
First mision

A lot time have passed, Sora gave up on on thoughts of regret, what to do and eventually stoped thinking in what state curently she is. She entered is some sore of hibernation waiting until her time will come.





Her soul was traped in ominous barier made of dome kind of liquid. That continued untill another similar orb to her emerged from a wall but compared to Sora it was yellow and had a blank dots between a lines. Both souls stayed still in that space for V know how long.

The ball began to shrink as time flew by, lacking space souls borders began to collide. Souls unable to maintain distance from each other erased boundaries beginning to blur. They interpenetrated, their forms becoming distorted and intertwined. When that process ended goo faded, leaving entire new Sora to her own to continue merge that was initiated.








Orb representing her being extended tiny threads of energy. Those threads started moving around and splitting like branches creating something resembling human nerves system. This process taken few seconds to complete just like lightning sticking down from the sky.

Sora not aware what marvellous event she is missing out, was dormant sleeping for all the times.

From her soul yet another time energy begin to pour,but this time like heart beat. Energy guided by threads to they edges started to form a skin all around them. This took more time that before, every corner of her body has been created starting from her chest up to toes. While that was happening, her hair began to grow when her head finished forming.

The moment everything was ready, a blue dress materialize. Her body was completed.

In a black space we could see a girl with a slender physique, fairy skin, with blonde hair that apears to spark like gold dust. Her face showing elegance,everyone instantly upon seeing her would though she is beautiful. She wears a long sleeve, puffed shoulder, royal blue dress with a lots of volume at the bottom which also has a white fabric layer detailed with gold that peeks out. On top of that dress she have breastplate resembling medieval steel armor,she wears gauntlets to cover her hands as well as her forearms.Her breastplate matching with gauntlets and plates on her skirt covering her sides and back.

And here she is still sleeping as if nothing happened.She was staying in that state.

After some time,not far way a bulletin board can be seen, draged by V. He is struggling trying to push it just a litle more neer Sora.When he finally get the board in front of her, V levitated up to her.

☆Pov. Sora?☆


"How long are you going to slack off?"

Her eyes snapped open,her mind now awake, her heart started racing.

"Huh?" 'what's going on?'

"The time hath come" V commented in a serious tone and vanish leaving me alone in the next second.I dazed for a moment at where he was. Realising I fell warmth against my skin I got ahold of myself.

Looking down, I wear beautiful blue battle dress, on my legs are metal grgreaves up to knees with armored shoes as one piece. I checked myself all around my body, at least where I could. Everything was the same as images I have seen.

'This is soo cool, I really became Artoria.'

"Now....what's about this board?" I said walking to it and started reading papers attached to it

<Information board>

Available tasks:


[Defend Edge of Tomorrow]

As a champion one of your duty is to protect your concractor world from other Gods champions

Primary Objective:

-Kill hostile champion before Probability reach critical point

-Make sure Nexus event happen, invader can not be included

Secondary Objective:

- Fulfill Rita Vrataski wish

[Defend Re:creators]

As a champion one of your duty is to protect your concractor world from other Gods champions

Primary Objective:

-Kill hostile champion before Probability reach critical point

Secondary Objective:

- Help Military Uniform Princess dream come true



(?) 𐌌𐌀𐌉𐌍 𐌒𐌵𐌄𐌔𐌕

unlocked once crossroad is conquered


Unnecessary task has been withdrawn until end of the war


[Win war for Earth-616 known as Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)]

As the champion expect defending and conquering worlds, you also need to fight for rights.Some world are under more than one God jurisdiction. To solve that every shareholder, together decide on a date when will war take place. When war start everyone have to send a champion. The most significant difference is that champions doesn't need to kill each other. They must contribute in Nexus events to gain Probability.When one of champions acumulate enough Probability they win war and all others champions that are still alive are forcibly banished from world where war was happening.Participation is mandatory to everyone.

Primary Objective:

-Acumulate as much Probability as possible and survive

Optional Objective:

-Kill other champions

-Retrieve and recover your property

Ps.Two misions until forcefull drag into war waiting room.


