
Chapter Twenty One: It Must Be Sweeps Month.

Chapter Twenty One: It Must Be Sweeps Month.

Harry blast through the sky at super sonic speed with more then a few thoughts going through his mind, one thing stood out though, the answer of the riddle seemed to be too obvious. The narrowed green eyes of the young magical Kryptonian was focused forwards onto his destination.

'The answer is obviously diamonds, 'Diamonds are Forever' and in this particular case we have a baseball diamond right across from a jewelry store that specializes in them,' Harry thought to himself as he swooped downwards to land on the ground.

His green eyes burned with razor sharp focus as he used his X-Ray vision to find the hostage trapped at the very center of the baseball diamond in question.

"Hold up! It's not so much that you have to simply find the hostage! You also have to get past these guys!" the Riddler's voice resounded from the loud speaker and he quickly followed up that proclamation up with a round of loud cackling laughter.

These guys obviously referred to several large metal androids that burst up from the ground around him. They thumped towards him and Harry mentally calculated a plan to deal with them in a split second, then he nailed them with an overpowered blasting charm.

Much to his glee, magic actually seemed to work on these things, which meant that someone didn't do their homework about him. He hated when that happened, because it bored him to death to use magic to come up with a solution to the problem at hand, it just seemed like so much of a cheap cheat code to him.

Suddenly, the scattered debris of the androids melted into pools of liquid metal that streamed together, before beginning to bubble and the robots rose from up from the depths of the pools looking good as new. Harry narrowed his eyes at the sight of them; apparently they were a bit more durable than he first thought. He smiled at that fact, then he tried heat vision on them but they quickly dodged out of the way.

A few ice pellets were hurled onto the ground from above to trap the robots into place. Harry watched, waited, and prepared for what happened next, the source of the attack was quickly revealed.

Nightwing rushed forwards towards one of the robot, only to do an acrobatic flip over one of their heads at the last second. Twisting agilely in mid-air she nailed her enemy in the back of the head with a drop kick. It crashed hard onto the ground, while she landed on her feet in a low crouch.


"We'll keep these guys off your back," Nightwing said to Arcane with a cocky little smirk on her face.

Harry couldn't help but smile at her excitement, it went without saying that he was going to make good use of this distraction. He saw Helena crash down hard from above onto two of the robots sending them into the ground. She was wearing a pair of electrified brass knuckles on her hands which she drilled the two robots with, frying their circuitry.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I don't want to deal with you! You're not even the real Batman, you're just some little girl playing dress up in her daddy's clothes!" Nygma whined plaintively over the loud speaker.

"So, are we going to shut him up?" Barbara asked Helena in a low voice.

"Stay focused on these enemies first, we'll deal with that nuisance later."

Harry pulled back the metal gate and made quick work of the bomb. He scooped up the politician, who was a typical balding old man with a wart on the end of his nose. With a quick movement, Harry shot up, up and away and then landed outside of the baseball diamond, where he deposited the hostage.

That said and done with, Harry returned to fight. He flew forwards towards his enemies twisting like a cork screw, dare he say it, he flew into them faster than a speeding bullet by slamming his shoulder straight through one of the robots. Continuing forwards, his green eyes flashed red and then he ramped up the heat vision, using it to cut through another.

"There's no way the Riddler created these things," Batwoman said, skepticism ringing through her voice.

"Come on now, give me some credit," Riddler stated, but he decided that not even he could keep a straight face at that one. "Actually I had help, in fact my ultimate humbling of Arcane and now the fabled Batwoman will be broadcast on a galactic scale!"

Nightwing paused for a moment to consider that, only have to duck suddenly as one of the robots took a swing at her head, she managed to regain her wits long enough to take her opponent out.

'On a galactic scale?' Harry thought to himself, there were a number of questions going through his mind, not to mention theories. But then it all came to him as he managed to come to a conclusion.

'Surely not.' Harry shook his head in disbelief and then a cackling echo outwards from above. Whirling around, he focused on the source of that obnoxious voice.

"Yes, that's right Arcane! You should have known that I'd be back! You should have known that I would get ratings out of you yet!"

Harry's eyes widened as he heard the malicious producer of inter-dimensional television programming himself, the one and only Mojo pop up pretty much out of the blue. Harry raised an eyebrow at the sight of him, it was a holographic image and he really wished that he wouldn't have bothered, because the sound of his voice was bad enough.

