
44- Alastor’s wrath

Running down the pathway to her house, Alastor carefully steadied himself as he skidded a couple of times on the ice.

Her constant screaming could be heard by him from over a block away. He wondered if humans could hear it, but he doubted it.

"Her drunk parents had better not be hurting her when I get there, or they're really gonna get it this time!" He yelled as he made his way to her home. By the sound of it, she would have a few moments of calm before once again crying out in pain. Almost in a sort of constant pattern. It didn't sound like someone was hitting her. What was she screaming for?

As he reached her yellow house, the paint peeling off the sides a bit with the dead, jungle-of-a-lawn that was now buried in the snow, he made his way passed the chain link gate. It screeched as he opened it and then it flung shut again behind him.

Amali had once again gone silent.

He looked to the side and her parents' car wasn't in the carport.

He knew he should have knocked, but Amali had begun screaming again, almost frantically, and his heart twisted in fear. His heightened sense of hearing overwhelmed him and he could smell her blood.

She really is in danger! He thought with a panic. Perhaps an intruder?!

Ignoring any politeness, he burst the door off its hinges with a loud crash and he was met with a sight that nearly stopped his heart.

Amali was sprouting claws. Digging them into the carpet, she had shifted halfway into a wolf, but crying out in pain, she seemed to be stuck that way as if she hadn't gotten enough venom to finish the process. It shouldn't have been happening so slowly. She shouldn't have been in so much pain.

She looked over at him as he entered with her beautiful blue eyes, that now took on a wolf- like appearance. And growled through the pain she was experiencing, "Alastor! I'm sorry! It was an accident…..Aaaaahhhhhhhggggg!!!!! She cried. Another wave of pain went through her and her scream ended with a slight growl.

Alastor looked at the room in shock. Her bra and Timoteus' shirt were on the couch and the room smelled like werewolf hormones. "You've been having sex with him?" Alastor cried out in shock.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!" She cried through gritted teeth as another wave of pain surged through her. "It isn't what you think Alastor!"

But Alastor knew that it was. "YOU LET HIM MATE WITH YOU AMALI!!!!! DON'T LIE TO ME!!!!!!"

His fangs grew long and his claws grew sharp, he took on the angry persona that he had never taken on in front of her.

She looked at him with shock.


Amali stopped screaming in pain just long enough to experience shock at this revelation. "….b-but." She cleared her throat. Too much was on her mind right now.

"Aaaaahhhhhh!!!" She resumed screaming, arching her back and closing her eyes hard as she sprouted her wolf teeth .

"But Alastor! You know that I'm with Tim!" She exclaimed when she regulated herself again.

As if she had shot him with a shotgun, he felt the blow to his heart hit him. He stumbled back a bit and then he clenched his fists."But Tim is an idiot!" He yelled at her. "It was just supposed to be a passing thing for you two, like… what we had was more genuine!" He cried.

Amali looked at him as another surge of pain ran through her, "I'm sorry Alastor, but…I…I can't. I-I don't like you that way." She cried. "I really do care about you, but….me and Tim…"

"No!!!!!!!!" Alastor yelled. "You can't walk away from me!!!!!! You can't tell me no!!!!!!" He yelled, throwing the entryway table in anger, nearly hitting her as it was sent crashing across the room and into the wall. It exploded into a million pieces and embedded itself partially into the wall.

She looked at him in fear, no longer experiencing shock. She had never seen him mad before.

"I asked my father permission today!!!" He yelled as he rushed forward and kicked the television off of the table it was resting on.

"Alastor stop it!" She cried. "You're scaring me!"

"My father beat me for four hours when he heard that I was with a human!!!" Alastor yelled, he grabbed at the couch and sent it flying through the living room window.

"You don't understand how I feel about you Amali!!!!" He cried. Then he fell to his knees and sobbed.

Painfully, now nearly fully a wolf, Amali came closer to him as he knelt down on the floor. She nuzzled him with her shoulder. "Alastor, sweetheart, you know that I love you." She said patiently, "b-but, ahh!" She said through another wave of pain, "but Alastor, I can't be with you, not now."

He turned toward her with indignation in his eyes. "Tell me the truth. Did you mate with him when he bit you?"

Amali blinked. She wasn't expecting this question. "U-um Alastor…that's personal." She said in embarrassment.

"Answer me!" He shot back, "Did you or did you not?"

Amali sighed, then she nodded.

Alastor clenched his fists. "He's empregnated you then, the bastard."

"W-what?" She said in disbelief.

"That's what he's done, why do you think I'm so angry?" Alastor cried, "He's marked you as the Luna, he's not even been given the right to do so by his father I bet, but now you'll conceive his cubs. That's the way that a mated blood bond works."

He stood up angrily. "I want to be with you Amali. I'm not going to let this happen. You'd better get rid of him and those cubs or so help me, the next time I see you, I will kill all of them myself!"

"Alastor!" She cried, "You aren't a killer, don't say such a horrible thing!"

"I mean it!" He snapped. "Cold hatred in his eyes. I'll give you a week to get rid of them and then I'm bringing my father here to rain hellfire on this whole pack. Nobody takes my things from me ever!"

With that, he smashed the rest of the house to make a point and left.

Amali sat there in shock. She placed her hand on her belly. That couldn't be true! She scoffed. But then she looked at the trashed house and shuddered. Alastor's father would do it; even if Alastor won't. "I have to go warn Tim."

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