
chapter 26

After dropping his belongings in his room at the Leaky Cauldron, Harry made his way directly to Gringotts. He still had an hour before the wizarding bank would close, giving him sufficient time for some transactions, even though many matters would need to wait until tomorrow or later.


"Good evening, Master Teller," Harry greeted the goblin at the counter. This time, the goblin responded promptly and was notably kinder than the teller Harry had encountered during his last visit nearly a year ago.


"What can Gringotts do for you, wizard?" the goblin inquired politely, likely tired from handling impolite customers all day.


"First, I'd like to schedule a meeting with Estate Manager Goldsaw for tomorrow, or whenever he is available. Please inform him that the heir of Potter is here to discuss a profitable venture." The goblin nodded and began scribbling something on a piece of magical parchment, presumably a messaging system utilized by Gringotts employees. "Additionally, I'd like to withdraw two hundred galleons from my trust vault," Harry continued, handing over his key. "Please convert half of that amount into pounds."


"That can be arranged," the goblin replied, returning the key. He then confirmed what Harry suspected: the parchment was indeed part of Gringotts' magical messaging system. "Master Goldsaw is available to meet you tomorrow morning or early afternoon." Harry nodded in acknowledgment.


"Thank you, Master Teller. Please extend my gratitude to Estate Manager Goldsaw for accommodating me on such short notice." The goblin nodded in response. "Now, I would like to visit my trust vault." The teller summoned a younger goblin, named Orestone, to escort Harry to the vault.


The next morning, around eleven, Harry returned to the bank for his meeting with Goldsaw. After announcing his presence to the first available teller, Harry was handed an empty piece of parchment and a blood quill to complete the standard Gringotts identification procedure. After hastily writing his name, Harry returned the parchment and quill, observing the teller's keen interest.


"This is rather unusual," the goblin remarked after examining the results. "Magic recognizes you as Harry (Hadrian) James Potter, but your blood seems to have changed since your last visit. Care to explain?" he said, scrutinizing Harry's startled expression.


"Not really. Let's just say I had a rather unfortunate encounter with a very poisonous snake, and phoenix tears saved me from its venom." The goblin nodded, seemingly satisfied with that answer.


"Very well," the teller conceded. "As you are still recognized as Harry Potter, Master Goldsaw will see you now." He gestured to a younger goblin to escort Harry to the estate manager's office.


"Please follow me," the younger goblin instructed, leading Harry through the winding corridors of Gringotts until they reached Goldsaw's office. After instructing Harry to wait outside, he disappeared inside and returned a minute later, inviting Harry in.


"Greetings, Master Goldsaw," Harry said as he settled onto the sofa, and the goblin looked up from the documents on his table.


"Good morning, Mr. Potter. I understand you wish to discuss some profitable business today." Harry nodded in agreement. "Before we begin, might I inquire about the changes in your appearance? My sources indicated that you were instrumental in resolving the Chamber of Secrets incident. Are those scars and the eye patch the result of what occurred?" Goldsaw asked, with Harry confirming with another nod.


"You are very well informed, Master Goldsaw," Harry replied.


"One must be aware of the surrounding world to thrive in business," the older goblin replied. "Now, what business did you have in mind with Gringotts?"


"First, is there a way to ascertain whether my status has changed after my encounter with the heir of Slytherin?" The goblin nodded. "Then I would like to proceed with that test." Goldsaw instructed his assistant in gobbledegook, sending the younger goblin off to fetch the necessary items. This test was crucial; if the ancient and noble house vault was reactivated, it would bring both prestige to Goldsaw personally and to the bank itself — and, of course, more gold.


"While we wait for the test basin, let's discuss your next matters with Gringotts." Goldsaw said with an unnervingly broad grin that all goblins seemed to possess.


"I recently acquired the carcass of a large basilisk by right of conquest, and I would like to sell it to Gringotts, for a fee, of course." The estate manager nodded, clearly intrigued.


"And how large was this basilisk?" he asked, already calculating the potential profits.


Harry shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure; I was focused on survival rather than measuring the beast, but it was thicker than I am tall and likely around forty meters long." Goldsaw's mild interest masked his inner excitement; this basilisk was worth a considerable fortune, especially since its body had been well-preserved by the petrifying poison.


