
[20] Dress to Impress

I slouched in my seat, idly tapping my pen against the desk as the classroom filled with excited chatter. Hero Basic Training was up next, and the air practically crackled with speculation about who our teacher would be.

"It's gotta be All Might, right?" Kaminari said, leaning back in his chair. "I mean, he's here at U.A. now."

Jiro rolled her eyes. "Because the number one hero has nothing better to do than teach a bunch of first-years?"

"Hey, we're not just any first-years," Kaminari protested. "We're the best of the best!"

"Keep telling yourself that, Pikachu," Katsumi sneered from her seat.

I glanced over at Todo, who was meticulously arranging his pencils by lead density. "Any thoughts on our mystery teacher?"

He shrugged without looking up. "Logical choice would be Vlad King or Snipe. Both have combat experience and teaching backgrounds."

"Boring," Ashido groaned, draping herself over her desk. "I want someone exciting! Like Mirko or Hawks!"

"Pretty sure they're busy being, you know, actual pro heroes," I said.

Midoriya's muttering caught my attention. He was scribbling furiously in his notebook, going through what looked like a pro-hero roster.

"What's your bet, Midoriya?" I asked.

He jumped, nearly knocking his notebook off the desk. "Oh! Um, well, statistically speaking, it's more likely to be a current U.A. staff member. But considering the importance of combat training in the hero curriculum, they might bring in a specialist. Though that would require additional security clearance and-"

"Deku," Katsumi growled, "if you don't shut up, I'll blow up your stupid notebook."

Midoriya clutched said notebook to his chest protectively.

"My money's on Aizawa," Jiro said, twirling one of her jacks around her finger. "He's got the combat experience, and he already knows our quirks."

"No way," Kaminari shook his head. "The guy hates teaching. Remember yesterday's class?"

I thought back to Aizawa's dead-eyed stare as he'd explained basic forms for the fifth time. "Fair point."

"What about you, Nakamura?" Ashido asked. "Who's your pick?"

I shrugged. "Wouldn't surprise me if they rotated different pros. Get us used to different fighting styles."

"Ooh, that'd be cool!" Ashido's eyes lit up. "We could learn from all sorts of heroes!"

"Or it could be complete chaos," Yaoyorozu said, frowning. "Inconsistent teaching methods could hinder our progress."

"Since when has heroics ever been consistent?" I asked.

Before she could reply, the door burst open with enough force to rattle the windows. A massive figure filled the doorway, silhouetted dramatically against the hall lights.


All Might, decidedly not like a normal person, strode into the room with his signature grin plastered across his face. His costume seemed to take up half the available space, red and blue and impossibly bright.

The class erupted into chaos.

"Holy shit, it's actually him!"

"All Might's our teacher?"

"I can't believe it!"

"Deku, stop crying!"

I leaned back in my chair, watching as All Might posed at the front of the room. It was like watching a living action figure - everything about him seemed larger than life, from his booming laugh to the way his hair defied gravity.

"YES, IT IS I!" All Might's voice filled every corner of the room. "HERE TO SHAPE YOU INTO THE HEROES OF TOMORROW!"

Midoriya looked like he might pass out from sheer joy. Even Katsumi seemed impressed, though she was doing her best to hide it behind her usual scowl.

"Now then!" All Might struck another pose, this one involving finger guns. "Who's ready for some HERO BASIC TRAINING?"

The enthusiasm was infectious. Even Todo cracked a small smile.

"We'll be jumping right into things with a classic hero exercise," All Might continued, pulling out a small remote. "BATTLE TRAINING!"

The wall panels slid open, revealing numbered cases. Probably our hero costumes.

"Suit up and meet at Training Ground Beta in fifteen minutes!" All Might flashed us a thumbs up. "Don't be late!"

With that, he was gone, leaving behind only the faint smell of patriotism and hair gel.

The class exploded into motion, everyone scrambling for their costume cases. I grabbed mine - lucky number 19 - and headed for the changing rooms.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Kaminari said as we walked. "Think we'll get to use our quirks?"

"It's battle training," I replied. "Would be pretty pointless without them."

"Yeah, but like, full power? No holding back?"

I thought about the barely-controlled chaos of monday's quirkless sparring. "For everyone's sake, I hope there are some restrictions."

The boys' changing room was a whirlwind of excitement and limbs as everyone tried to put on their costumes at once. I stepped to the side, letting the chaos wash over me as I opened my case.

