
Chapter 28

[1st POV]

Killer Frost insisted on it, and within about ten minutes, we had already left the city, crossing a small bridge.

She instructed me to turn onto a forest road, and I did.

Then, I began to reflect on the day's events, mainly why Killer Frost seemed so calm regarding the cops...

Why hadn't I resisted her or knocked her out when I had the chance?

The opportunity had definitely been there.

The reason was that I was genuinely interested in Killer Frost's story, and it seemed that my "Blessing of Aphrodite" might give me a chance to persuade her to my side.

In other words, I could "rehabilitate" yet another supervillain. After all, having a harem was the dream of every man.

Despite my advantages and opportunities, I still didn't have a harem.

Kat had disappeared who knows where. Pamela was away, Artemis was on Themyscira, and who knew when I would see her again.

I already had a plan for how to do this.

I slipped on the ring that was given to me in Themyscira as a gift. I managed to put it on discreetly thanks to my inventory.

With this ring, I could even dress instantly that I had only recently discovered.

I usually didn't use it, and prefer to get dressed the old-fashioned way out of habit.

As soon as I put it on, I established a "contact" and began sending her brief words as if they were from her.

I had used this ring a couple of times before with Pamela, once when she had just left for her assignment and another time when I was communicating with Artemis.

It had been challenging to tell whose "voice" it was.

I could distinctly hear the voices I connected with, but mine came through distorted, making it hard to tell if it was a man's or a woman's voice.

Pamela initially thought it was her own "internal" thoughts until I clarified that it was me reaching out.

She was startled and shocked, and then she cursed me out for the unexpected surprise.

Since then, we have only communicated via phone.

As I connected with Killer Frost, I hoped to use that experience to create a similar effect.

By channeling my thoughts through the ring, I could create a description that would intrigue her, hopefully sparking her curiosity and lowering her defenses.

It was a gamble, but one I was willing to take.

'Oh, he's cute!'

I sent her a thought.

'That's true but 'interesting' is a better fit…'

She glanced at me.

After a minute of her internal thoughts about everything and nothing, I added another thought:

'He was able to endure my kiss, even two of them, and nothing happened to him. My power doesn't seem to affect him that much!'

'What's wrong with him? He doesn't seem like a meta. Otherwise, he would have used his powers to free himself. Almost all men fear me. I'm death to them. A monster. A freak!'

She squeezed the car door handle until it creaked.

'They hate me… And he does too. It's just that he…'

'…is very polite and not arrogant. I like him, it's time to admit it!'

I sent her the thought again.

'…That doesn't matter!'


She suddenly shouted, and I had no choice but to comply.

Then she froze my hands again, and I received a message from the system:

[+1% Cold Resistance]

[+1% Frostbite Resistance]

[+100 relationship with Killer Frost/Louisa Lincoln]

It seems my bait is already attracting attention.

"Get out of the car."

She said irritably.

I quietly and calmly exited the vehicle and was forcefully led into the woods.

After walking about twenty meters, I was pressed against a tree.

She lifted me slightly by the armpits so our eyes were level and froze me to the tree.

"Now, I will be asking questions. Based on your answers, I will decide whether to spare your life, or if I can use you to train my vengeance against Mr. Freeze and Captain Cold."

I think I know where the wind is blowing from...

"Fine. I will answer your questions honestly, but just don't get so angry. You don't suit anger well. You look quite lovely when you're calmer and smiling. Cough..."

I was unexpectedly interrupted by Killer Frost's fist. It seems she doesn't sympathize with me that much after all...

"Shut up! I am the one talking here!"

I nodded obediently, accepting her rules of the game.

'Damn! What am I doing?!'

I sent her a thought.

'There's no need to be so rude. You don't need to be that harsh with him. He's not a jerk like the other guys.'


She clutched her head.

'Damn! Alright. Sorry, I got a bit nervous. So, as I said before, I will ask questions, and you answer! Got it?'


"Good. So..."

I didn't hear what she said next because a sharp, annoying noise started in my ears, and everything before my eyes began to blur.

There it was, the side effect of using the ring.

Before losing consciousness, I caught a glimpse of Killer Frost's surprised and somewhat distracted face.


I came to my senses, but not in the woods.

I didn't see the sky or trees but instead found myself staring at a white ceiling.

'A hospital'

I thought, but I was mistaken.

Turning my head to the side, I realized I was in some unfamiliar room with many purposes, but it certainly wasn't medical.

I was strapped to the bed with restraints on my arms and legs as if I were a madman in a mental clinic.

Besides the bed, there were a couple of chairs on the other side and a table cluttered with a pile of medications, syringes, and even some medical devices I had never seen before.

"And where the hell am I?"

I asked wearily.

During the time I was unconscious, at least six hours had passed, according to the notifications from the system.

My relationship level with Killer Frost fluctuated during that time, but now it was at three hundred.

After ten minutes, I regained consciousness, and Killer Frost walked in.

To be continued...



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