
[25] Territorial Dispute

The harsh beeping of my alarm pierced through my dreams. I groaned, reaching blindly for my phone. The bright screen showed 7:47 AM.

"Fuck," I muttered, trying to sit up. Something warm and heavy pinned me down. My eyes adjusted to find Kaori curled against my chest, her black hair splayed across my skin.

Last night rushed back. Every touch, every kiss, every-

"Five more minutes," Kaori mumbled, burrowing deeper into my side.

"Class starts in forty-three minutes," I said, running my fingers through her hair.

Her eyes snapped open. "Shit."

She sat up too fast, wincing as she moved. The sheet fell away, revealing marks scattered across her neck and collarbone. My handiwork.

"You okay?" I asked, unable to keep the smugness from my voice.

She shot me a glare. "Shut up. This is your fault."

"Didn't hear you complaining last night." I stretched, feeling pleasantly sore. "Actually, I recall you being quite vocal about-"

A pillow smacked my barrier. "I will end you."

"Too late." I caught her wrist as she went for another hit. "You already did. Multiple times."

Her cheeks flushed red. "I hate you."

"Liar." I pulled her in for a kiss. She melted against me for a moment before shoving me away.

"No. Bad Yoichi. We need to get ready."

I pouted. "One more kiss?"

"That's what got us into this mess." She slid out of bed, grimacing as she stood. "Where are my- did you seriously rip my shirt?"

I glanced at the torn fabric on the floor. "You weren't complaining at the time."

"Because you were-" She stopped, face burning. "Never mind. I need to borrow clothes."

"Top drawer." I watched her limp to the dresser. "Need help?"

"Touch me and we'll never make it to class." She pulled out one of my t-shirts. It hung like a dress on her smaller frame. "Where's my- ah."

She bent to grab her underwear, letting out a small hiss. "Gods, I feel like I ran a marathon."

I dodged the sock she threw at me. "With some gymnastics mixed in."

"You're awful." But she was fighting a smile. "I'm using your shower."

"Want company?"

"No!" She pointed at me. "Stay. Bad Yoichi."

I raised my hands in surrender. "Fine, fine. I'll be good."

She snorted. "That'll be the day." With that, she disappeared into my bathroom.

I waited until I heard the shower running before dragging myself out of bed. My muscles protested - seems I hadn't escaped last night unscathed either. Worth it though. Every ache carried a memory that made me grin like an idiot.

I knocked on the bathroom door, toothbrush in hand. "Hey, can I come in? Need to brush my teeth."

"Door's unlocked," Kaori called over the sound of running water.

Steam hit my face as I entered. I caught a glimpse of Kaori's silhouette through the frosted glass before turning to the mirror. My reflection stopped me cold.

"Holy shit." I leaned closer, examining the constellation of marks across my chest and neck. Scratches criss-crossed my shoulders and back, some deeper than others. Bite marks and hickeys dotted my collar bone and throat. "Kaori, are you part vampire or something?"

Her laugh echoed off the tiles. "Just marking my territory."

"Territory?" I dabbed at a particularly dark mark. "I look like I fought a wild animal."

"You did." The shower door slid open enough for her to peek out, hair dripping. "And lost. Spectacularly."

"I seem to remember winning a few rounds."

"Keep telling yourself that." Her eyes traced the marks with obvious satisfaction. "Besides, I want Hitomi and Jiro to know exactly where they stand."

I paused, toothbrush halfway to my mouth. "What do you mean?"

"I know you'll probably end up with them too." She said it casually, like discussing the weather. "That's fine. But they need to know who was first." The door slid shut again. "Who's at the top of the list."

I processed that while brushing my teeth. When I finished, I asked, "You're okay with that? Really?"

"Would I prefer to have you all to myself? Maybe." Water splashed as she moved. "But I'm not naive. You're... you. And they're them. It's inevitable."

"Nothing's inevitable."

"Please. I've seen how you look at Hitomi. And how Jiro looks at you." Another splash. "I'm not blind. Or stupid."

I leaned against the sink. "And you're really okay with sharing?"

"As long as I'm first." The water shut off. "Hand me that towel?"

I passed it through the gap she made in the door. "First, huh?"

"Mhmm." She stepped out wrapped in the towel, hair dripping onto her shoulders. "Think of it like... establishing dominance."

"By mauling me?"

She pressed against my back, lips brushing my shoulder. "Exactly. Now they'll know you're mine first." Her teeth grazed my skin. "Even if you end up being theirs too."

I turned, catching her hips. "Possessive much?"

"Very." She kissed my chest, right over a mark. "Problem?"

"We're going to be late."

"Worth it." But she stepped back, adjusting her towel. "I need to get back to my dorm for my uniform."

"How are you planning to do that without being seen?"

She winked. "I have my ways." She padded out to the bedroom, leaving wet footprints.

I followed, watching her gather her torn clothes. "You could borrow more of mine."

"Already planning to." She stuffed everything into a spare bag. "Gonna ninja my way back."

"Ninja your way?"