I opened my case, already knowing what I'd find inside. Mom had insisted on overseeing every detail of my hero costume, drilling into me the importance of looking good "for the brand." As if I'd ever be caught dead in something unfashionable.

The black techwear jacket was the centerpiece, cropped just above the waist with wide, structured shoulders tapering to a fitted waist. Hidden lotus patterns would become visible when my barrier activated – a little flair for the dramatic that I couldn't help but appreciate. I shrugged it on, leaving it open to reveal the black compression mock neck underneath.

"Dude, is that designer?" Kaminari asked, eyes wide as he fumbled with his own costume.

I smirked. "Custom-made. Gotta look good while kicking ass, right?"

"Man, some people have all the luck," he grumbled, but there was no real heat behind it.

I pulled on the black cargo pants, relaxed but tapered to sit perfectly on my custom sneakers. The Lotus 1s, as I'd dubbed them, were a work of art in their own right. High-tops in premium black leather with a blue-white gradient swooping design on the sides. They'd glow subtly when I used my quirk – another little touch of flair.

"You look like you're heading to a fashion show, not a battle," Todo observed, his own costume a stark contrast of white and crimson.

I shrugged, adjusting the silver chain around my neck. "Why not both?"

Midoriya was struggling with his costume, a green monstrosity that looked like it had been cobbled together from spare parts and good intentions. I caught his eye and raised an eyebrow.

"Having some trouble there?"

He flushed. "It's, uh, not quite what I expected."

I sighed, walking over to help him out. "Did you design this yourself?"

"My mom made it," he mumbled, looking embarrassed.

"Ah." I bit back a comment about letting parents have too much input. "Well, the color suits you, at least."

Once everyone was more or less put together, we headed out to Training Ground Beta. The air was charged with a mix of nerves and excitement as we gathered in front of All Might, who somehow managed to look even more larger-than-life in the outdoor setting.

"Young heroes!" he boomed, striking yet another dramatic pose. "Today, you'll be putting your quirks to the test in a series of two-on-two battles!"

Katsumi cracked her knuckles, a feral grin spreading across her face. "Finally, some real action."

"The scenario is this," All Might continued. "Villains have hidden a bomb in one of these buildings. Heroes must either capture the villains or secure the bomb within the time limit. Villains win if they protect the bomb or capture the heroes!"

He held up two boxes, one labeled "HERO" and the other "VILLAIN."

"We'll draw lots to determine teams and roles. Any questions?"

Hands shot up across the group. All Might pointed to Iida, who was practically vibrating with intensity.

"Sir! Will we be graded on property damage? And what are the exact parameters for capturing an opponent?"

"Excellent questions!" All Might gave a thumbs up. "Property damage will be factored into your score, so try not to go overboard. As for captures, you'll be using this special capture tape." He held up a roll of white tape. "Wrap it around your opponent, and they're out of the fight!"

More hands went up, but All Might barreled on. "Now then, let's draw teams!"

I watched as All Might pulled names from the boxes, pairing us off into teams. The excitement in the air was palpable, everyone eager to see who they'd be working with - or against.

"Team H: Momo Yaoyorozu and Yoichi Nakamura!"

I glanced over at Yaoyorozu, giving her a nod. She returned it with a small smile, already looking focused. Good. I could work with someone who took this seriously.

As All Might continued calling out teams, I made my way over to my new partner. And then I saw her costume.

Holy shit.

I blinked, trying to keep my face neutral as I took in the red leotard that left very little to the imagination. It was like someone had vacuum-sealed her into it. I mean, I knew her quirk required exposed skin, but this was... something else.

"Nakamura-san," she greeted me, either oblivious to or ignoring my momentary short-circuit. "Your costume is quite striking. Very stylish."

"Thanks," I said, dragging my eyes back up to her face. "Yours is, uh, very practical."

She nodded, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "Yes, well, it allows for optimal quirk usage. Though I admit, it's a bit more revealing than I'd prefer."

I bit back a comment about that being an understatement. "Right. Well, as long as it works for you."

All Might's booming voice cut through our awkward small talk. "Now then, young heroes! Our first match will be... Hero Team C versus Villain Team G!"

Kirishima pumped his fist. "Aw yeah! Time to show 'em what we've got, Ashido!"