"I cannot provide an exact value without seeing it, but I assure you it is worth a significant amount," Goldsaw said. "Speaking of finances, you should have a report on how your investments performed." Harry felt a rush of embarrassment, having neglected to monitor his estate amidst the chaos at Hogwarts. Goldsaw noted the change in Harry's expression. "Fortunately, those investments turned out profitable. I took the liberty of increasing your shares in those companies and invested the equivalent of five thousand pounds into NEC, SUN Microsystems, and IBM. These ventures yielded you four hundred and seventeen galleons in profit, aside from the returns from the companies you specifically selected." Harry nodded appreciatively.


"Thank you, Estate Manager Goldsaw. Regarding the next topic, I need to hire a law firm. Can you recommend any?" Goldsaw nodded in understanding.


"I suggest you consider 'Carter, Bridget & Ashford,' who have represented the Potters for the last three generations. They can be found at this address." Goldsaw handed over a piece of parchment. "Should you find their services inadequate, you may want to try 'Tonks, Wagner & Mitchel,'" as he passed another parchment to Harry.


"Thank you." Harry replied. "I have one more query." Goldsaw leaned forward slightly. "I suspect that there may be a very dark object known as a horcrux—a soul anchor—within the confines of Gringotts."


The frown on Goldsaw's face indicated his discontent regarding such an item potentially being present in the bank.


"Unfortunately, Mr. Potter, our policies prohibit us from checking or destroying items that were placed into a vault. However, if you provide us with a description of the item, and should it be removed from its vault, it will be confiscated and studied. If a horcrux is identified, it will be destroyed." Harry nodded slowly, realizing the goblins wouldn't destroy Tom's horcrux immediately; however, they promised to dispose of it if it was retrieved from a vault.


"The objects that may be horcruxes within Gringotts are either Hufflepuff's cup or Slytherin's locket—or potentially both," he explained. Goldsaw nodded; these items were too well-known among wizards and goblins to require further description. "They could be located in either the LeStrange or Black vaults." Goldsaw assured Harry that he would bring this potential horcrux concern to the attention of King Ragnok. At this moment, Goldsaw's assistant returned with the test basin and the accompanying ritual knife.


"You'll need to make a small cut on your right index finger and allow exactly seven drops of blood to fall into the basin. It will produce a parchment listing the families you may claim as your own," Goldsaw explained. Harry nodded and complied, although his nervousness nearly caused him to drop the eighth drop into the basin. For a brief moment, nothing happened; however, the runes on the basin gradually began to glow as his blood dissipated. Moments later, a parchment appeared on Goldsaw's desk.


"Very intriguing," the goblin remarked after examining the parchment. "It appears you can claim the title of Lord Slytherin by right of conquest. You may also claim the head of the Gaunt family, but that will yield little, as their lordship was stripped over a century ago, and they possess no vaults anymore. However, their ring still exists somewhere." Once you become Lord Slytherin, you will be emancipated and can claim the title of Lord Potter," Goldsaw stated. Harry nodded, contemplating whether to inform the goblin about the ring Voldemort transformed into his horcrux; the stone within the ring had an exceptionally unique "flaw."


"Thank you, Master Goldsaw. Can I claim both Slytherin and Potter lordships now?" The goblin confirmed that he could. "Excellent, then I would like to claim my lordship over the Ancient and Noble House Slytherin." Goldsaw nodded and instructed his assistant in gobbledegook to retrieve the Slytherin ring.


The assistant quickly returned with a simple wooden box. Upon opening it, he placed it before Harry.


"To claim the lordship, you must select the ring and voice your claim before placing it on your finger. If it finds you worthy, you will officially be recognized as Lord Slytherin. Should it not, your descendants may attempt to claim the title," Goldsaw explained. "Since you claim lordship by the right of conquest, you are permitted to adopt an alternative version of your first name, should you wish, but you must retain the surname of the house you are claiming." Harry nodded and picked up the ring, which was rather unassuming, featuring two interwoven bands of white and green gold, topped with a modest crest representing the Slytherin house.


"By the right of conquest, I, Hadrian Jameson Slytherin, hereby claim the title of Lord Slytherin, along with all rights, responsibilities, and obligations that accompany this name. So mote it be." He slipped the ring onto his left hand's ring finger. For a moment, he felt a prickly sensation, but that was all.


"Congratulations, Lord Hadrian J. Slytherin of the Ancient and Noble House Slytherin," Goldsaw stated once he was sure the ring accepted Harry's claim. "And allow me to express gratitude for promoting me to senior estate manager once again."