"You know what I mean." She pulled on my shirt and her underwear. "Though these marks might be harder to hide."

I traced one on her neck. "Karma's a bitch."

She swatted my hand away. "Keep that up and we'll never leave this room."


"Down boy." She checked the hallway through a crack in the door. "Coast is clear. I'm making a break for it."

I caught her arm before she could bolt. "Hey."


I kissed her, soft and slow. When we broke apart, I said, "Be careful, ninja girl."

She smiled against my lips. "Always am." Then she was gone, slipping into the hall like a shadow.

I closed the door and leaned against it, touching my lips. What the hell had I gotten myself into?

The marks on my chest seemed to throb in answer. Territory. First place. Top of the list.

"Fuck," I muttered, heading for the shower. I had fifteen minutes to get to class and figure out how to hide a neckful of hickeys.

I fumbled with my tie for the fifth time, cursing under my breath as the knot came out wrong again. The mirror showed a disaster - hair still damp from the rushed shower, uniform wrinkled from where I'd yanked it out of the closet, and a collection of marks that my collar wasn't quite high enough to hide.

"Screw it." I abandoned the tie altogether, stuffing it in my pocket. The clock read 8:22. Eight minutes until class.

My phone buzzed.

Kaori: Made it back. Barely. Jiro definitely saw me.

Kaori: She just raised an eyebrow and said "Nice shirt."

Kaori: I'm never living this down.

I grinned, typing back: Worth it though?

Three dots appeared, disappeared, then: Shut up and get to class.

Followed by: But yes.

Grabbing my bag, I bolted out the door. The morning air hit my face as I sprinted across campus, dodging other students with varying degrees of success. A few called out greetings. I waved without stopping.

"Morning, Nakamura!"

I skidded to a halt, recognizing Midoriya's voice. He walked with Uraraka and Iida, all three in perfectly pressed uniforms. I fell into step beside them, trying not to wheeze.

"You missed training this morning," Midoriya said. "I waited at the usual spot but..."

"Shit, sorry. I was, uh, doing different training."

"Different training?" Iida adjusted his glasses, squinting at me. "Your uniform is quite disheveled. And are those bruises on your neck?"

I tugged my collar higher. "Yeah, new technique I'm working on. Gets pretty intense."

Iida leaned closer, his robotic hand motions intensifying with each observation.

"These marks appear quite systematic," he said, squinting through his glasses. "Though the pattern suggests an unusual fighting style. What sort of technique requires such close-quarter combat?"

Midoriya's analytical brain kicked into high gear. He pulled out his notebook, muttering as he scribbled. "The bruising indicates repeated contact points, possibly a grappling-based technique? But the distribution across the neck and collar area is unusual for standard combat..."

I caught Uraraka's eye. Her face had gone from pink to scarlet as she connected the dots. I winked at her, and she looked away quickly, pressing her hands to her burning cheeks.

"You're right, Iida," I said, keeping my voice serious. "Very close-quarters. Lots of... grappling involved."

Uraraka made a small choking sound.

"Fascinating!" Iida's hands chopped the air with enthusiasm. "And these scratch marks on your shoulders - defensive wounds perhaps?"

"Oh no," I said solemnly. "Those were definitely offensive. My sparring partner got pretty... aggressive."

Uraraka buried her face in her hands.

"Did you sustain any other injuries?" Midoriya asked, pen poised. "The pattern suggests-"

"There are more marks," I confirmed. "Lower down. Want to see?"

"Don't you dare," Uraraka squeaked.

Iida and Midoriya turned to her in confusion. "Uraraka, are you feeling unwell? Your face is quite red."

"I'm fine!" Her voice came out an octave higher than usual. "Just... hot. Very hot. Is anyone else hot?"

"The temperature is a perfectly reasonable 18 degrees Celsius," Iida said helpfully. "Perhaps you're coming down with something?"

I couldn't resist. "Yeah, Uraraka. You seem flushed. Maybe you need some of that... intense training too?"

She shot me a look that promised murder. I grinned back.

"What an excellent suggestion!" Iida's glasses glinted. "Group training would be most beneficial. Perhaps we could all-"

"NO!" Uraraka's shout made several passing students jump. "I mean... no thank you. I'm good. So good. Let's talk about something else."

I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to hide another mark. "Some training is better kept... private, Iida. For... safety reasons."

"Safety reasons?" Midoriya's pen scratched faster. "What kind of risks-"

"Look at the time!" I clapped my hands together. "We should hurry."

I strode ahead, leaving them behind. Made it about twenty steps before realizing I had no idea where I was going. Right led to... maybe the cafeteria? Or was that left?


I turned back to find Uraraka stifling a laugh. I held out my hand. "Navigator? I require your services."

Her eyes widened, cheeks pink. "You actually remember that conversation?"

"Hard to forget the day someone agreed to be my personal GPS." I wiggled my fingers. "Though I notice you've been slacking on your duties. Left me to wander alone this morning."

"Oh?" She fell into step beside me, ignoring my outstretched hand. "And where exactly did you wander off to?"


