
The Before

"Hello, Lucifer Morningstar, are you here to have a look at my collection?" The Throne questioned, attempting to remain as calm as possible.

"No, thank you. You may have collected very informative books through the ages, Meleos, but I am actually here for a game of cards." Lucifer stated as he patted the snow off of his suit.

"You seek us angel of truth," The little girl questioned.

"Hello to you, Basanos, and indeed, I seek a divination." Lucifer answered.

"What price are you willing to pay for our assistance?" The skeleton, the card of Death questioned.

"Is the sparing of your lives not price enough?" Lucifer retorted as Mazikeen entered behind him and closed the door, keeping the howling winds and tears of the sky outside.

"That is not how one bargains Son of the Morning. Besides, we know you to not be unjust." The cave man fighting the wolf stated.

"Nor a tyrant," The king stated.

Lucifer hearing their words gazed down at them, looking at the very essences of their beings. He could see how the fabrics of fate are in their hands, easy to gaze upon and easier still to reshape.

"You have plenty of power yourselves, what is it you desire from me?" The fallen angel questioned, curious.

"Our freedom from your younger brother," the warrior woman began.

"From our maker," the poet continued.

"Meleos," Death of the Basanos spoke with finality.

The Throne hearing their words couldn't help but stiffen. He opened his mouth to retort, but with a gaze from the Daystar could not speak as his voice was taken.

"Do you wish for his death? If so I have no problem with it. The brat has wasted my time by all his hiding and running, a few millenia in Hell would do him some good, I suppose." Lucifer mused outloud.

"No," The little girl, the card of innocence began, "We do not wish his death. He is ours, just as you dislike anything that is yours to be touched, so do we. We want Meleos out of your authority and completely under ours.

We want our father as our vessel to enjoy the pleasures he has taken from us and suffer as he is incapable to stop us." She explained sadistically, a complete contrast to her innocent appearance and voice.

Lucifer hummed to himself as Meleos attempted to speak, to roar and scream in outrage at the Devil even entertaining the idea.

"Are you certain that is what you desire to ask of me? Such a simple thing?" The Fallen questioned.

"As you yourself stated, we do not lack power," The warrior clarified.

"Let us hear what Meleos has to say before we come to a decision," Lucifer stated as he with a thought granted the Throne his voice back.

"Lucifer, you can not give me to them!"

"Oh, but I very much can little brother. All I need is just to desire it and then," Lucifer snaps his fingers, receiving a flinch from the angel, "Well, you get the idea."

"I sided with you during the Rebellion, Morningstar! I offered you my services!" Meleos cried in outrage.

"That you did, but then when I came to receive them you ran and wasted a year of my time to track you down to this rundown shack in the middle of the mountains.

You betrayed me Meleos, why should I keep you under my protection? Besides, you know how I feel about parents taking their children's freedom." The King of Hell countered.

Meleos stepped back as he opened his mouth to retort but was once more incapable, his body became as still as a statue, as if the queen of the Gorgons laid sight on him.

"Before I accept, I wish to add a clause," Lucifer stated as he once more addressed the Basanos.

"We are all ears, Prince of the World," Death of the Basanos stated.

"Never touch what is mine, Basanos. If you do, I'll gift you to Death of the Endless. I am sure your aunt would like to be able to peek into your father's Book. It would be my apology gift for last times mishap." Lucifer nonchalantly threatened.

The Basanos all became silent and wary. They knew Lucifer could make true what he promised. They had no desire to be embraced by the sister of the being they were made in the image of.

"We accept your terms Lucifer Morningstar," All seventy-eight of them answered in unison.

As they did the Lightbringer's Will went into effect as it freed Meleos from his authority upon him, gifted to him by The Presence on those who've strayed from His worship and not a moment later the Basanos as well was freed from Meleos's bindings.

They charged at him, their cards etching themselves into his skin, melting into it as their spirits bit into his soul like starving piranhas. They moved under his skin akin to parasites till they found their comfort, all while Meleos roared in agony.

"My end of the deal has been met. It is your turn now, Basanos," The Devil stated as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Do please give us a moment Lord Lucifer, these sensations are quite new to us," The Basanos spoke through Meleos's mouth, their seventy-nine voices all mingling.

"What is it you wish to know Morningstar? Ask and we will divine," They said.

"I have not come here for a divinition of the normal kind Basanos, I wish to see." Lucifer stated as he circled them. Observing and scrutinising how their spirits wrapped themselves akin to a cage made of ice, light and wind around Meleos's soul.

"What do wish to see, seeker of Truth?" This time only one voice questioned, the card made after him, Lightbringer.

"I wish to see The Before." Lucifer stated.

The Basanos stilled for a moment, each spirit as still as the wind during a calm sea.

"You... You wish to see the beginning of it all?" The Basanos questions, for the first time shocked.

They had forseen much, but even they did not forsee this.

"Indeed, show me the coming into being of the Old World. The Story of the King of Kings,

The story that begun all stories,

The beginning of Yahweh."


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Please do comment if you like it, I enjoy questions and comments from you guys.

Next time we'll see the beginning of all beginnings. Excited?

Well see you all later,


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