
[52] Old Money, New Problems

The lab door swung open, and I stumbled out, blinking in the sudden brightness of the hallway. My shirt clung to me, damp with sweat and smelling faintly of motor oil. A streak of grease decorated my left bicep like war paint.

"Same time next week?" Mei's voice called from inside the lab.

"Wouldn't miss it," I muttered, peeling off a stray sensor pad that had survived our 'final' round of testing.

Grace appeared in the doorway, her usual composure slightly ruffled. A smudge of something iridescent marked her cheek. "We'll refine the material density based on today's data. The spatial harmonics were... promising."

"That's one word for it." I rubbed my shoulder, still tingling from whatever that last 'baby' was supposed to do.

"Oh!" Mei popped up behind Grace. "Don't forget to practice with the binding system!"

"Right. Quantum... stuff." I nodded vaguely. "Got it."

Grace's eyes narrowed. "You have no idea what she just said, do you?"

"Not a clue."

She sighed. "Just... try creating barriers at different strengths. See how the threads respond."

"That I can do." I took a step back. "So, uh, see you next-"

Mei lunged forward, a manic gleam in her eye. "Wait! I forgot to measure the energy output when you teleport under duress!"

"Under what now?"

A device that looked suspiciously like a taser appeared in her hand. "Hold still! This won't hurt! Probably!"

"And that's my cue." I gave them a two-fingered salute. "Ladies, it's been... educational."

A flash of blue light, and I was at the other end of the hall.

"No fair!" Mei's voice echoed. "Come back! Think of the data!"

I rounded the corner at a brisk walk, chuckling despite myself. For all their eccentricities, the support course duo's enthusiasm was infectious. Though my ribs might disagree after whatever that last contraption was supposed to-


I froze. Momo Yaoyorozu stood a few meters away, elegant as always in my hoodie I gave her before. Her eyes widened as she took in my disheveled state.

"Yaoyorozu." I tried to smooth down my hair, probably just smearing more grease around. "Fancy meeting you here."

"I was..." She blinked, seemingly at a loss for words. "Are you alright?"

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just some, uh, enthusiastic costume upgrades."

Her gaze lingered on the grease stain. "I see."

"So!" I clapped my hands together, wincing at how loud it sounded in the empty hallway. "What brings you to this neck of the woods?"

"I was waiting for you, actually." She produced a small notebook from her bag. "About tomorrow's trip? I wanted to go over some logistics."

"Right! The estate visit." I nodded, trying to look like I hadn't completely forgotten. "Logistics. Absolutely."

She raised an eyebrow. "You forgot."

"I didn't forget. I just... temporarily misplaced the information."

"Mm-hmm." But there was a hint of amusement in her voice. "Perhaps we should discuss this somewhere you can... freshen up?"

I glanced down at myself. "Probably a good idea. Cafeteria?"

"I was thinking the dorms, actually. It's closer, and you look like you could use a shower."

"That obvious, huh?"

"Let's just say the grease adds a certain... rugged charm. But it might not be the best first impression for my mother."

I froze halfway through wiping my face. "Your mother?"

"Yes?" She tilted her head. "I mentioned she wanted to meet you."

"You said Sebastian wanted to meet me."

"I said Sebastian had seen the USJ footage. My mother is the one who insisted on meeting you."

"Ah." I swallowed. "And when were you planning on sharing this little detail?"

"I believe I just did." Her lips quirked in a small smile. "Unless you'd rather I wait until we're at the front door?"

"No, no, this is... great. Fantastic. Meeting your mother. Totally prepared for that."

She laughed softly. "You look like you're preparing for a villain attack."

"Might be easier to handle."

"She's not that bad."

I rubbed my temples, smearing more grease across my forehead. "You know this is going to be a disaster, right?"

"Only if you keep that attitude." Momo pulled out her phone, fingers flying across the screen. "Mother has already arranged the car. We'll leave at 9am."

"And your mother is... okay with this? Me? The guy who-"

"The guy who helped protect my class during the USJ attack?" She glanced up. "Yes, she's quite interested in meeting you."

