
its impotant


Watching her leave time and time again destroyed me, it never hurt less no matter how many times it happens.

This time was no exception, even knowing this time I'll see her again, it still stung like a bitch.

I spent the night on and off the phone and checking emails. There was a mishap at one of my salons and my assistant was struggling to keep it under wraps.

Oroboras was missing and no one had any

real leads on where he was.

It had been a few days of rain and meetings with allies. Information hunting.

Tomorrow, I'd finally meet with the engineers daughter and I'll be one step closer to being able to stop the whole system from breaking. I miss the days where my problems was keeping the demons in check and the fallen by my side and the angel playing with peoples lives because they're bored.

I suck down a whiskey on the rocks and let myself find sleep.

Waking up. I rush over to campus. Already on edge.

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