"This is less than I expected."

'I can talk like it's nothing but that's not a good sign.I still don't know how strong I am. I can't go to war now. I don't even know how to use my skills.' Thinking that I started deciding which mision i will take first

'Re creators would be fun to go to but they are not an option...yet. Looks like I don't have a choice' Sighing I thought of choosing my first misoon.

Doing that I intended to grab [Defend Edge of Tomorrow] paper shit when suddenly i lost ground under my feet and started faling, looking back behind me board was still in place as if only i have some gravity pulling me down. After few seconds ahead of me white light started shining each second brighter, I couldn't stand it and closed my eyes.

☆Pov. Rita Vrataski☆

◇Heathrow Airport◇

They call me Angel of Verdun as glorious as this sounds I myself don't think of me as one. Since I got my blood transfusion I'm not certain if I still can reset day, Omega was gone, my only chance to kill that thing was gone. High up astonished by first victory in Verdun are lunching Operation Downfall that is an invasion of Normandy tomorrow.

Operation Downfall would be they biggest operation since my battle, featuring hundreds of platoons from different countries.

The most ironic is that we didn't won this battle. In reality, our success in Verdun was all show planed by Omega. Omega has let us win in order to lure us and kill us all with one swift ambush.

I expelled that but now I'm sure of it, thanks to Cage and Conor, they are one of new soldiers send to participate in Operation Downfall. Now I'm bringing them to Carter, the only person who believed me and my ability.

'Cage is complete idiot ,he want to get rid of this ability. Thanks to it he is still alive, right he is dying repeatedly but wochout it he gona just die meaningless. I hope Conor is more intelligent.

'First I need to get to know more about our situation' I thought driving jeep to Combat Jackets maintenance facility

"So you two have it, how are you experiencing loops?" I asked

"I wake up in the morning every now and then and when I get kiled" Replied Cage

"I think when one of us die both of us are wakeing up regardless if one of us is still alive." Said Conor trying explaining how he think this work

"I already know how Cage got infected, how was it with you?" I asked Conor

"I spotted some bigger odd mimic, I beted with my friend from my pluton that I will get him, it didn't went well in the end. I was dying being pirced by one of his tendrils mid air, thank god he was shoot by missile, his body collapsed on me befor I died. The next thing I remember is waking up in baracks day before."

"Good to know" I said continuing driving

They was drained from constantly fighting for they lifes, I know how it feels so I let them take a nap when driving. Before that they have told me a story how they meeted on the beach, tomorrow and fight they have to help me up untill now and how I tell them to find me when they wake up

Half way through I spotted that sky suddenly darkened and strong wind started blowing. 'Something fishy, it's not natural'

I opened the window, looking up I saw dark clouds rotating storming into one direction

"Ah!!" Cage Bursted from his seat

"Fuck!!" Conor woke up and yelled. I hit a brake, car stoped with a tires screeching.

"What happened?!" I asked demanding answers from Conor

"I don't know, we just died... wait why we are in a jeep?" Visible panicked and confused.

"Shudn't you woke up in the morning?" I asked

"Don't ask me you have had that before us!" Cage answer shocked me,'This never happened before'

"Cage, Conor get ahold of yourself, panicking won't help us now, both of you explain what happened,when and where did mimicks invaded?" I tried to get information of our situation, checking environment,from direction where clouds are going blue vibrant light shined for a moment. After I shifted my focus back to those morons I spotted nature came back to normal ,wind stoped ,sunlight dived back behind dark dome.