"Thank you, Master Goldsaw," the newly titled lord responded. "Now I would like to claim my Potter lordship as well. I would also like to review the ledger for House Slytherin." Goldsaw nodded again and called for his assistant to retrieve both the ledger and the Potter ring.


"In the meantime, we should discuss the retrieval of the basilisk carcass from Hogwarts. The most suitable time would be this coming Monday, May 31st, as Dumbledore will be attending an ICW conference, leaving nobody else at the castle with the necessary access to the wards. This way, we can enter and exit without drawing attention." Goldsaw agreed.


"I will organize a goblin team for that day, and we can depart from one of the staff rooms at Gringotts at eight in the morning. You will be met in the main hall and escorted there." Harry expressed his gratitude to Goldsaw, and they settled back into silence, waiting for the assistant to return with the requested items.


The items arrived several minutes later. First, Harry claimed his lordship over House Potter. The Potter ring was a substantial gold band, featuring the house motto engraved, along with a sizeable ruby, but it lacked the customary coat of arms. Unlike the Slytherin ring, it was more challenging to put on, possibly because it viewed him as still too young for lordship. After a few moments of resistance, it finally slipped on to his left hand's index finger.


"Once again, allow me to congratulate you on your ascendance to lordship, Lord Harry James Potter-Slytherin." Goldsaw stated. "You now have full access to the Potter fortunes and estates. You are also a legal adult, bound only by the Statute of Secrecy." Harry nodded; he could now perform magic freely during the summer, especially since he had no intention of returning to the Dursleys. He only needed to stop by number four to collect his belongings, as he wasn't keeping everything he owned in his trunk anymore.


"This is excellent news. Now that I have access to my properties, I would like my penthouse on Queenstown Road and my summer house in Birling Gap to be prepared for use within two weeks. If necessary, have the wards around both locations upgraded, with costs deducted from the Potter account." Goldsaw nodded in agreement.


"I will coordinate with the curse-breakers and cleaning service." After thanking his estate manager, Harry opened the Slytherin ledger to begin reading. It appeared that House Slytherin was destitute: the only vault contained a mere two sickles and seventeen knuts, portraits of past lords, and some invaluable magical books. There was one property — Salazar's cottage — but its location was obscured by a charm akin to the Fidelius Charm.


"Before I descend to visit my newly-accessible vaults, I have two more inquiries. First, when can the Potter wills be read? Second, is it possible to send a letter from here?" Goldsaw looked up from his paperwork.


"To read the wills, they must first be unsealed by the Wizengamot. Once that process is complete, the reading can be scheduled for any day that suits you." Harry nodded, placing that task on his list for the law firm and his barrister. "As for sending a letter, the cost is two sickles for domestic mail, five sickles for Europe, and ten for international."


"Thank you, Master Goldsaw." Harry said, handing his estate manager two silver coins while retrieving his pen. After quickly writing a note, he addressed it, "This is to be sent to Number Four, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey." A well-trained owl appeared and promptly landed on the table before taking the folded parchment Harry offered. "Thank you," he said, watching the owl fly away through a hidden tunnel.


"Now, I would like to visit my vaults."


"Rustknife will escort you there," Goldsaw replied, signaling his assistant to step out of the shadows where he had been waiting.


"Follow me, Lord Potter-Slytherin," the younger goblin said with a bow.




A few days earlier, Petunia Dursley had received an unexpected letter from her nephew and dared to hope this summer would be the best her family had experienced in years. After all, it seemed possible the "freak" would finally be gone from their lives forever! For the first time, she genuinely wished Harry good luck, thinking if he were fortunate, he would be out from underfoot.


When she received a note written on parchment that afternoon, she didn't panic as she normally might; instead, she read it as though it were a standard letter. The message indicated that God had finally shown mercy to her ordinary family. According to the "freak," he had found an alternative place to spend his summers, and no one would be able to force him back under their roof. Unfortunately, it seemed he would still need to visit their house once to collect his belongings, but Petunia resolved not to dispose of them, as she had originally planned, given that this would likely be the last time they would see each other.


Buoyed by this positive news, Mrs. Dursley skipped into the living room, where her husband and beloved son were engrossed in a television show.


"Did something happen, dear?" Vernon asked, noticing the piece of parchment in Petunia's hands.


"Yes! The freak will no longer tarnish our home with his presence!" she exclaimed.

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