
Chapter 14

{Bonus Chapter for 200 powerstones, Thanks for the support}

The 72 Earthly Transformations: This gives Sun Wukong the ability to shapeshift into different things, having an extra life for each one of those transformations. This also gives Sun Wukong complete control over his body, being able to create extra limbs or modify his size.

Let's break down this ability for a second. I could transform into more than 72 different things at a time. I don't know why it had the word 72 when I could transform it into any living thing and non-living thing. The normal ability gave Sun Wukong the power to gain the abilities he had a good understanding of once he transformed into said person... I simply scan them and I could become the prime version of the transformation. 

Secondly, for every transformation I could take on, that's an extra life. So, I could be destroyed and erased countless times over, but so long as I have an extra life, I shall respawn... immune to what killed me. Yes, the said transformation would die, but it would return to me after a said amount of time. Plus, I would be immune to what destroyed me once I popped back into reality. 

Anyway, I went to bed after the place was to my liking. This would be the first time I ever slept, but it was for good reason. I wanted to see if I could have a lucid dream. In there, I wanted to see if I could transform into a Super Saiyan, after all, I had more than enough S cells.

"I still see your shadows in my room..." I couldn't help but sing to myself, but as soon as my head hit the bed... well, I was out cold.

"... Yes!" I cried seeing as I was lucid dreaming. Although I was confused as to why I would dream about a throne room, and to make things worse, I wasn't sitting on a throne, and instead, some pale-skinned man who seemed like he needed some sleep sat there.

"What is this, some kind of dream about me fighting some overpowered lazy emperor? I'm not judging." I said while powering up, and getting ready to fight the man, who was just looking at me.

I wasted no time, disappearing, appearing before him at top speed. I was sure I would make my enemy as strong as possible to give myself a good fight. So, I kicked the man, just for my leg to phase through him. This shocked me as not even the Martian Manhunter could phase through me.

"An illusion!" I roared while disappearing, appearing below the stairs to the throne where the man was now. I kicked towards his face, but he easily blocked my kick with his arm. My eyes narrowed while I jumped back, we looked at each other for some time, before I cried in pain, jumping up and down while holding my leg.

"The fuck! What's your arm made out of... I see it, I created you to push both my mind and body to the limit." I said impressed with myself. The man opened his mouth to speak, but I disappeared, appearing before him, my fist shooting towards him.

He easily dodged, before slamming his palm into my stomach. I was sent rocketing away while coughing up a mouthful of blood. I felt like I was going to cough up my stomach. But the next moment, I moved, as I had healed before I hit the wall.

'Did his recovery capability evolve to not just be effective but fast enough to allow him to keep fighting through the worst of injuries without being slowed down?' The man thought with a raised eyebrow

"Damn!" I cried while pulling out some of my arm's hair. I threw the hair into the air before I cut it into extremely small pieces with my telekinesis. Each piece transformed into clones, all holding my staff. 

But the clones also went on to pull out their arm hair, before breaking them down into even smaller pieces, and the loop went on. In a heartbeat, this dream was flooded by countless clones, all bursting towards the man, just for them to be destroyed.

But as they were destroyed, the remaining clone grew immune to how they were destroyed, and also gained a zenkai boost, growing countless times stronger. Even so, the man just slapped every clone to death. It didn't matter how quickly we adapted or evolved, this man's attacks ignored it all.

'What's wrong with me? Why would I dream of such a being? But this is fun... I wonder why I can't even transform into him.' I thought while looking at my clones get destroyed with one hit. I wasn't a fool, battle-hungry I might be, death wasn't something I would run into like a fool.

I could tell this guy was light years above me in strength, I mean at this moment I could destroy an infinite multiverse. This didn't mean I could destroy the infinite numbers of multiverses out there, I would instead destroy just one set of infinite multiverses. 

I went from a power level of over Quintillion to a power of Decillion in this battle, and with every death of my clone, my power level jumped up. Of course, my power level would be greater if I were the one to die, but the gains I got from my clone's death were still useful.

'I can't win this, I can't remotely even sense this guy's power. My full power isn't even cracking the space or shaking the planet. This is a higher dimension, just what is his power level? Is it googol? Googolplex? No, I feel like that's not enough to measure this guy's power.' I thought while slowly waking up, something which alerted the man.

What was Googol? That was a 1 followed by 1 hundred zero. Yes, to fill up the world count I will write it out. 10,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000.

What was Googolex? That was 1 followed by 10^100 zeroes. Or 1 followed by 10 to Googol. But this number should be useless since this number exceeds the number of particles in the universe.

I felt like this guy transcended such a number. I grinned, for I was sure this was a higher dimension. Well, the power level of Googol was still a few weeks away from me. Right now, I have a power level of 73 Nonillion, which is 73 followed by 30 zeroes. When I entered this higher dimension, I had a power level of 9 Quintillion which was 9 followed by 18 zeros... I grew by a trillion times in the span of a few seconds.

"Well, I should wake up," I said lightly while banishing myself from this place. This shocked the man who tried to stop me while calling out to me, saying something. But I wasn't going to deal with some higher dimensional life forms when I hadn't even gone beyond my own planet.


"I didn't expect him to flee." He said seeing Broly and his clone were gone, this left him confused for Broly shouldn't have been able to escape.... normally. But he understood what Broly had done. Broly had evolved to become some kind of vortex, something which even he would be uneasy about.

"He sensed the endless gap between him and you, so he ran away." A goth girl said with a smile while making her appearance. 

"You know an oddly a lot about him." He said while looking at his sister, who couldn't help but frown for a second.

"Yes, I was barely there when he was born... meaning there is a small chance I will not be able to welcome him. We might have to fight." She said with a sigh, not liking the future that waited for her and that guy. She can already see it, her at the end of all creation, and Broly is unwilling to let her turn off the lights of creation and finish her job.


"I lost the ability to sleep," I said seeing how I had grown immune to sleep. I sighed lightly, wondering just who that guy was. Well, that will be the first and last time I went to sleep. To think I would get my butt beaten up in my dreams, this world was more dangerous than I thought. What's next, I would get beaten up while taking a shower.

Shaking my head, I got up and went to take a shower... ignore the fact I was on guard against the water.

"Puddin!" Harley said in joy seeing me walking downstairs, using a towel to dry myself off. Her cheerful look couldn't help but freeze seeing a physique even the gods would envy. Normally, I don't take showers since I could just clean myself off with a spell. But today I wanted to think in the shower.

"Look like we have a guest," I said lightly while looking at the two new faces. Ivy and Vixen whose eyes were currently locked on my body.

"Look all you want, I rarely walk around like this," I said calmly, causing the two to quickly look away, Slade and Rose also had to look away. I mean, I did have an outstanding physique. It was like my physique adapted and evolved to reach perfection. 

"So, I'm guessing you all accepted the job?" I asked to which Ivy nodded, Slade had explained everything to Ivy so she understood that her friend was just being crazy and wasn't married.

"... are we getting paid?" Vixen asked to which I gave her a weird look.

"As a member of the Justice League, you don't get paid, yet for such a simple job like looking after animals, you want to get paid?" I asked with a weird look,

"Plus, isn't your secret identity at risk if you get paid?" I asked to which Vixen paused for a second before speaking.

"I don't want to get paid with money, but with requests. Requests you can refuse and don't have to do if you don't feel like it." She said leaving me stunned for a second, not expecting that. This should be Batman's request.

"Under a few conditions," I said with a smile, 

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