"That's not exactly reassuring."

"Would you prefer she wasn't interested?"

"I'd prefer a heads up longer than..." I checked my phone. "Eighteen hours?"

Voices drifted from the common room as we approached. Someone had commandeered the TV for what sounded like an action movie.

"Look, it's not that I don't-" I pushed open the door and stopped. Half of 1-A sprawled across the couches, illuminated by explosion-filled scenes from the latest All Might film.

Todo's head snapped up. "BROTHER!" He vaulted over the couch, arm raised for our signature high five. "You look like shit."

"Support course." I completed the high five. "Mei got... creative."

"Yo, is that engine grease?" Jiro leaned forward, squinting. "It's kind of working for you."

"Right?" Hagakure's uniform bounced in place. "Total hot mechanic vibes."

"Hot incubus mechanic," she amended. "You've got that whole 'I'll fix your car and steal your soul' energy going."

"Thanks guys."

"You're welcome!" A floating thumbs up. "Oh! Momo! Are you joining movie night?"

"Actually, we need to discuss tomorrow's-"

"Tomorrow?" Ashido perked up. "What's happening tomorrow?"

"Nothing," Momo and I said simultaneously.

"That was suspicious." Jiro's earphone jack twitched. "Very suspicious."

"Especially since you didn't mention any plans at girls' night." Hagakure's sleeves crossed. "Spill!"

"It's just a... social engagement." Momo's voice remained steady, but her fingers tightened on her notebook.

"A date?" Ashido grinned.

"A meeting," Momo corrected. "With my mother."

Silence fell. Even the movie seemed to quiet down.

"Damn," Todo whistled. "Meeting the parents already? My brother moves fast."

"It's not-" I started.

"Did you know about this?" Ashido poked Jiro.

"First I'm hearing of it."

"Same!" Hagakure's uniform rustled indignantly. "We had a whole conversation about boys last night!"

"Because it's not relevant to-" Momo tried.

"Not relevant? This is huge!"

"Can we..." I gestured to the stairs. "Continue this upstairs? I really need to clean up."

Momo nodded gratefully. "Yes, let's."

"Use protection!" Todo called after us.

"That's not-" The door closed, cutting off my protest.

We climbed in silence, reaching my room on the fifth floor. I unlocked the door, suddenly aware of how this might look. "You can wait here while I shower, or head back to your room if you prefer. Shouldn't take long."

Momo stepped inside, taking in the space. My room reflected my mother's... particular tastes. High-end minimalist furniture, a top-of-the-line sound system, and a closet full of designer clothes.

"This is..." She paused.

"My mom's influence," I explained. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be quick."

I grabbed my phone, connecting it to the speakers. Todo had been pushing Luna Snow's music lately. Might as well give it a shot.

The bathroom door closed behind me, and I let out a long breath. What a day.

Twenty minutes later, I emerged in basketball shorts and a fresh t-shirt, toweling my hair dry.

I stopped.

Katsumi sprawled across my bed, wearing one of my shirts - when did she take that? - and tiny shorts. Momo sat at my desk, seemingly unfazed.

"The fuck are you doing here, ponytail?" Katsumi didn't look up from her phone.

"Planning tomorrow's meeting." Momo's voice remained perfectly pleasant. "I'm aware of the... arrangement."

"Good." Katsumi rolled onto her side. "I'm staying."

"That's fine." Momo opened her notebook. "Now, about tomorrow's schedule..."

I looked between them. This is fine. Everything's fine.

I settled into my beanbag chair while Momo flipped through her notebook. The soft glow of my phone screen illuminated Katsumi's face as she scrolled, occasionally snorting at whatever crossed her feed.

"So." I leaned back. "What's the battle plan?"

"The car will arrive at 9 AM sharp." Momo's pen tapped against the page. "Sebastian is very particular about punctuality."

"Sounds fancy as fuck," Katsumi muttered.

"Language," Momo said automatically.

"Bite me, ponytail."

