

October 4th, 4028 - West Wing, Crown Princess's Office - 9:30 PM

Commander Yuen Pu stood outside the Crown Princess's office, his expression calm but deep inside, he could not help but feel uneasy. Ten minutes earlier, he received a message from his younger sister, Yuen Yue, informing him that Her Highness Yin Zhi wants to see him as soon as possible.

Without hesitation, he delegated tasks to the Yin soldiers in the CCTV room, making sure that they would inform him immediately if something came up, before making his way to Her Highness Office.

He knocked lightly on the open door. "Your Highness, you called for me?

"Come in. Close the door." Yin Zhi ordered

Yuen Pu entered the office as he shut the door behind him. He stood before her desk as he look directly at the Crown Princess, who was currently sitting in her chair with a contemplative expression while gently stroking the fur of the black kitten curled up in her left arm.

"Sit down." Yin Zhi instructed

Yuen Pu sat down on the chair across from her and kept his back straight as he awaited Her Highness's words.

"How many active Yin soldiers do we currently have?" Yin Zhi asked, her tone flat.

"12,500,245, Your Highness." Yuen Pu replied immediately.

"and the reserves?" - Yin Zhi asked once again

"Two Million," - Yue Pu replied. "But we have an additional 500,000 cadets who already completed their first baptism, and their Second Baptism is scheduled on December 20th. While another 200,010 recruits are set to undergo their first baptism on December 21st, and their second baptism is scheduled for June 1st of next year."

Yin Zhi couldn't help but fall into deep thought after hearing the familiar word, Baptism. In her past life, she was aware that in order to become a Yin soldiers, they must pass the two baptisms. And she knows how loyal every member of the Yin army is.

But back then, she is not really interested in it. But now that she came back from the past using the time reversal magic that she read in the underground palace, she couldn't help but think that the baptisms of the yin soldiers are also related to magic. After all, as a member of the Yin Family she is aware compared to the outsiders, what the baptisms really mean to the Yin soldiers.

The recruits for Yin army needs to pass the First Baptism before they became a cadet. And the frst baptism is also known as Oath Baptism.

The purpose of the Oath baptism is to tests the recruits sincerity and resolve.

First, They must swear an oath in unknown language. The meaning of the words they speak is unknown, and the only thing that the recruits needs to do is to follow their instructor's lead. If the recruits heart is not truly intent to be loyal or if there is any sign of little hesitation, the mark of Yin army crest would not appear in the back of their right hand, which mean they did not passed their first baptism.

The first baptism does not make them a death soldier, they merely became a cadet from being a recruit and passing the first baptism merely proves their willingness to fight for the Yin Family without betraying their missions or tasks.

As for their second baptism, or also known as Soul Baptism, once they passed this, they officially became a member of the Yin Army as reserves.

Soul baptism purpose is to bind the cadet's soul to the Yin Family, making them a death soldier.

This baptism takes place at Jingxiang Pavilion, situated at the center of the Imperial City Yin Army Garrison. The cadets swears their final irrevocable oath to the Yin Family in front of the altar.

Upon completing the second baptism, their souls are marked, signifying that the loyalty is now ingrained in their soul. And to make sure that the soul mark is succesful, the symbol of the Yin Army crest disapeares from the back of their right hand, and a new two inch size mark of the Yin army crest would be branded within their inner left wrist, representing that their second baptism is completed.

With this, the cadets become officially death soldiers, where their loyalty is unshakable. They no longer question or think about the consequences of their missions or hesitate in following orders, even if it means it is a suicide mission. This is the meaning of the two baptisms the recruits and cadets need to undergo. Once officially becoming a soldier of Yin Army, they become the sharpest sword and shield of the Yin Royal Family.

"Your Highness?" - Yuen Pu called out after seeing Yin Zhi remained silent for almost ten minutes.

Yin Zhi was pulled out of her deep thoughts after hearing Yuen Pu's voice. Remembering their last conversation, Yin Zhi sighed as she said. "Move the second baptism for all the recruits forward by two months. Schedule it for April 1st instead of June 1st."

Yuen Pu hesitated briefly but nodded. "Understood." After all, he knows that Her Highness wouldn't meddle in the Yin Army recruitment of soldiers if she doesn't have a reason.

"Additionally, Advance the next recruitment period. Begin the next enlistment on December 1st. I want one million new recurits enlisted at the end of this year. And their first baptism should be on February 28 next year and make sure that their soul baptism is before Sept 1st. I want this one million recruits to officially become a Yin Soldier before September 1st."

Yuen Pu look stunned as he said. "Your Highness, advancing the recruitment gives us less time to select the candidates and prepare for their necessary training grounds and accomodations. The Time is…"

"Insufficient?" Yin Zhi interrupted. "There is no need to worry about that. After choosing the one million recruits, just placed them on Dao island. The island size is more than sufficient to accommodate them all. As for sleeping accomodations, just set up military tents, that will suffice."

"Yes, Your Highness." - Yuen Pu answered after hearing her words.

"The current standards for recruitment is to allow all male and female age from 16 to 22 to enlist. Typically, they train for six months before they can do their 1st baptism to test if they can become a cadet, followed by another two years of training before their second baptism. In normal times, this is just right, but right now, this is too slow for what I need. So change the standards."

"Change them?" Yuen Pu startled

Thanks for reading!

ArtemisSabariagacreators' thoughts
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