
Meeting with Zöe

[Lysandros Evermore, Camp Half-Blood]

As we returned to the place everyone had been before, I saw a scene I had already somewhat expected seeing in the near future. The campers and hunters were separated in two groups, that seemed to be at odds wity each other.

From what I am hearing, some boys decided to try their luck with the beautiful hunters, and ask them out on a dance, and the girls did not like it one bit, saying some pretty nasty things to the boys, things escalated from that, and, well, here we are now.

The tension on the air was palpable, like a powder keg about to go 'boom'! I manage to see some traces of resignation on Artemis' face, as if she had long since expected something like that to happen, but inwardly hoped otherwise.

"Watch your mouths! Who do you think you are!?" - Said one female camper, that seemed to be part of the Apollo Cabin, in support of one of her brothers that had been wronged.

"Just keep those filthy animals away from us!" - Shouted an angered hunter from the other side. Whoa, they are attacking the boys like wild dogs, calm down ladies!

"Zöe... what is going on here?" - Artemis asked her liutenant as soon as we got nearby the two angry mobs.

"L-lady Artemis?" - She was surprised by her goddess' arrival, before explaining - "My Lady, the insolent males of this camp did presume to entreat us to join them in their base revelries, as though we would deign to partake in such mortal folly. Their impudence is as boundless as it is irksome."

Whoa, there! Do people really talk like that? Could you speak human pretty please? Why complicate things so much? Well, either way, hearing about what transpired, she looked towards Chiron, with an inquisitive gaze, as if asking if that was all, to which he nodded.

"If that is so, I want for both sides to apologize!" - Artemis concluded, and I could see many dissatisfied people from both sides, but since the goddess had already spoken, they could only swallow their resentment and concede.

With a cold look on her deadpan face, Zöe said with no sincerity and in a somewhat dismissive way - "Forgive us, oh, young heroes of Camp Half-Blood. I fear we Hunters were too hasty in dismissing your... generous offers. Surely, it was most rude of us to decline such a rare opportunity for merriment." - It was so bad even Artemis could not help but release an exasperated sigh.

Chiron then signaled to one of the male campers involved, a boy from the Aphrodite Cabin, got rubbed the wrong way by the choice of words and tone of said apology, responded in kind - "Oh, esteemed Hunters of Artemis, we offer our deepest and most heartfelt apologies for daring to extend such an unwelcome invitation. Truly, it was a grievous error on our part to believe you might enjoy even a fleeting moment of frivolity among us mere mortals. Rest assured, we shall endeavor never to offend your lofty sensibilities again." - I don't think I manage to understand even half of what he just said.

I can't help but think of some chinese cultivation novels I had read in my past life. This is some young master ahh apology... Junior, do you dare!? This guy would get some pretty high rated essays with such a vocabulary.

I even manage to see Mr. D with a face that screamed - "I'm not paid enough to deal with this shit!" - I had not seen him speaking to Artemis even once, so I guess he just can't seem to care about anything.

Not much happened afterwards that night, as I was leaving back to my quarters to sleep, a grumpy Zöe reached out to me.

"We shall convene in the forest at dawn's first light, precisely seven o'clock. Not a moment before, nor a second after. Do not test my patience." - She said, before turning and going her way, not even bothering to hear my response. I guess Artemis asked her to train me, but she doesn't seem to like the idea one bit.

Either way, I make my way back towards my room, take a nice and warm bath, before just jumping straight into my bed, where I revisit the happenings of the day, that bring a smile to my face as I think of meeting my new family, even if just via a video chat, but that will have to wait until after the training with Zöe, as I don't plan on pissing her off even further by being late.

* * *

I woke up at exactly 6 o'clock, use the bathroom, take a quick morning shower, and then aply some skincare products I learned how to create with the help of some forest Nymphs and Satyrs, before looking myself deep in the eyes using the mirror, and saying while tapping my cheeks with both hands - "Keep going! You've got it in you! You can do it! Show them! Don't let anything bring you down!"

What? Don't you guys have a morning routine? I don't really remember why I started it in my past life, but I have kept on doing it ever since! If you don't have one, that's on you!

I put on the characteristic orange camp shirt, some light shorts, and my old sneakers, before leaving with my trusted Firefly and with it a quiver full of it's arrows, both strapped to my back. And so I departed towards the entrance of the woods, for it was already 6:50 am, so I waited until my grumpy, but very much beautiful, instructor arrived.

And the wait wasn't in vain, as five minutes later she arrived. Wearing the same silver rugged outfit from yesterday, her cloak covering her nice figure underneath. She seemed to notice me, and her mood soured as soon as she laid her eyes upon me. I guess she was still expecting me to back down deep inside.

"Sup? Morning!" - I said, trying to greet her, only to be met with a cold snort, before she took the lead, taking me deeper into the woods, without saying even as much as a single word. Yeah, this will be way harder than I expected, but what can I do? I seem to feel attracted to strong woman!

"Soooo... what is the plan?" - I try again, only to be met with cold shoulders.

"Hey! Anyone there?" - I keep on trying, determined to get a reaction from her at any cost - "Hey? Are you listening?! No way! Could it be that you are deaf!?!" - I wanna see her ignoring me now! Ha! I knew it, she twitched, and finally, spoke.

"Silence, you fool! Is this how thou dost intend to learn the art of the hunt? With clamor and carelessness? Dost thou wish to scare away the prey with thy incessant noise? Hold thy tongue, or begone from this hunt!" - She seemed really annoyed.

"Was it that hard to speak what we were doing before we reached this point!?" - I grumbled, earning myself a snort. Since she wants to use the excuse of being quiet to not scare the prey, I will just make it so nobody can hear us talking.

"As you wish... No sound lingers! Let quiet dwell! Silence Veil!" - I use Silence Veil, one of the stealth spells I had created in my free time.

Zöe snaps her head in my direction - "Did I not command thee to make no noise?! Is such a simple instruction beyond thy comprehension?"

"What? I just made a spell so no one else will hear us! Could you drop this façade and just teach me?!" - I complained.

"What spell I don't feel anything!" - She said, looking at me as if I was making things up, and that just ruffled my feathers the wrong way! I look around and soon find a Tree Nymph resting in a stone near her tree, and so I started screaming and waving my hands at her.

"HEY! LOOK AT ME! I'M HERE! LOOK!" - I shouted but to no avail, as the nymph remained unaware of my presence.

I turn then towards Zöe, who seemed stunned at what I just did. Smirking feeling victorious, I then say - "See? It works! Now less yapping and more teaching, miss hunter or whatever!"

My words seemed to have woken her up - "What, pray tell, is this yapping thou speakest of? And for thy information, I possess a name, so use it!"

"Name? What name? You were too busy acting like an angry monkey to ever tell me your name!" - I said, not backing down.

* * *

Author's Notes:

Hello guys! Hope you have all been well! Enjoy this new chapter!

I have not much to say, so see you later!

Peace out!

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