
chapter two

If was a very dreadful morning.i didn't want to go to school,i was positive i would be humiliated today in class but thanks to my stupid sister who kept bugging me giving me that disgusting puppy eyes i was here in front of the building i called hell and paradise.

"Ain't you coming????" Revena asked turning to me.

"Like i have a choice" i grunted opening the door to the hallway which had many students chatting and doing all sorts of morning activities.

"Morgan!!!!!!!!!!" My bestie Eden called out walking towards me with a cheeky grin and making all heads turn to my direction.

I walked halfway to him gritting my teeth in anger when i began to hear the whispers of the student.

"You know i would have actually separated your head from your body if we weren't in school" i groused finally catching up to him.

"Oh come on what have i done to deserve that so early in the morning???" He asked feigning innocence.

"Many things darling,many things" i replied unlocking my locker and picking out the books i needed for the day.

"You know i actually thought you weren't gonna come today" Eden jeered nudging me a little.

"That was my plan until that dumbass drawed me here and then disappeared " i spoofed slinging my bag lazily over my shoulder.

"Don't worry brother I'll protect you"

"If you could even protect yourself " i snickered turning down the way to our first class just as the bell rang.

We stood infront of the door and i had to take series of deep breath before pushing it open. I knew behind that door lies my faith today and i really felt sick thinking about it

"Are we just gonna stand here??"

I looked up at him groaning,damn i was scared shitless,so scared.

"Come on you can do it this isn't the first anyway " somehow his words seem to calm me down.

I should have confidence in myself

He pushed the door open and i followed him inside awaiting the insults and disgusting looks that would be thrown towards me but to my surprise no one even acted as if they noticed me everyone in the class ignored me .

I walked to the front of the class again trying to announce my presence but they all ignored me like i was invincible.

Whistling in suprise i walked to my sit at the back row beside Eden.

"Seems like all gods are on your side today " Eden said immediately I plunged down on my sit. I rolled my eyes at him chewing my bottom lip,i couldn't deny the fact that i was suprised and at the same time sad, maybe because i was used to it or maybe because i was disappointed but nevertheless i was still happy.

"Morgan" i looked up from my backpack just to see Lucius standing in all his glory and looking as handsome as ever.

"Wasn't expecting to see you today"

"I umm haha yes a-a-a-actually i didn't have a choice" i felt my face heating up and i felt like hiding myself in a hole right now how dare i stammer in front of my crush.

"Are you okay your face is all red"

I nodded rubbing the back of my neck.

"I'm —"

"Oh look who we have here its the faggut from yesterday"

I looked up at the source of the voice and i immediately felt my head ringing for alarms when i saw kelvin .

He walked towards me with his gangs the fury in his eyes burning fierce.

"How dare you come here?!?!?!" He asked through gritted teeth slamming his hands on my desk and i flinched back a little form the vibration.

"Kelvin thsi is my cl—" a punch landed on my face making me to stumble from my chair.

"Don't you dare call my name" he sent another punch to me shoving me to the cold hard floor.

" I think thats enough man" Lucuis said pushing kelvin back while Eden helped me up.

"Get out of my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kelvin rushed past Lucuis his hand folding to land another punch on me and i closed my eyes awaiting the pain but it never came, i prepared myself again taking in a deep breath but the pain never came

I fluttered my eyes open gasping at the site before me .

hehehe oh sorry guys wait why imma apologizing my bad ohohonhohoh

blankey_lgaynovelcreators' thoughts
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