
Chapter 2

"After opening the aura nodes, the life energy within your body will begin to flow through these points."

"I believe you can already feel it," Maha continued. "This is called 'Nen.' The next step is to use your consciousness to control the flow of Nen."

He paused. "Do you feel that the Nen is rapidly flowing away? A normal person produces only a limited amount of life energy within a certain time frame. If the rate of Nen flow exceeds the rate of life energy production, a person will gradually weaken. This could even lead to death. When someone's aura nodes are opened without proper instruction, they often lose so much life energy that it can be fatal."

He looked Ron in the eye. "Now, close your eyes and focus on the Nen. Control it. Guide it so it attaches to your body. This technique is called 'Ten.'"

Ron closed his eyes, feeling his connection to the energy. In his past life, he had seen this unfold for Gon and Killua, both of whom had their aura nodes opened under Wing's guidance. He'd also seen what happened to Rammot, the Chimera Ant who suffered from excessive life energy loss after Gon struck him, opening his aura nodes without instruction.

Ron knew how to handle the technique, but he kept his focus on Maha's guidance. Concentrating, he sensed the warm flow of Nen wrapping around his skin like gentle, flowing water. It felt like he was submerged in a hot spring, but even gentler. He perceived the aura nodes as openings, similar to pores, and soon he focused his awareness entirely on his body's surface.

Gradually, he could feel the Nen responding to his control. Bit by bit, the flow of Nen escaping his body lessened. It started in one area and spread outward until his entire body was enveloped. At that moment, Ron had successfully mastered the basics of Ten, eliminating the risk of uncontrolled life energy loss.

Ron opened his eyes. "Great-grandfather, I did it."

Maha nodded approvingly. "Very good. By opening the aura nodes and mastering Ten, you've taken your first real step on this path. Now, you need to practice this technique continuously to master it fully. Among most Nen users, your progress with Ten would be considered fast, but don't become complacent. This is only the beginning. The further learning and training ahead are even more essential."

Ron nodded, fully aware of the journey that lay ahead. He recalled how, in the original plot, Gon and Killua had only briefly understood Ten before mastering it.

"Ten is just the foundation of Nen techniques. There are four foundational techniques in total: Zetsu, Ten, Ren, and Hatsu."

"For the next three days, you will stay in this chamber to practice Ten diligently. I'll make sure someone brings you food. In three days, I will return to teach you more advanced aspects of Nen."

With that, Maha Zoldyck stood and walked toward the chamber door.


The door opened, and Maha Zoldyck stepped out.


The door closed, leaving Ron alone in the quiet, dim chamber. He crossed his legs and steadied himself. He knew far more about Nen than what Maha had introduced, including the methods for opening the aura nodes, the four foundational techniques, and even advanced Nen techniques. But he chose not to skip ahead.

He respected Maha's guidance. Among the world's top Nen users, Maha Zoldyck was considered one of the elite. He trusted Maha's instruction would benefit him, guiding him down the right path.

Ron closed his eyes, settling into silence. In the stillness of the chamber, he focused on Ten, deepening his familiarity with the technique and refining his control. Time passed quickly.

Three days later…


The door opened. Maha Zoldyck entered the chamber.

"Ron, you can come out now."

Ron opened his eyes. "Yes, great-grandfather."

They walked back to the courtyard together.

"Show me your progress with Ten."

Ron nodded, closing his eyes briefly before opening them again.


For Nen users, Ten is a state they maintain constantly outside of combat. However, there are two types: a normal, passive state of Ten, and a fully controlled state where one applies conscious effort to sustain it. Just as humans adjust their breathing in response to physical demands, Nen users shift between states of Ten depending on the situation.

In combat, they alternate between Zetsu, Ren, and Ten to suit their needs.

"Not bad," Maha observed, nodding after inspecting Ron's aura control. "Now, let me introduce you to the other aspects of Nen. The foundation of Nen is called the Four Basic Techniques."


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