"Arcane, Arcane, it's been too long, too long indeed," Mojo commented as he watched Arcane continue to fight his robots. "How do you like my Reevers?"

"So, these are yours, I should have known," Harry said as he whipped out his arm and conjured electrified whips that managed to short circuit them. Magic did work on them, although he had to use more creative maneuvers to make it sure that it stuck.

Harry did not really mind being creative, in fact, he thrived on creativity.

The Reavers dropped down to the ground as he whipped it real good. He slashed them with sparks of energy as they all exploded one by one.

"Very good, you have been able to defeat a few enemies with help," Riddler commented in a mocking voice. "True you are an extremely exceptional person."

"Yes, I know that, so I'm sure you're going to fire off another riddle so…."

"Two trains are arriving at the same speed after leaving at the same time, yet one reaches their destination, whilst the other does not," Riddler recited. "What is the cause of this?"

Harry blinked, he'd have to think about that. There was a few seconds pause where he had to consider it, then he rushed off. He needed to catch a train, before it took off with the hostage on it.

"So did you get that one?" Nightwing asked Batwoman.

Batwoman paused, her face looking extremely stoic as she turned to look at her protégé closely. "Didn't you?"

"That didn't answer my question you know," Barbara protested, but she did in fact figure out the answer to the riddle. It was obvious that Arcane did as well seeing as how he'd already moved off.

"If you have to ask, you'll never really know, will you?" Batwoman asked and Nightwing was exasperated at how evasive she was being, but she figured it was just as well.

Just another day in the office at Gotham City for her.

A young female dressed in a skin tight green outfit that adhered tightly to her curves stood up and stretched. She had red hair that was pulled back into a pony tail, shimmering blue eyes and question mark face paint. The suit clung to every single curve of her body, in fact, she looked far better in this suit than her father ever did, case in point being proven, when she turned around to see that several members of the crew had stopped to stare at her ass.

"And we're here with Engima, my dear, what are your thoughts on today's events so far?"

She offered a slight giggle as a smile crossed her face. "Well, it's most certainly been a spectacle, although no one really expected Batwoman and Nightwing to show up."

The Riddler's laughter echoed outwards and he paused. "Then you still have a lot to learn, my dear, the bat of my day, he was always running around meddling where he wasn't wanted. Then again, he was one of the few that were worthy of matching wits with myself,"

Engima rolled her eyes at her father's melodramatic mannerisms; she remembered that during her childhood, she had to answer riddles to find her Christmas presents and Easter eggs. It was a rather bothersome thing to say the very least and it made her want to slam her head onto her desk over and over again. The redhead sighed prominently.

"Yes, Dad, sure, Dad, whatever you say Dad," Enigma grumbled, as any eighteen year old girl would do when their parents started carrying on and then she rolled her eyes.

"Come on people! Look alive here, we've got a deadline to meet!"

A woman with silver hair turned up at this point. She was dressed in a skin tight silver bodysuit that wrapped snugly around every inch of her body. She had six arms, two of which appeared to have been replaced by cybernetics, each hand holding more than a few weapons, knives for the most part. She had rather impressive assets as well and a sinisterly beautiful look to her face, but that wouldn't fool anyone into thinking that she wasn't dangerous.

"I know! I know! It's exciting! I should be excited! I am excited, but he's just being melodramatic," Enigma said as she rolled her eyes.


"You want to deal with melodramatic people, try working for him every day," the woman muttered to Enigma as she shook her head in thinly veiled disgust at the sight of her corpulent boss.


Her tone was dry as she looked at the younger girl with a twitch in her eyes. "I think that pretty accurately makes my case."

"I see your point," Enigma dead panned, then let out a very tense sigh. She looked towards one of the screens, where she saw that sure enough, Arcane had found the next riddle. The redhead's eyes followed his progress closely.

He found the unfinished train and the politicians about to hurdle into it.

"Oh! He's not going to make it!" Enigma yelled out.

"I know, my dear, it's going to be glorious! Politicians on a train, about to crash to their demise!" Riddler cackled. "Riddle me this, how many politicians does it take to make an omelet? All of them, because they'll be scrambled!"

The Riddler's laughter resounded like a particularly demented hyena and Enigma couldn't help but face palm with a groan. That didn't really make any sense at all, she shook her head and offered another prominent sigh.

They saw Arcane on the screens in front of them as quickly he disabled the machines with a speed and intensity that they had never seen before. She found herself watching him with wide eyes and she felt her heart beat faster in her chest.

"HEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR!….You shouldn't have stopped that train!" Riddler yelled in disbelief, sounding much like a spoiled child who'd had their favorite toy taking away from them would.

"Next." Arcane stated, as he waved his hand in the air, looking positively bored. He was waiting for the next riddle and everyone present could see that he was a bit agitated by the situation at hand. His green eyes narrowed as an image of the Riddler flashed into existence before him.

"FINE!" Riddler yelled at the top of his lungs, he might not be as quick as he was in his young age, but he was still quite devious. "What word begins and ends with the same letter, but only contains one?"

"Yes, well, that's an easy one," Harry stated and he heard something off in the distance, almost like an eerie humming.

"Yeah, well, they can't all be winners and while it might be easy one, you've got to get there in ninety seconds, in order to do that, you've got to fight through these guys," Riddler said as he released several robots, these ones much better equipped than the first sets that Harry defeated earlier.

"Oh, for the love of….I don't have time for this shit," Harry stated as he tried to fly away, but one of the robots was fast enough to grab him around the ankle. He kicked hard against it's chest with his other leg in order to break free, which sent it flying and the hero landed on his feet. He closed his eyes for a moment, then shot off two duplicates. The green eyes of Harry flickered for a second as he focused, then he raised his arms.

The spell he used caused the two dupes to grow to about four times his normal height, meaning that they now towered over the robots. They smashed their hands down upon them with an extreme amount of force in a hammer blow, causing them to crack under the impact.

"HEY! THAT WASN'T IN THE SCRIPT!" Mojo howled from the producer's booth.

"And you're about to be canceled," Harry stated as he made his way towards the next hostage, which he figured was at a post office of some sort. His super speed allowed him to move quite quickly when he needed to, so he closed his eyes and focused.

'Gwen, are you tracking this signal?' Harry asked her, she'd been running mission support for him with Chloe from Stronghold.

'Yes, but they're bouncing it all over the board, whoever is sending it out, doesn't want to be found,' She relayed back to him.

"You have thirty seconds left Arcane, you're not going to make it," Riddler said with a cackle. "What happens when a rooster blocks your entry to the hen house?"

"You get cock blocked," Harry grumbled to himself as he saw the energy field in front of him, and he nearly triggered an explosion by passing through it, he was moving so quickly.

Using his X-Ray vision, he saw that the field didn't extend underneath the ground, so he burst through the streets into the basement below the building.

"Ten, nine, eight."

Harry cut the wire, without missing a beat or breaking a sweat.

"Seven, six, five, four, three, two….oh...you stopped it, HOW DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS?" Riddler shouted in anger. He was blocking all transmissions, so he was certain that there was no one helping him in that way.

"Guess I'm smarter than you," Harry said to the Prince of Puzzles and that was a statement that really set him off.

"With the way things are going, he's going to blow before we reach the end game," Batwoman whispered to Harry as she joined him with Nightwing.

"Yes, I know," Harry relayed back to her as he quickened his pace. He had done his homework on the Riddler and all of these riddles, they were all singular clues that pointed to a much larger puzzle that they would need to solve. "The real problem is how many traps can he set along the way?"

"Loads, knowing him," Barbara said as she adjusted her mask with a sigh. She had heard stories of the Riddler's glory days from her Father and Helena and like it or not, he had come out of semi-retirement for one more round with them.

Of course, she wondered just what this round wound entail. The original Batman had some insane battles with him, the stories of which were things of urban legend in Gotham City. He once held the entire city hostage during one of his crimes, so something like this caused Barbara a slight amount of pause.

"Remember the plan," Harry told them as he checked in with his mission support. The one line of communication that the Riddler couldn't block was the bond link within his mind, it would take as act of several gods to break that one.

'Gwen, I hope you're ready for this next one,' Harry thought to her. 'Do you have anything for me, anything at all?'

'With each riddle that you solve,Chloe and I are getting closer and closer to tracing the signal,' Gwen commented to him mentally. The girl's eyes closed for a moment, then she poured over the computer in front of her, trying to figure out what she had to do to locate the transmission point. 'Like I mentioned before, he's quite good.'

Harry smiled and he offered one statement in response. 'Well, that makes two of us, you know the two of us might get along great, we do have matching egos.'

'Well, self awareness is often the first step on the journey of self discovery,' Gwen said, but then she snickered. 'So, I'll do what I need to do and you can do what you need to do.'