Kaminari and Sero exchanged grins. "Bring it on, horn buddy!" Kaminari called back.

As the two teams headed into the mock city, the rest of us gathered around the monitors to watch. I leaned against the wall, arms crossed, as All Might explained the rules one last time.

"Remember, heroes! You have 15 minutes to either capture the villains or secure the bomb. Villains, your job is to protect the bomb or capture the heroes. Use your quirks, but try not to cause excessive damage!"

The timer started, and we all watched as Kirishima and Ashido entered the building. They moved carefully, Kirishima taking point with his hardened skin while Ashido kept her acid at the ready.

"Smart," I murmured. "Using Kirishima as a shield."

Yaoyorozu nodded. "Yes, and Ashido's acid will be useful for creating openings or traps."

On another screen, we could see Kaminari and Sero setting up defenses around the bomb. Sero was laying down tape traps while Kaminari charged himself up.

"You think they have a chance?" I asked Yaoyorozu.

She considered for a moment. "It depends on how well they can utilize their quirks in an enclosed space. Kaminari's electricity could be devastating, but also risky for Sero."

The next few minutes were tense as we watched the two teams feel each other out. Kirishima and Ashido made steady progress, avoiding most of Sero's traps. But as they neared the bomb room, Kaminari made his move.

"Indiscriminate Shock: 1.3 Million Volts!"

Electricity arced through the hallway, catching Kirishima and Ashido off guard. They both went down, twitching.

"Whoa!" Kaminari cheered. "Did you see that, Sero? I totally-"

And then his brain short-circuited, leaving him with his signature dopey expression.

"Idiot," Katsumi muttered from nearby.

Sero facepalmed. "Dude, we talked about this! Now I've gotta defend alone!"

But it was too late. Kirishima and Ashido, while stunned, weren't out. They staggered to their feet, shaking off the electricity.

"Nice try," Kirishima grinned, his skin hardening further. "But we're not done yet!"

The last minute was chaos. Ashido melted through Sero's tape while Kirishima bulldozed forward. Sero put up a good fight, but without Kaminari's support, he was overwhelmed. The timer buzzed just as Kirishima touched the bomb.

"HERO TEAM WINS!" All Might announced.

There were cheers and groans from the watching students. I nodded, impressed despite myself. It had been a close match.

"Well done, young heroes!" All Might said as the teams returned. "Kirishima, Ashido, excellent teamwork and perseverance. Kaminari, Sero, good initial strategy, but remember to communicate and adjust your plans!"

Kaminari, still dazed, gave a thumbs up. "Yaaay..."

All Might turned back to the rest of us. "Now then, our next match! Hero Team H versus Villain Team A!"

I straightened up. That was us.

"Good luck," Hitomi said as she and Kaori headed out to set up their defenses.

I looked at Yaoyorozu. "Ready to kick some ass?"

She nodded, her expression determined. "Let's show them what we can do."

As we headed into the mock city, I ran through what I knew about our opponents. Todoroki's ice would be a major obstacle, and Kaori... well, I wasn't entirely sure what her quirk even was. She'd been pretty secretive about it.

I stared at the building layout on the tablet screen, running through possible scenarios. With Limitless, I could end this in seconds - just pop in, grab the bomb, pop out. Neither Hitomi nor Kaori had the raw power to stop me. Not yet, anyway.

But that felt cheap. Like something Endeavor would do, steamrolling through everything just because he could.

"What are you thinking?" Yaoyorozu asked, peering at the blueprints beside me.

"We've got two problems," I said, zooming in on the upper floors. "Todoroki's ice will make direct approaches suicide, and we don't know what Sakurada's quirk even is."

"She's kept it well-hidden during training," Yaoyorozu nodded. "Though I've noticed she moves differently than most students - almost predatory."

I raised an eyebrow. "You've been watching her?"

"I watch everyone," she said simply. "It's important to understand potential allies and opponents."

Smart. I'd been slacking on that front, too focused on my own training.

"Okay, what can you make that won't be affected by extreme cold?" I asked.

Yaoyorozu's eyes lit up. She pulled out a small notebook, flipping through pages of chemical formulas and material properties. "I have several options. Thermal insulators, heating elements, even some compounds that generate exothermic reactions on contact with ice."

"What about drones? Something small enough to scout through windows?"

"Yes, though the cold might affect battery life." She sketched rapidly. "I could add a heating system to protect the vital components."

