
7- I’m so sorry Saoirse( child harming warning)

After Saoirse had lost her family, she now sat in the throne room with the king. After telling her that she would be wed to his son, whom Saoirse had already met, he sat there reveling in his power as the queen knelt next to his throne. She massaged his feet and another woman shielded the king with a shade. Saoirse looked up to see the sun that came in from a window in the ceiling.

Wherever he moved, the woman followed, keeping him from being burned. Saoirse wondered for a moment if the window was there so he could enjoy the light a little bit, or if it was just to exercise his dominion over her. 

Then Saoirse realized the queen wasn't equal to him, she behaved just like a servant instead. She pictured her mother having to do that kind of task and it sounded ridiculous. This man couldn't possibly believe he would have been her father. 

"Send for my son." The king said as Saoirse arrived. Then he motioned for Saoirse to come near him. 

He leaned in close to her and smelled her a bit leaving her feeling scared of what he would do and then he nodded. "Yes she is indeed Amali's daughter. It's a shame you aren't older, I would just have you for myself right now." He chuckled a bit at the thought and then finished, "No matter, I can just save you for later. You will indeed be of great use to me in other ways in the meantime." Then his hand lashed out at her and grabbed ahold of her arm. She jumped startled. The woman hiding the sunlight suddenly lowered the shade as he flicked his finger at her and said, "First we shall do the branding." 

He held out her arm to the beam of light and nearly touched her with it when the door opened and he was interrupted by Sirius entering. 

The boy immediately regretted coming when he saw Saoirse standing there, terror in her eyes as his father held her closely, too close for him to feel comfortable with. She was nearly on his lap and tears were flooding down her face. 

"You called for me father?" He asked, his eyes darting towards the girl he had brought here before retiring his gaze to the king. 

The king saw this and smiled. "Oh don't worry my son, I haven't done anything to her yet. I was waiting for you to do that part." 

Sirius looked at his father in terror, "what do you want me to do?!" 

The king motioned him to come closer and he obediently came to stand next to Saoirse. Then he pushed her over to him. Sirius protectively held her and Alastor commanded him, "brand her. She shall be your servant and eventually, she will be your first blood bond." 

Saoirse looked at Sirius, hoping he would say no, but instead he closed his eyes and held his breath. He moved her arm towards the light slowly. 

"OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!!" The king yelled, "or I'll burn you too!" 

Sirius began crying as he opened his eyes again and trembling, he attempted to burn her once again. 

The king smiled contentedly as she began screaming in pain; the sunlight burning her from within. Sirius moved her arm, causing the beam to burn a mark that led from her wrist to her elbow. He then dropped her arm and trembled as if it caused him pain to hurt her. 

The king smiled. "Now now Sirius, you can't leave her looking disproportionate, you have to do the other side too! Afterall, she's meant to be your queen. You can't be sloppy with her." 

Saoirse was holding her burned arm in pain, waiting for it to heal when she heard this, she screamed and tried to run away. 

Alastor grabbed her firmly by the burned arm and yanked her to the ground, "Don't you dare run away from me or I'll have him do your legs too!" 

Sirius closed his eyes as he pictured having to burn her more than necessary and plead with his father, "Father please, that won't be necessary, I promise I'm content with her just the way she is!" 

"Nonsense." His father snapped, "You have to do both arms. Everyone knows that a servant can cut off their brand if you only do one arm and keep living, but losing both arms, now who would choose that? A queen has to be burned on both sides." 

Shaking, Sirius obeyed his father and burned her other arm. 

"Good job my son. You're becoming a little more like me everyday. I will convince you to let your beast out eventually."

Then he stood up contentedly and patted his son on the back, causing him to fall to the floor and watched him sob there for a while. 

"I would hope the next time you brand a girl, you could be a little less weak, but that will do. Congratulations you have your first servant." 

Then the king turned towards Saoirse and said coldly, "I expect you to do whatever he asks of you and question none of it." Then he pulled her to her feet, clutching both burned arms in his grasp and got close enough to touch her cheek with his fangs. "And remember, what belongs to my son belongs to me." 

Then he dropped her onto the floor and snapped his fingers at his son. Sirius stood and looked his father in the eye obediently. "Now moving onto the next thing on the agenda. Bite her." 

Sirius' eyes went wide.

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