Harry allowed Helena to hack into the lock with a portable computer. She remained calm, cool and collected, although her internal frustration was about ready to bubble over.

"It's not responding," she whispered and Harry looked it over. They were rapidly running out of time so he decided to step up the time table.

"The less subtle approach wouldn't work, its pressure sensitive and it will trigger an explosion if a certain amount of force is applied," Harry informed her and Helena nodded her head in agreement. "And that amount of force is just enough to open the door on my end."

"So back to square one," Barbara offered in a hopeless voice.

Before Harry could answer her, the voice of the Riddler chimed in.

"Forty five seconds, this is your final warning, otherwise the politician in there might lose his head, along with a few other parts of his body," Riddler said with a snicker. "Although, if he lost his head it wouldn't really matter, because he doesn't use anything up there."

The Riddler's laughter became even more insidious, to the point where Harry was doing whatever he could to block it out. The green eyes of the young man flashed with intensity as he wondered how the original Batman didn't bust his jaw repeatedly, because it was extremely tempting to do so.

"No pressure, huh?" Nightwing said to him.

"No, no pressure at all, just got to….I've got to figure this out," Harry grumbled as he used his X-Ray vision. After carefully scanning everything in front of him, he closed his eyes and mentally ran a simulation through his head, although he had to do it quickly.

He moved forwards towards the door and slipped right on through it, having become intangible by replicating Shadowcat's power set.


"Not in the script, I know," Harry interrupted blandly as he took a few steps forward as he heard ticking around him. That mysterious ticking noise, Snape Snape Severus Snape, it was really getting on his nerves, but he found it and who he found there made him want to gag.

One of the last people in the world that he ever wanted to save was down there, naturally, it was Senator Robert Kelly. He was giving muffled groans from behind a piece of duct tape, which had been placed over his mouth.

"Remember this Kelly, it was a mutants that saved your miserable life today," Harry said as he disabled the bomb at the last possible second, which made Kelly sweat.

The green eyes of Harry locked onto Kelly's face as he hauled him up off of the ground. The man was functionally dead weight at this point in time, but he was able to lift him up out of their quite easily. He tried to stand up onto his feet, but the man thumped back to the ground like an oversized sack of potatoes.

'Come on, don't dead weight me….oh forget it!' Harry yelled mentally and grabbing the Senator again he hauled him back up to his feet, the man wobbled on jelly legs, but this time he remained standing.

"So, what about the next riddle?" Barbara asked.

"I didn't hear one, did you?" Helena asked Harry, who shook his head.

Barbara looked really nervous at that fact, she didn't think that someone like the Riddler would give up that easily. "Oh, then it's over….isn't it?"

"No, it's not that easy, it's never that easy," Harry said as he waited for the other shoe to drop.

'Well, pessimistic as you might be, you're actually right, I hate it when you're right about something like this, you know,' Gwen said and normally Harry would take great glee in being right, but this time he was silent.

'Thanks, I do try,' Harry fired back finally after a moment of waiting, but so far, nothing happened as of yet.

'You know where the first riddle lead you to?' Gwen asked Harry and his eyes widened, everything clicking into place for him at that moment.

He never thought that things would be that easy, but in fact, things were going to be that easy, well, slightly. They had to hurry, because time might be running out, although how and why, they weren't saying.

"Way to go, Nygma, I thought….YOU'RE GOING TO LEAD THEM RIGHT HERE!" Mojo howled from the production booth.

"I don't….I don't understand, there's no way they should have found us," The Riddler said as he paced up and down. The middle aged man shook his head as he looked up towards the ceiling, there was a sudden moment of clarity, but it was drowned in a sea of insanity. He felt that he was running out of time, but he could salvage this, oh yes he could.

"And you didn't think to take any hostages either, so the ratings are falling through the floor, and this is all your fault," Mojo grunted.

Riddler got indignant at that statement and started to shake his fist as he got red in the face. "My fault? MY FAULT! This was your overhyped ratings stunt! Not mine! SO IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"

The Riddler continued pacing back and forth, his eyes wide as he moved around like a caged animal. He closed his eyes as he rocked up and down, then back and forth. He was trying not to lose his mind, but he was going around in circles.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, don't worry, I can fix this, I can really fix this," Riddler said, looking to be on the edge of true madness.

Enigma closed her eyes to avoid having to look at the ugly spectacle that was about to go down. She could tell when he was about to lose it, he started to lose that cocky demeanor that he was so well known for and became a nervous wreck.

