

As i am about to enter the UA i notice a group of people with cameras and all that type of stuff, oh, yeah, this is technically the first time Shigaraki appears, the reporters are here because of All Might teaching career and all that, well, since i cannot kill Shigaraki in front of all this people without a reason i Might as well ignore them

-YOU! It is true that All Might is teaching in the UA? Please can you give us an interview?-


My nose smell easy cash as i see the news presenter with her cute little blue suit

-Sure, give me 2 Thousand of yen and i can do a quick interview-

Before i can tell, she and other 3 Television channels hand me the money, i start counting as i slowly enter the UA door defense

-Oh! Sorry, i cannot say anything because of a confidential Agreement, how dumb of me, thanks for the donation anyways-

I say as i turn around and wave them


The little reporter says as she tries to step inside the UA, when the defense system puts a wall in Between us she starts screaming


Oh well, who could possibly say no to free Money?

So, just like in the original show, Midoriya became popular inside our class thanks to his performance, it's normal, he is a little guy that suddenly turns out to be extra powerful, in my case?

I'm just lonely looking the whole mess going up in the door, today is another important day, Lida and Momo should rise as the class representatives, after that, well, lets just keep it to myself

As i'm thinking to myself how could i intervine without damaging to much of the history something touches my Shoulder, Oh, Denki and Mineta, well, i don't know their names yet


-Dude, you looked awesome yesterday, remember? How you Best Todoroki? Where did you learn to fight like that?-

Denki says trying to make my moves, i laugh for myself, well i can sure be a little friendly

-Street Fights-

I say with a bright smile trying to Match their vibe, oh yeah, i am not suppose to say that, i mean, sure, its true, in those ten years i trained my quirk i fought a lot of guys, maybe even older than me, its the Guetto at the end of the day

But seeing how the whole class started to see me as a dangerous person i Might as well keep my mouth shut

-O-oh...thats cool men-

-Y-yeah, i mean, you have to learn somewhere right?-

Denki and Mineta try and help my mistake but the damage is already done, most of my classmates avoid my eyes, ugh, i hate this Judging society

-W-well, the reason we talk to you in the first place is to ask something-

Says Mineta whispering, Denki soon forget about the other thing and get to whispering too

-Do you see them?-


-You know, Yaoyorozu Quirk-

-Oh, yeah, i mean, i asked her to make sandbangs after all-

-So you see her....you now what-

I look at both like they were trash, not because i'm not im Interested in that kind of thing, i in fact, pray for the day i see that kind of view, but this guys are dumb as fuck, because i can fucking see Jiro and the other girls sitting the other side of the classroom whispering with Momo looking a little sad in the middle, i mean, no matter how hard you try to whisper, you have an expert at hearing in the same room for fuck sake

And i don't need more bad reputation in my Record, they don't like my quirk, they think i am a Offender of the Law (Which I AM, but they dont need to know that) i don't need them thinking i am a pervert too

-Look man, i have no Interest in that kind of thing, i think Yaoyorozu is a great classmate and have a very useful Quirk, i don't need more than that, she Did what i ask for and we win, i don't look pass that-

Both of them looked at me with a bored look, but as my extra and hidden eye told me, Yaoyorozu smile a little when Jiro told her my words, and the others look at me more softly, well, what can i say, im good with my words

Well, to be completly honest, i used this as an extra oportunity, i'm honestly not short of money, i steal from the dru.....lets not talk about that, it's difficult to me even remember that so my mind just block it, the point is, i have money, but since i have money, i don't want to spend it

So i'm going to ask Momo to duplicate the syringes Mei did for me so i can avoid paying her a second time.

Before the lunch break Aizawa finally puts the Activity of selecting the two representatives, everyone was screaming and talking but of course, Lida He proposed a democratic votation, i already knew the outcome, Midoriya will win, but after the lunch break he will give it to Lida

So i just did the obvious and vote for Yaoyorozu, she is the Best option anyways

After Lida almost lose his temper by losing the lunch break starts, Mina and Jiro are walking along side Momo when i touched her Shoulder

-Yo. Momo, can we talk?-


Mina almost jumps as i ask Momo to come with me, Jiro looks at me with a weird look and Momo just tilt her head to the side

-Um, Sure Matsumoto-Kun, where are we going?-

-Im just going to ask you a favor-

She looks at me again and then sabes the two of them, just by looking at Mina i can tell she is going to peek, well, i don't really care

After we walk alongside without saying much i can tell she starts to worry, so i turn around with the little syringe in hand

-Can you duplicate this?-

I say with a little smile and a friendly tone

-Im sorry i ask you so briefly but since we were a team yesterday i feel more confortable asking this way-

I can tell she was expecting another thing by the look on her face, a Mix of Curiosity, relief and...a little disappointment?

-O-oh, yeah, don't worry, i'm going to need some time to fully understand how it Works and it's material to duplicated properly, are you okay with that?-

-Absolutely, also, i voted for you, so i'm glad you won, Congratulations-

-Thanks, i hope i meet the standarts-

She gets all serious for nothing huh? Well, party is already over, i can hear the sirens alerting the Breach of security, oh well, this is going to be my last time of peace before of 'that' event

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

Yo! Author here

Well, i wanted to calm down a little before the U.S.J attack, maybe i'm going to write another chapter before the event or not, who knows

Anyway, as always thanks for reading this book again, i hope you like it

So, if you are wondering, yes, Akuma is going to start having better relations with his classmates from now on, he is just an awkward fella after all

Alsooo, i didnt forget about what he did the other chapter, just like he says, his mind block the memory, but is going to hit like a truck in some other chapters

Thats all, thanks again, hope to see you again

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