"Mhm." She glanced at my neck. "Meet anyone interesting during your... wanderings?"


"Someone who likes to leave... training accidents?"

I tugged at my collar again. "Could say that."

"Anyone I know?"

"Getting awfully curious there, navigator."

She bumped my shoulder. "Just making sure you're not getting into trouble without proper supervision."

"Me? Trouble?" I pressed a hand to my chest in mock offense. "Never."

"Right." She pointed left. "This way, by the way. Unless you'd rather end up in the support department again?"

"That was one time."

"Three times."

"The building moved."

"Buildings don't move, Nakamura."

"Tell that to the building."

We reached the classroom with two minutes to spare. Todo's face lit up as I walked in.

"Brother!" He spun in his seat. "I waited for breakfast but you never showed. Did something keep you occupied?" His eyes fixed on my neck. "Or someone?"

I dropped into my seat, very aware of Hitomi's eyes on me. "Traffic was bad?"

"Traffic," she repeated flatly. "In the dorms."

"Very bad traffic. Lots of... congestion."

"Congestion," Todo nodded sagely.

The classroom door slid open with a bang, silencing Todo mid-sentence. Aizawa shuffled in, looking even more exhausted than usual. His capture weapon dragged on the floor behind him like a dejected tail.

"Morning," he grunted, dropping his stack of papers on the podium. "Hope you all got enough sleep last night."

His eyes landed on me, lingering on my collar. One eyebrow crept up.

"Right." Aizawa ran a hand through his tangled hair. "I reviewed the footage from yesterday's combat training. All Might's notes were... enthusiastic. Lots of exclamation points." He held up a paper covered in All Might's distinctive scrawl. "Too many exclamation points."

He shuffled through the stack. "Comprehensive reports will be available after homeroom. Overall, decent work. Room for improvement, obviously."

"Obviously," Hitomi muttered.

"Todoroki." Aizawa's tired eyes fixed on her. "Your ice control is good. Still favoring your right side too much."

"It's sufficient."

"It's limiting." He moved on before she could argue. "Midoriya."

"Y-yes sir!"

"Stop breaking yourself. I'm tired of paperwork."

"Sorry sir!"

"Uraraka, nice improvisation with the concrete pillars. Work on your landings."

She nodded, rubbing her shoulder.

"Jiro." Aizawa paused. "Creative use of sound waves. Though maybe warn your partner before rupturing their eardrums."

"Pikachu deserved it," she said, twirling an earphone jack.

"Probably. Still, paperwork." He flipped another page. "Todo."

"Brother!" Todo spun again, beaming.

"Stop calling me that." Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose. "Your quirk control is improving. Your... everything else needs work."

"Thank you, brother!"

Aizawa sighed, his shoulders slumping even further. "Never mind. We have more pressing matters." He ran a hand through his tangled hair, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. "It's time for a decision that will shape your next three years here."

The class perked up, a mix of curious murmurs and nervous energy filling the room.

"We need to choose a class representative," Aizawa said, his tone as flat as ever.

Iida's hand shot up so fast I thought he might dislocate his shoulder. "Sir! If I may suggest a democratic voting process to ensure-"

"Do whatever you want," Aizawa cut him off. "Just have a name for me by the end of homeroom." He pulled out his yellow sleeping bag. "Wake me when you're done."

As Iida launched into an impassioned speech about the importance of fair elections, my mind wandered. Something nagged at the back of my thoughts, an important detail I was forgetting. What was it?

I turned in my seat, eyes landing on Kaori. She sat two rows back, pointedly not looking in my direction. The high collar of her uniform couldn't quite hide the marks on her neck.


Oh shit.


[Next time on "My Hero Academia: Limitless"]

"Yoichi? Yoichi!" The producer's voice crackled through my headset. I blinked, tearing my eyes away from my phone screen. Right. The preview.

"Sorry, what was that?" I fumbled, adjusting my mic.

The producer sighed. "The class election?"

"Oh, yeah." I cleared my throat, trying to focus. "Next time, Class 1-A faces its toughest challenge yet: democracy in action! Will Iida's impassioned speeches sway the vote, or will Katsumi's explosive personality win the day?"

Todo's voice cut in from the sound booth. "Bro, why are you googling 'average cost of raising a child in Japan'?"

"No reason! Anyway, viewers, don't miss the thrilling conclusion of our class rep showdown, plus a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows of UA! Who could it be? Tune in to find out!"

"Cut!" The producer rubbed his temples. "Yoichi, what's going on?"

I plastered on my best innocent smile. "Nothing! Just, uh, research for a... school project?"

"Right." He didn't look convinced. "Well, wrap it up. We're losing daylight."

I turned back to the camera, trying to ignore the sweat beading on my forehead. "Don't forget to drop those power stones and add us to your library! Your support keeps us going, unlike my bank account after-" I caught myself. "I mean, see you next time!"

As soon as the red light blinked off, I slumped in my chair. How to convince my mom to pay for diapers?

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