"I always have another plan," Riddler said to the room at large after having a eureka moment, but before he could reveal what that plan may or may not be, something pounded against the door.

Mojo's eyes flashed with agitation for a second and he spun to face him. "Your plan….your plan better work, because if they get inside….THEY COULD RUIN EVERYTHING!"

Riddler shook his head and stated in a voice that was eerily calm, almost scarily so. "Don't worry, they won't get in, trust me."

Riddler walked over to the console and gently placed his hands upon it. There was a few seconds where he looked like he was mulling over certain options in his mind. Then he narrowed his eyes at it and dialed something up, while this was happening, Mojo hovered over towards him in all of his grotesque glory.

"What are you doing?" Mojo questioned him, leaning over his shoulder in order to see the console.

Riddler's insane laughter echoed outwards for all to hear and then he started rambling. "What am I doing, what are you doing?"

The Riddler's words didn't make any sense to him and Mojo wondered if he had placed his bet on the wrong person. The Clown was a shell of his former self, so he went with this joker and he was a bit too unpredictable, even for the likes of a network television executive.

Mojo's eyes widened as Riddler started to press a few buttons, activating the protocols on the equipment.

"Oh yes! It's coming! Oh yes! I must! It's coming! I must! I must! I must!" he babbled and then he started to giggle like a hyena in heat. His eyes flashed wider as he held his head up. "Release the Reavers and they will be stomped!"

"HEY, HEY, HEY!" Mojo snapped out in a tone that indicated the great amount of agitation that he was feeling. "I give the orders around here, Nygma."

"Oh you want to give the orders? Well, be my guest," Riddler commented to him lightly and he held his hand up, waving for Mojo to do so.

"DESTROY THEM!" Mojo snarled as he saw Batwoman, Nightwing, and Arcane swoop in.

Harry shook his head; there was something that told him that he would have to save the worst for last. Things normally went that way, but he didn't have any more time to think, since he needed to dodge out of the way, if didn't want a laser blast to go through his head. He waved his hands and several razor sharp spikes flew forwards to punch right through several Reavers.

Batwoman had repelled up into the rafters at the start of the fight and she took advantage of this fact, by smashing down onto her enemies from above.

"Nightwing! See if you can hack into their computer system," Batwoman ordered her, while throwing several batarangs towards a nearby group of foes.

The red haired heroine rushed forward and slid underneath an incoming attack. Arcane was covered her closely and if there was anyone who she'd like to have covering her backside, there were few better options than him.

"This isn't going as planned…SPIRAL DEFEND ME!" Mojo yelled out and Spiral rushed forwards towards Harry.

Harry dodged several of her attacks smoothly until she swung a brutal axe at his head, but he sidestepped the blow and punched her in the elbow, causing it to clang to the ground. Harry waved his hands and her metallic arms rusted from the spell. The rust weighed her down a little bit, but the alien metal that her arms were made of quickly shook off it off.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" Spiral taunted him as she rushed towards him swinging her blades in a whirling dervish of steel.

"That was my intention, believe me," Harry grunted as he dodged her assault.

Batwoman shot a grapnel which wrapped around her, but Spiral grabbed hold of it with her robotic arms and then pulled her forward into a clothes line from hell. The World's Greatest Detective flew head over heels to smash into the ground.

Harry took advantage of that distraction to grab her around the head and flip her to the ground. When magic failed, which was far more often than not, Harry had to admit, one had to get back to basics.

"You know what? You're not worth my time right," Spiral stated licking her lips as she opened up a portal. "One day though…."

"Did you come to that conclusion before or after I knocked you around a little bit?" Harry asked with a smile. "But yes, I know one day."

"We're all well aware that she has a vagina, but right we need to focus on shutting these things down," Batwoman said to him dryly and Harry couldn't help but grin at what she said.

"Do you really think that sex is what I think of all of the time?"

There was no pause or hesitation in Helena's curt response. "Yes."

Harry smiled as turned around to crush the heads of two of the reavers together would been advancing on him from behind, but as it turned out, he didn't need to do much more, as Nightwing had finishing working her magic.

Harry grabbed hold of Mojo and opened up a portal.

"Where are you sending me….NO! NOT THAT! NOT! THE FRIDAY NIGHT DEATH SLOT!"

Mojo was hurled into the portal and Harry paused, wishing that would be the last he saw the last of him, but he doubted it. Someone annoying like that, he would be back, someone that annoying always came back, Deadpool was proof of that fact, so there was really no question about it as much as Harry hated to admit it.

