
Posh Friend

Jovana was floating in the warm and sweet embrace of darkness, enjoying peace and rest. All of a sudden, she started to feel uneasy and shaky, and an annoying sound kept reaching her tired ears. "Jovana, Jovana, wake up, Jovana."

"No, leave me alone, I'm so tired." Jovana mumbled, as she turned her head to the other side with her eyes closed.

"Goddamnit, Jovana Stafford! If you don't open your eyes for the next five seconds you are going to regret it." Keith said, shaking Jovana so hard that all the vials on the workbench were jingling together.

"For God's sake, Keith, enough with this torture. What have I done to deserve this?" Jovana grumbled, her eyes barely open.

"Nothing that unforgivable, Jovana. But I need you awake. NOW!" Keith's voice crackled with urgency and Jovana grunted, as she rubbed her eyes and slowly regained some shreds of awareness.

A second later, she was back snuggling up on the counter. "Keith, was the world falling that you had to come wake me up when I felt so tired and just wanted to get some rest?"

"You fell asleep in the lab, Jovana. It's morning now. Your brother and your posh friend are awake and very aware of the fact that you're not around." Keith said, and Jovana's eyes widened.

"Posh friend? Wait, is Xena here?"

"Oh yes. And right now they're making a big fuss trying to find you. Should I continue?"

"I don't know, Keith. Is there something you would like to tell me?" Jovana asked, uninterested.

"I will be damned if I say one more word until you are fully awake and present. I don't like wasting my voice, you know?" Keith said, while Jovana forced her head up in a titanic effort. She was dizzy with fatigue and every corner of her body ached like hell. The lab was crammed with the dozens of vials she had produced in the last few days.

"You could be a little more indulgent with me, Keith. Look at all this stuff. And this is just the beginning." Jovana said, as she stretched and her joints made a disturbing crackling sound. "Ouch. Do you have any idea of how many vials I have to make for that Serendipity Ball? It's too soon."

"Well, I'm sorry if the date of the event is such a problem with your schedule. Should I have made contact with the Secret Service and graciously asked them to postpone it for your convenience? Keith said, and Jovana could feel the frustration and slight resentment in his voice.

She took a deep breath, and thought, 'I should watch my words. Keith is doing the impossible to deliver at the event. And if I want to save Eli, I need him more than he needs me.'

Keith continued, "You know what? I won't tell you a single thing about what's happening upstairs, and we'll see what happens. How does that sound?" He gave Jovana a cocky smile, and Jovana knew that look very well, it could land her in trouble if she didn't find out what information he had for her.

Jovana looked at Keith with big, sad bright eyes. "Jovana, spare me that look. This time it won't work." Keith said, almost glaring at Jovana now. But Jovana didn't heed him, instead she drew a very sad expression on her mouth and blinked multiple times with her big, fawn eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Keith." She said, her tone playfully matched the childish vibe of the whole act, making Keith smile.

"Put away those deceptive eyes. I'm not angry anymore." Keith said, while Jovana beamed at him.

"You are the best," Jovana said, as she dropped the tragic mask and hugged him. "So, what's going on upstairs? Why is Xena here this early?" she asked.

"Why? Because today is the birthday of your delightful and loud friend, that's why. And, if you care for the opinion of an old fool, it's one of those events you don't want to forget." Keith said, while Jovana's eyes widened with surprise.

"Crap! I completely forgot her birthday." Jovana exclaimed.

"I figured. That's why you couldn't just walk upstairs." Keith said, and Jovana smiled gratefully at him.

"Thank you so much, Keith. You are a lifesaver. Xena would have had a major freak-out if she knew I had forgotten." Jovana said,

"I know. And if she gets mad and decides not to cover for us anymore," Keith said, and Jovana grinned as she completed his words.

"We're in trouble," Jovana said, and thought silently, 'That's why he was so eager to warn me. Keith is really the best partner I could ask for.'

Minutes were ticking away, and she couldn't afford to lose more time. She filled a basin with fresh water and washed her face as she thought, 'It's fine, I just need to look fresh and happy. And find an excuse to justify my absence.'

"You should consider changing your outfit as well." Keith said, and Jovana looked at the clothes she was wearing, completely ruined by the chemicals during the long nights of work. Keith continued, "I have seen chimney sweeps trampled by horses look cleaner than that."

"Well, I have a few outfits to spare here. I just need to change and–" Jovana trailed off when she heard her name being yelled.

"Jovana! Where are you?" Elijah shouted.

"Woah, they're getting closer! But it will only take a—" Her words were cut off again, but this time by Xena.

"Jovana! Come here, you are late." Xena yelled.

"Jovana!" Elijah called out.

'Fine. I will go upstairs looking like this, and I'll be scolded for it. Happy you two?' Jovana grumbled in her mind, as she looked up at the stone ceiling, challenging those whispering gods with her fist.

Keith took in the whole scene in silence, but with an amused smile. "I would better go now." He said,

"Me too. They're driving me crazy."

Keith left through the outdoor passage, while Jovana went back upstairs and got ready to act her part. She sneaked out from the secret passage in the living room, and closed it for a second before Elijah entered the room.

"Hey, here you are." Elijah said, and Jovana froze as she turned around, and gave her brother an awkward smile.

"Eli. Hi." Jovana greeted.

"Jovana, I have been looking for you all morning with Xena. It's not my place to ask you where you've been all day, and maybe all night. But at least a note would have been better than—" Elijah trailed off when Jovana interrupted him.

"I swear on everything I hold dear that I wasn't missing because of a man." Jovana said, and Elijah's eyes widened. He knew that his sister didn't take oaths lightly.

He sighed and said, "Alright. Whatever happened is not a big deal. I'm just glad to know you're fine."

"Thank you, Eli. I'm sorry if I made you worry about me." Jovana said,

"There you are." Xena said, as she went into the living room. "We were starting to lose hope, you know?"

"You two worry too much. As you can see, I'm perfectly fine."

"That's good to know." Xena said, then she smiled, giving Jovana a knowing look, "And? And?

Jovana looked at Xena, smiled and gave her a warm and very tight hug as she said, "And happy birthday, my dear Xena."

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