I glanced at the timer. Seven minutes left for prep.

"Here's what I'm thinking," I said. "We avoid the ground floor entirely. I can get us to the roof, then we work our way down. Your drone finds the bomb while we keep mobile to avoid getting frozen."

"You can teleport both of us?"

"Yeah, just..." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'll need to hold you. Close. For it to work."

Her cheeks flushed slightly, but she nodded. "That's fine. Professional necessity."

We spent the remaining time going over contingencies. Yaoyorozu created several gadgets - thermal blankets, hand warmers, and components for the drone. I tried not to stare as items emerged from her exposed skin.

The timer hit zero. Show time.

"Ready?" I asked.

Yaoyorozu nodded, clutching her supplies. I stepped closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. She was warm.

"Sorry about this," I muttered, pulling her against my chest. Her face turned red, but she stayed focused.

I took a breath, reaching for that infinite space between points. Blue-white geometric patterns flickered around us as I connected to the roof.

"Three, two, one..."

Reality shifted. The ground vanished, replaced by open air and concrete. Yaoyorozu stumbled slightly as we landed, but I kept her steady.

"That was... interesting," she said, stepping back quickly.

"Yeah, takes some getting used to." I scanned the roof while she assembled the drone. "No ice yet. They probably don't know we're up here."

The drone hummed to life, a sleek little thing with a camera and thermal sensors. Yaoyorozu pulled out a tablet, directing it toward the nearest window.

"Fourth floor clear," she reported. "Moving down."

"Found them," Yaoyorozu whispered. "Third floor, east side. The bomb's behind a barricade of ice. Todoroki's guarding the main entrance, and Sakurada... I don't see her."

"That's concerning." I looked over her shoulder at the feed. Hitomi had really gone all out - the entire corridor was an ice tunnel. "Can you make something to melt through that?"

"Yes, but it would take time. And the noise would alert them."

"So we need a distraction." I grinned. "How do you feel about playing bait?"

She raised an eyebrow. "That depends entirely on the plan."

"Simple. You make a lot of noise on the west side, draw Todoroki's attention. I'll-"

Movement caught my eye. I grabbed Yaoyorozu, yanking her back as something swept through where her head had been.

Kaori landed in a crouch, grinning. "Almost had you there."

I pushed Yaoyorozu behind me. "Nice try. How long were you up here?"

"Long enough." She tilted her head, studying us. "You know, it's rude to ignore the villains during their setup time."

I glanced at Yaoyorozu. "Change of plans. Think you can handle the ice queen alone?"

She nodded, already creating something new. "Just keep Sakurada occupied."

"Oh, you're not going anywhere," Kaori said, then blurred into motion.

I met her charge head-on, barrier flaring as we clashed. She was fast, movements fluid and unpredictable. But I had infinity on my side.

"Yaoyorozu, go!" I called, redirecting one of Kaori's strikes. "I've got this!"

I caught a glimpse of Yaoyorozu running for the roof access door before Kaori demanded my full attention. She pressed her attack, forcing me to block and dodge.

"Just you and me now," she grinned. "Let's see what you've got."

I smiled back. "Ladies first."


[Next time on "My Hero Academia: Limitless"]

"Hello everyone! Your favorite besto friendo here to-" I stopped mid-sentence, squinting at the monitor. "Wait, are they fighting or... oh. OH. Should we be filming this?"

The cameraman shrugged.

"Well, while my brother's busy with his... combat training, let me tell you about next week's episode! We've got explosions, ice powers, and-" I clapped my hands together. "The most beautiful thigh development ratios you've ever seen! Speaking of which, did you notice how Kaori-"

"Young Todo!" All Might's voice boomed from off-screen. "Why aren't you in cl-" He froze, staring at the monitor. "Oh my."

"Right?" I grinned. "My brother's really giving it his all out there. Though I can't tell if he's trying to pin her or-"

"We should probably cut the feed," the cameraman muttered.

"But before we do!" I leaned into the camera. "Don't forget to drop those power stones and add us to your library! Support your besto friendo's story! And next time, I'll tell you all about the time I fought thirty villains while-"

"Young Todo, that never happened."

"It could have! And speaking of things that could happen, what do you think about my brother and-"

The feed cut to black.

"Seriously though, someone tell me - is this a fight scene or a romance scene?"

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