I caught the slight twitch of Momo's eyebrow. "The estate is about an hour and a half outside the city. Mother has arranged a formal lunch at noon."

"Three hours of what, exactly?"

"Property tour, mostly. Mother enjoys showcasing the gardens this time of year."

"Gardens. Right." I nodded. "Any particular etiquette I should know about? Which fork to use? Secret handshakes?"

A video played from Katsumi's phone: "Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no-"

"Please take this seriously." Momo's pen pressed harder against the paper. "My mother is... particular."

"Relax." I grinned. "Parents love me."

"Especially moms," Katsumi added. "It's fucking annoying."

"See? Nothing to worry about."

Momo's pen stopped moving. "This isn't like charming teachers or impressing civilians, Nakamura. The Yaoyorozu name carries certain expectations."

"Which I'm sure you've outlined in that notebook."

"Actually..." She flipped to a new page. "I have."

"Of course you do." I leaned forward. "Hit me."

"First, appearance. I assume you have a proper suit?"

"Several. Mom insists."

"Good. Mother prefers traditional styles, so perhaps the charcoal Armani?"

"How do you know what suits I-" I caught Katsumi's smirk. "Never mind."

"The Yaoyorozu crest should be visible during formal interactions." Momo produced a small silver pin from her bag. "This is a guest variation."

"Fancy." I turned the pin over. The design was intricate - old money intricate. "Should I be worried about blood oaths or anything?"

"Don't joke about that." But her lips quirked slightly.

"Knew he'd make it weird," Katsumi said.

"I'm not making it weird."

"You're definitely making it weird."

"Children." Momo's voice carried just enough edge to shut us both up. "Moving on. Table manners."

"I know which fork to use."

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow. "What's the difference between a butter spreader and a fish knife?"

"One spreads butter."

Katsumi snorted.

"Right." Momo made a note. "We'll review proper place settings before lunch."

"Can't wait."

"Next, conversation topics." She turned another page. "Mother will likely ask about your family's business interests."

"Easy enough."

"Your thoughts on current hero society structure."

"Got it covered."

"And your intentions toward me."


"Standard procedure." Momo didn't look up. "She'll want to assess your suitability as a potential match."

"Match for...?"

"Marriage, dumbass." Katsumi rolled her eyes. "Keep up."


"Welcome to old money." Momo's pen moved faster. "Everything is about potential alliances."

"But we're not even-"

"Dating?" She glanced up. "Mother knows. This is more about future possibilities."

"Future... right." I slumped back. "No pressure."

"You'll be fine." Katsumi's thumb swiped across her screen. "Just do that thing where you make moms want to adopt you."

"I don't have a thing."

"You definitely have a thing."

"There's no thing!"

"The thing," Momo cut in, "won't work on my mother. She's immune to surface-level charm."

"Surface-level?" I pressed a hand to my chest. "I'm wounded."

"She means you can't just smile and compliment her tea set." Katsumi sat up. "Rich people see through that shit."

"Language," Momo said again.

"Make me, princess."

I caught the slight tension in Momo's shoulders. "Maybe we should focus on-"

"No, no." Katsumi swung her legs off the bed. "I want to hear more about how your surface-level charm won't work on Mama Yaoyorozu."


"What?" She leaned forward. "Worried he can't handle real pressure? That he'll embarrass you in front of mommy dearest?"

"That's not-"

"Because last I checked, he handled the USJ just fine. But I guess fighting villains is surface-level compared to proper tea etiquette."

"I never said-"

"Ladies." I held up my hands. "Can we not?"

"Stay out of this, pretty boy."

"I simply meant," Momo's voice remained steady, "that Mother values substance over style. She'll look past any... natural advantages."

"Natural advantages?" I frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Your appearance." She gestured vaguely. "The way you present yourself."

"You mean how he looks like he walked off a magazine cover?" Katsumi's grin turned sharp. "Or how he makes everyone want to take care of him?"

"That's not-"

"No, please." I crossed my arms. "Explain how I use my looks to manipulate people."