"Some weird teen in a dress stoped us, the most shocking was that this happened on the road where mimics are roaming.You went to speaking with her, after a few minutes she announced out loud she's some sort of guardian and is here to help." Conor made a short break to colect himself

"I have no clue what was she spouting abut.We argued with that girl about that she can come with us to safehouse,until she make a fuss that I shudn't be here.Her expression darkened then she get a sword out of nowhere and launched at me with speed where non of us could react. I was only able to watch how she sliced me in half even in combat jacket .I was just tuna in can in front of her" I can tell he is in shock, 'That person he just described definitely is dangerous'

'What should we do, from what I can tell that person is targeting Conor'

☆Pov. Sora☆

'Feeling of falling is not that bad it's quite pleasant' I thought when sunshine hit my skin opening my eyes again I saw devastated landscape up to the horizon.

'This look familiar, I feel as if I already saw this scenery, dejavu.' Was only thing in my mind now

Near ground,mentaly preparing for impact and coming pain, my body tensed up. My instinct kicked in, making a flip to position myself in a stance I hit the ground with my feet making two meters wide crater, minimizing impact my knees bended down. Suprising to me it didn't hurt. I just feel some tingling sensation in my feets.

'I definitely need to test my resilience'

"Well, where am I.....ughh I fell sick of how often I question about everything recently" with frustration I formed a plan 'I will just follow that road until I find some civilization'

I started walking down the street wondering around with my gaze, my dazed expression showed no signs of emotions when passing dozen of crashes and abandoned cars but in heart I was excited.

|Two hour later|

'Finaly some buildings' with enthusiasm I went in direction of a farm. Everything is deserted, ruined and in bad shape. Every desk make a noise when steped upon.

"Farm, rather junkyard" comenting on a barn with only broken car in it and mess around.'It's better than nothing'

Looking around I find a helicopter, with that I just realise whre mision have throwed me up.

'Fuck, I'm screwed' if I remember correctly this place is slather house, big group of mimicks are around here and I still not tried fighting one.

'They shudn't atack if I won't start the engine' I went into front yard preparing to learn about my new self.

'First of how should I remove armor, I can't wear it in public when I get back to society' Thinking that I remove glove from my hand. I didn't feel any difference, these clothes are comfortable no matter what I do. Leaving gloves on tree trunk. I drop them, after a second they magically came back to my hands puffing from from trunk into sworm of particles to rush in my direction.Reshaping back to gloves on my hands 'I guess this armor is my second skin,but Saber could take it off' I puffed geting back to my experiment

I tried to remove entire armor but whenever I left piece of equipment out of my reach it's returning. 'In anime she does that effortlessly' an idea strucked me 'maybe i shudn't think of armor as a parts but as a outfit' Imagining take off a jacket, my protection vanished into particles the same way when it brake down to bumerang to me. I played taking off and on my armor couple of times.

'I hope sword work the same way'

Again I started to imagine movement in my mind this time taking sword out of a scabbard.

In my mind image of a city at nigh, my vision blurry, sound of fight and colliding metal echoing in my ears.I pulled sword commanding "You all that oppose my comand be trampled and consider this an honor to be sliced by my blade"

Making pulling motion I drew a sword from my left side

☆Pov. Narrator☆

Projection in Sora mind ended and like a dreams we all have it faded away, she forgot it not paying attention to it. As if nothing happened Sora with Caliburn in her hand started swinging it making herself familiar with a sword. After all knowing theory doesn't mean you know how to use a sword.

Making slash in various positions and in numerous angles. She practiced basic moves know to swordsman, making slash from top and bottom then diagonally at the end horizontally. With each movement, her moves became more and more fluid, she done this for 4 hours straight, not taking a break even for a minute. Satisfied with her training she made a stance positioning her sword straight up, with both hand she made vertical atack.

Force behind it set wind into motion making swish sound, pressure of air caused by that slash shredded ground. Even with her most magic abilities blocked it made scar in the ground up to 5 meters.

"Maybe I'm not that weak as I think" with that said she made back to the barn. Sora rested for a while waching sunset. No one would expect that was prelude to how she like to call all night training session


Again, I hope for some feedback and that everyone enjoyed this chapter

I decided to upload one chapter every Wednesday. I will write every now and then with minimum 2 k words

When you reading and writing are completely different thing.

Zozolek0730creators' thoughts
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