Riddler looked up from the console which he'd been glued to, only for Batwoman knock him the fuck out with one punch, breaking his jaw in the process. He flopped to the ground, twitching, and groaning. She didn't hit him really hard, but she did hit him hard enough that the message was made.

Barbara whistled, she didn't want to be on Helena's bad side for obvious reasons. She moved over towards Enigma, who was leaning against a nearby staring at Harry with her arms crossed under chest in order to push up her breasts.

"You know this might be the worst take your daughter to work day ever," Enigma said in a bored voice as she held her hands out for the Bat-cuffs and Barbara snapped them on.

Harry watched the cleanup crew, Mojo was sent off to parts unknown, but he would probably be back. Bad television programs always had the ability to return, no matter how many times they were canceled, where as quality television often faded off into nothingness after one season, never to be seen again, although sometimes they made a movie. The green eyes of Harry Potter narrowed as he heard Batwoman sneak up behind him.

"He is about as annoying as I remember, but I suppose that it comes with the territory," Batwoman stated to him, she'd dealt with most of her Father's old rogue's gallery once or twice, while acting as Robin alongside the second Batman.

Harry paused for a moment to consider that fact and there was a smile on his face as he made the next statement. "You just punched an old man in the face."

"Not hard and he was asking for it," she defended herself tensely. If he didn't have such an obnoxious voice, she wouldn't have broken his jaw to shut him up, that was the story she was sticking to anyway.

A momentary sigh escaped her mouth and Harry took her gently by the hand, but she retracted it quickly.

"No one was harmed, so I don't know about you, but I'll call this a good day," Harry said.

Batwoman shook her head. "And you are too optimistic."

'Wait, wait, wait, whoa, time out!' Kitty chimed in through the bond link and she was not the only one who did so.

'Someone….called….you….too….optimistic,' Megan thought, her mind shutting down as the Welsh Girl tried to process such a thing, but Rogue was the one that spoke for all of them.

'That's just a bit too far fetched,' Rogue concluded and there was a second where the entire group present at the school exchanged looks.

'You girls are a riot sometimes,' Harry said and there was a pause, before all of them howled with laughter.

'Thanks, we try our best,' Gwen replied as she placed her hands on the top of her head and brushed her hair back. She couldn't help but smile as she shook her head, the blonde was having a lot of fun at his expense.

"Comments from the peanut gallery?" Helena asked him quietly.

Harry was about to ask how she knew, but then he thought better of it, of course she knew, she was the god damned Batwoman after all.

"I feel like today was a good day, even thought I didn't do as much as I would have liked," Barbara said as she leaned against one of the walls. The Reavers did knock her around a little bit so perhaps she could use a break.

"What a day," Barbara concluded as she tried to keep her knees from buckling underneath her weight. Although it was extremely difficult to do so, the redhead held her head up regardless of the set back.

"Will you be okay?" Harry asked her, she obviously knew that he knew, who she was under the mask, even though it wasn't going to be something that she was going to say out loud.

"I'm fine, I've been through much worse," Barbara replied, waving him off with a shake of her head.

"So, I'll be seeing you two around," Harry said to them.

"Yes, I'm sure there will be another attack that mandates our attention and we'll be there, alongside you," Helena said as she looked closely at him.

"Farewell," Harry said and there was a second where he almost swore that she almost said something else as he made his way towards the door.

His green eyes were burning bright as the sky on that night or rather early evening. He thought that today had been a long day already and it was time to go home.

'Harry, you're not going to believe this,' Karen said carefully through the link between the two of them.

Harry paused for a moment. 'Karen, there are very few things that I wouldn't believe, you should know that by now, shouldn't you?'

'Well, yeah I know that,' Karen agreed as she shook her head. 'However, one of those energy pulses….you know the ones that we found…'

'I know what you're talking about Karen,' Harry offered her.

The wizard's smile became even more strained and he didn't need any reason beyond the fact a humming could be heard.

He swiveled his head in the direction it seemed to come from as he took another half of a step forward. Before he leapt up into the air and flew towards it at the speed of light.

He quickly landed on the ground outside of the diamond exchange where the sound seemed to be emanating from. A pulsing light seemed to be flashing from a point in front of him and Harry examined it closely.

Then there was a sudden flash and he seemingly disappeared into the ether.

'Harry, Harry, HARRY!' Karen screamed frantically, but there was no answer, not even a whisper

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