to identify the voice but she couldn't figure out if it was a boy or a girl. She asked, "Who are you?" She wanted to ask tons of questions about this place, starting with whether it was human. Her intuition was quiet, she didn't feel in danger but she was not like herself. She couldn't stop smiling. Was it the flowers? Was their scent making her feel this way, soft and dreamy? Waited a while but the voice never answered. Then she remembered to searching this area. Lifted her head to look at the branches which was emerged top of the path. It was like sun protection, honing the excess light from the path; so she didn't get hot or sweat... Could she sweat here? She thought. This place didn't seem real. She wondered this kind of human behavior was still on the menu. Should I test? Questioned herself but decide to test it later. Now she was walking the path. The path was the only thing was seem normal, was earthly. Nothing was happening. Looked again branches. Shifted her glaze to trees, tried to touch one tree. She felt something or started to see something but some kind of electrical shock wave pushed her from the tree, she fall to ground. She giggled. The shock buzzed through her skin, feeling like a cold breeze in summer, chilled. Glazed at surroundings with stupid smile on her face a few second. And then her brain started working. This realm was making people stupid, she thought. There was something about the trees but they wouldn't give their secrets easily. She needed something to avoid the shock or she wouldn't see what was hiding. Sound awkward yet this was the normality of this place. She pushed herself to stand up and moved with blank face but more she walked, she started to smile. She attempted to fight this feelings a few times during this vision. But eventually this place conquered of her. She gave up and forgot every thought she had. Just walked. Shortly after she heard this voice again, 'Come Yolanda!' called her it's same crystal clear, high pitched voice with same soft tone. It wasn't understand with listening; is it she or he, like the other voice. She was like enchanted, listened and obeyed the voice; moved slightly fast at first but second time she heard of voice she started running, 'Come Yolanda' She run a while could not reach the end but the scene of the end was changed it was look like bridge. The voice called her to the bridge. She woke up from the enchantment at first. The bridge was in her fairytale dream. It was starting to change to the nightmare, she thought. And then not too late she woke up from dream too... At that time it wasn't Andy actually. No one tried to wake up her. The vision kicked her out. She got up while searching while trying the remember everything as usual. Then she saw some flowers at the beginning of bridge. Conjunction of the bridge and mountain was covered by these flowers again. This was getting creepy. It was no longer a story; it was turning into reality. Like the bride she thought. Was the bride calling her at her dreams? She thought. She called Andy who was trying to not sleep again. And wasn't looking actually the bridge, that was terrifying him. "Andy?' He turned back to her. "Did you awake? It is early you can sleep a tad longer." He was so caring. But she didn't have time to appreciate his behavior. "Andy, what is this? Who did this at that conjuction?" She pointed the beginning of bridge. His mouth dropped. He had no clue what's going on those places. At the cave he wasn't sure but now he was definitely sure something was haunting them. "I think we should choose the go down the mountain. Yolanda please. I am sorry to let you stay here." After his speech he tried to get up but it seemed his legs didn't think that way. He was terrified. He wanted to run out of here. But at the same time, he had no power to do so. "Andy, I dreamed." Yolanda had no clue to how to start talking about this kind of topic. She tried to address to issue without scaring him more than he already was. But he was the only one she had. She definitely didn't understand what was this all things about. "I dreamed something." She tried to explain. But Andy didn't have time for it. All his nerves was urging him to get out of here. "Yolanda we don't have time for dream interpretation. We can discuss about this another time. We should go." Andy said with packing at the same time, he managed to get up and folding the sheets he slept. She watched him. She needed a cold call for to get his attention and burst out, "ANDY STOP!" Andy froze with that command. He just moved his head and looked up her. "What's going on Yolanda? It is clearly something haunting us." He tried to understand her but there was no explanation for him to stay here for another minute. Yolanda knew that Andy was scared, but he had to listen. And started to explaining what happened without thinking or choosing the right words. "I had a dream. For last two night. Dreams were similar but not quite identical. At first dream I didn't know that I was sleeping. So I was in the flow..." That way she told every details of her first dream. "And this last night my second dream was a little bit different. It was start with door. I was at dark place there is nothing to see or touch. It was pitch black. I opened door inevitably but I have control on it this time..." And narrate everything. He seemed suspicious. Yolanda, "Do you have anything to say? Did you heard anything about this kind of dream? You can tell me when everyou ready, you know." She tried to ease atmosphere. But there was nothing more to do. Finally Andy said, "I think you've been enchanted." He said with hesitation, could she have a fight with him? "Andy don't be ridiculous. How could I get enchanted? Who would do that? You are the only one with me." She had a point. He was the only one then who would do that? He remembered about this mystery guy. "Hey how about this mystery guy?" he asked. Yolanda was clueless. No it couldn't be him. "Even if it is true, how could he do this?" replied Yolanda. Andy thought she had a point. How could he? Then remembered, he carried her for a long time. And Andy had no time to supervise him every second or minute. "You were sleeping. And we were running, I couldn't watch after you every minute, not exactly. He could do it at that time. Or we slept together he could do some fire spell. His needed only whisper some spell to fire. He could manage in a blink of eye." Yolanda stopped, not knowing anything about spells, actually. How much genre has it. He said fire spell. Was there more spell kind? She knew nothing about magic or didn't curious to learn. Her mother always said witches and wizards were destined for Hell, which made her avoid anything related to magic. The witches live in a pit and use animals intestines to make spell. They are stinky, terrifying features; have long hooked noise, sharp teeth and weathered skin. They are bad as their appearance that she stay away. Now she was wondering, was it possible to being handsome and wizard? He was definitely feels normal but mysterious. But it could be trust issue. Why he had to trust them to reveal his identity? He was definitely noble man and if he told us who knows what would do to him? He didn't know us after all. She tried to listen her instinct it was for her survival. Then if there was something about him it could be alarmed. But she didn't think it was because of him. "No Andy. He rescued us. If he wasn't there or not helped us; we were going to end up death without buried. They would feed with our bodies their dogs." Yolanda have a point. Andy thought, he didn't have to save them. Even if he wanted to make spell on her, what was for? If he wanted to kill he could simply let ruffians to do it. Or what kind of purpose him had to cast a magic? Everything and anything actually. Was he need any reason to the bad thing? No. She was naive and pure. But this was matter about her life. Andy, "Yolanda is any wizard or witches need anything to put spell on someone? Is it their bad nature. Please think wisely. This is a bad situation. I want to protect you. The only thing we know he had lots of time for to make spell. Please." Yolanda replied, "I don't feel that way. I actually don't think the dream about enchantment." She replied with thoughtfully.. Andy getting anxious because of her more then ever. "Don't you think Yolanda? I mean you saw flowers twice. And the flowers exact same flower appear on the our road? Really? Is it something normal?" Andy tried to wake her up. But Yolanda was almost certain, "I don't think that I am under spell. I fell myself. This dream trying to tell me something. If we want to know more we should across the bridge. We can not run. I don't think that would be wise." Andy, "Don't even think about it. I am warning you. You cannot step in that bridge. We'll gonna take the long way. Even if I have to pull you out." He was determined. Yolanda determined either and didn't wanna argue anymore. She said "Okay." Andy couldn't believe what he heard. "What?" Yolanda, "I am tired Andy. Just let's go long way. I just want to find talisman so we could go home to save Irene." She didn't want to let him understand her escape to the bridge. At the other hand Andy felt sorry when remember her sister. It was normal her to convinced easily. She packed of her stuff and stood up. "Let's go" she said. Andy walked front. Led the way to go down. Brief moment he heard that sound she wasn't coming, like she was getting away from him he turned, then she start to run towars the bridge...

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