"I didn't say that."

"You implied it."

"I merely suggested-"

"That I'm all style, no substance?"

"For fuck's sake." Katsumi stood. "You're both idiots."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." She pointed at Momo. "You're scared shitless about tomorrow because you actually give a damn what he thinks about you."


"And you." She turned to me. "Are being defensive because you care what she thinks about you."

"That's not-"

"Shut up." She grabbed her phone. "Sort your shit out. I'm getting food."

The door closed behind her with a decisive click.

Silence stretched between us.

"So." I cleared my throat. "That was fun."

"I apologize." Momo's fingers twisted together. "I didn't mean to imply-"

"No, I'm sorry. I overreacted."

"I'm just..." She took a breath. "Nervous."

"I noticed."

"Mother can be... intense."

"Unlike you, who's totally chill right now."

That earned me a small smile. "I suppose I'm not handling this very well."

"Hey." I leaned forward. "Talk to me. What's really bothering you?"

She was quiet for a moment, pen tapping against the notebook. "Do you know why Mother wanted to meet you?"

"My dashing good looks and natural charm?"

"The USJ footage."

I stilled. "Ah."

"She saw how you fought. How you protected everyone." Momo's voice softened. "She has... questions."


"Your training. Your quirk. Your..." She hesitated. "Background."

"You mean why a first-year student can fight like that."

She nodded.

"And you're worried about what she'll find?"

"I'm worried about what she already knows."

I sat back. "What does that mean?"

"Mother has resources. Connections." Momo met my eyes. "If there's anything in your past that could... complicate things..."

"You think I'm hiding something?"

"I think everyone has secrets." Her fingers traced the notebook's spine. "Some more dangerous than others."

"And you're worried my secrets will reflect badly on you?"

"I'm worried they'll get you hurt."

That pulled me up short. "What?"

"Mother's investigations can be... thorough." Momo's voice remained carefully neutral. "If she finds something concerning..."

"She'll what? Have me disappeared?"


"That was a joke, Yaoyorozu."

"Of course." But she didn't quite meet my eyes.

"Your mother wouldn't actually..." I trailed off. "Would she?"

"Let's hope we don't have to find out." She stood, gathering her things. "I should go prepare for tomorrow."

"Wait." I caught her wrist. "What aren't you telling me?"

She looked down at my hand, then back to my face. "Just... be careful tomorrow. Please?"

"You're starting to freak me out a little."

"Good." She gently pulled free. "Maybe a healthy dose of fear will keep you focused."

"Now you sound like my mom."

"Your mother sounds like a wise woman."

"That's... debatable."

She paused at the door. "Nakamura?"


"Whatever happens tomorrow..." She took a breath. "Thank you. For agreeing to this."

"Not like I had much choice."

"There's always a choice." Her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "Sleep well."

The door closed softly behind her.

I stared at the silver pin on my desk, the Yaoyorozu crest catching the light. What the hell had I gotten myself into?

My phone buzzed.

Katsumi: You're both disasters

Me: Thanks for the support

Katsumi: Don't fuck this up

Me: No pressure or anything

Katsumi: If you need an escape plan, I can blow something up

Me: Please don't

Katsumi: Your loss

Katsumi: Try not to die

Me: It's just lunch

Katsumi: Keep telling yourself that

I tossed the phone aside and flopped onto my bed. It still smelled faintly of smoke and caramel - Katsumi's unique signature.

"Just lunch," I muttered. "What's the worst that could happen?"

My phone buzzed again.

Mom: I hear you're meeting Momo's mother tomorrow

I sat up. "How the fu-"

Mom: Language, dear

Mom: Wear the Armani

Mom: And do try not to embarrass us

Me: How did you even know about this?

Mom: A mother always knows

Mom: Give Madam Yaoyorozu my regards

Me: You know her?

Mom: Get some rest, dear

Mom: You'll need it

The screen went dark.

"Well." I fell back onto the bed. "That's not ominous at all."

Tomorrow was going to be... interesting.

At least I knew which suit to wear.

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