
//49// General Hentye

Arsenal was taken out of the main facility to a distant building within the academy. It looked like the home of a wealthy millionaire who wanted to live a very low life.

Inside the building, Arsenal saw two ostriches walking around the place, he could hear the voice of a man calling out to someone, and the voice that responded to it seemed to be that of a young boy.

And soon, he heard footsteps coming down the wooden stairs, and a young boy around ten years old stood before them and bowed down slightly.

"Greetings," He said,

"General Hentye will be with you shortly." He took another bow and walked out of the house, leaving Arsenal and General Mikah alone in the living room.

"The man you are about to meet is a very well respected figure, he has trained numerous Agents and is on his way to becoming a Sentinel, he will become your new trainer."

"He hasn't trained any Agent who's good enough to succeed you as General?"


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