
Chapter 8: ExamsxSite

While we walk Leorio complains that the old lady lied to us and exclaims that we walked 2 hours 2 hours ago. Right after he says this we see a big wood cabin with a ginormous cedar tree next to it. We decide that it must be the place and knock. Nobody answers so we all just step inside.

As we step inside, we immediately, lock eyes onto a massive, bipedal creature, its body covered in light brown fur. Thick fur drapes its head, shoulders, chest, stomach, and lower body, and its sharp eyes fixate on us. It's holding a woman her left arm marked with tribal tattoos, streaks of markings across her face.

Behind them, a man lies on the floor, blood pooling beneath him. His hair is blue, his eyes bloodshot, and his clothes a red and yellow triangle-patterned bandana, a blue long-sleeve shirt, and a beige tribal Lakota vest stand out against the grim scene.

His eyes widen when they meet ours, and he gasps, weak but desperate. "Please, save my wife!"

Without warning, the Kiriko jumps through the window, disappearing into the distance while carrying the woman. Kurapika and Gon are quick to follow, but Kurapika shouts, "Leorio, treat him! Now!"

I stay behind, watching Leorio take charge, but my senses are on high alert, every muscle primed for action ready to defend if more beasts show up.

Leorio works fast, his hands steady and precise. The bleeding slows, and I let out a fake breath of relief. Gon quickly figures out the difference between the husband and wife Kiriko. The Kiriko's explain that they are guides contracted by the hunter association to guide people like us to the exam site, which shifts every year.

 The Kiriko's explain that they are all a family, each serving as a guide to the exam site, which changes every year. They also clarify that we've already taken an exam, and all of us have passed. Kurapika passes due to his knowledge of the "wife's" tattoo, which means "Single for Life" around these areas. Leorio passes for his excellent medical skills quick and as effective as any real doctor's. Gon passes for his superhuman senses and strength. As for me, I pass for my insight, staying behind to protect Leorio in case the wounded "husband" attracts any other magical beasts.

The Kirikos nod and gesture for us to grab onto their feet. Without hesitation, we do, and the world around us blurs as they carry us toward Zaban City.

When we land, Zaban City greets us with its usual chaos. Scammers crowd the streets, hawking fake 'cures,' and, of course, Gon almost buys into every scam.

"Gon!" I grab his arm, yanking him away from a merchant selling some ridiculous 'magical healing herbs'. "These are all scams don't buy anything here Gon."

Kurapika laughs, shaking his head. "You've got to be careful here. Everyone's trying to make a quick buck."

Gon laughs sheepishly. "Guess I got a little too excited."

once the Kiriko guide says "We're here." Everyone glances up at the sleek skyscrapers in the distance, but the male Kiriko motions toward a nondescript building.

"I think this is the place," he says, pointing to a simple structure with a sigh.

Kurapika, Leorio, and Gon exchange confused looks. "This isn't what I expected…" Leorio mutters, eyeing the humble building with suspicion.

"I told you," the Kiriko says. "The Hunter Exam site is supposed to be secret. Why would they hold it in such a flashy, public place?"

Leorio dumbfoundedly nods and murmurs "I guess that makes sense"

Inside, a chef greets us with a loud, "Welcome!" He's cooking something that smells incredible.

The Kiriko nods toward the backroom. "Is the backroom open?"

the chef looks up replying with "What'll it be?"

"The Steak combo that will make me see the light, for four." the Kiriko guide orders.

The chef looks seriously with narrowed eyes and asks how we want it done.

Our guide looks seriously back at the chef and replies with a finger in the air "Grilled over a low flame until done."

The chef lets us pass and as we take our seats in the back, Mr. Kiriko leans in slightly, his voice turning more contemplative. "You know," he says, "only one in every 10,000 applicants makes it this far every year. You've all done well to get here on your first try. Next year, I'd be happy to guide you again."

The door clicks shut behind us, and an elevator begins its slow descent. Kurapika and Leorio start arguing about what it really means to be a Hunter.

"What do you think, Gon?" Leorio asks, curiosity in his voice. "What does it take to be a Hunter?"

But Gon doesn't answer. He's lost in thought, staring at the descending numbers.

"I don't think Gon's sure yet," I murmur under my breath.

When the elevator finally stops and the doors open, we step into a large, dim room. When we get in we can feel a few people staring at us with killing intent. A short green man in a suit tells us to take a number in a very friendly voice. He hands Leorio a badge that says 403, Kurapika one that says 404, Gon a badge that says 405, and I am number 406.

A few applicants look surprised to see me, like Hisoka, number 44, and Illumi/Gittarackur, number 301. Leorio comments about these guys having a different aura from the other applicants we've encountered so far. I direct a malicious aura toward the others, making them tense. Most of it is aimed at the actual dangerous people like Illumi and Hisoka but a good amount is at Tompa to keep him from trying to "crush" us rookies. If he does, though, I'll make sure he regrets it whether I have to beat him down or outright kill him.

After about ten minutes of waiting, Hisoka makes his move, causing the arm of the guy who bumped into him without apologizing to turn into what looks like red four-leaf clovers. I finally spot two of the people I've been hoping to recruit number 294, Hanzo, and number 187, Nicolas. I plan to save Nicolas and carry him through the exams to get his license because he is incredibly smart and good at research he's made it here alone, without a guide, using only past Hunter Exam locations.

I intend to use my newest hatsu's sub-ability, Telepathy, to create a mental link with Nicholas by placing String of Fate on him. This way, we can communicate anywhere, without the need for cell service or anything else. The string forms an invisible, intangible thread that connects our minds, allowing us to communicate through the Nen string without speaking. Using this I can easily get information from him about anything I need at any moment.

Suddenly while I'm thinking, the front wall of the assembly corridor opens like a garage door taking me out of my thoughts with an annoying alarm blaring through the corridor. A man with pale lavender hair that curls at the ends, blue eyes, a long-pointed chin, and a thin curly mustache steps forward. He seems to lack a mouth and wears a formal suit. After the alarm stops, he announces, "The registration period for Hunter Exam applicants has now ended. The Hunter Exam will now begin! A final word of caution If you lack the necessary ability or if you're unlucky you may end up seriously injured or even dead. To those who accept the risks, please follow me. Otherwise, please exit via the elevator behind you."

After a few seconds, with no one leaving, he adds, "Very well. All 405 applicants will participate in the first phase."

The strange-looking man begins walking in a bizarre manner, lifting his legs completely without any bending. We follow the crowd ahead of us everyone joining in. As the people ahead start running, we follow. Satotz introduces himself as the first examiner, and we are told we'll need to follow him to the second phase.

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