
12. The Jedi Council


As they entered Coruscant's orbit, Obi-Wan suddenly shot up from the bed he had been placed in, holding his head with his left hand. He let out a soft moan as a chaotic energy began to creep into his body, only to be pushed back by the Force once more.

He looked up at his master, Qui-Gon, who watched him curiously.

"Tell me what ails you?" Qui-Gon asked, moving his chair closer.

"I… I'm not sure, Master. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. It's chaotic and… malevolent. But just as it seeks to take hold, the Force purges it." Obi-Wan replied, shifting to dangle his legs off the side of the bed.

Qui-Gon bowed his head in deep contemplation before looking back up at his apprentice. "We must seek the Jedi Council's on this matter. Perhaps they can help us." He turned towards the door. "Come, we're about to land."

Obi-Wan rubbed his face again, then looked at his hands. Shaking his head, he stood and walked into the main room, where Qui-Gon, Padmé, the Queen, Nira, and the rest stood, ready to depart as soon as the ship landed. Maximus, still kneeling, placed his helmet on his head. Moments later, the ship touched down.

The pilot led the way, opening the ramp and bowing as he stepped to the side. The Queen, followed by Padmé, Anakin, Lyra, Nira, and the rest of the entourage, descended the ramp to the waiting group below.

"Your Majesty!" Senator Palpatine called, walking forward and taking the Queen's hand. "I… I don't know what to say. I'm just so glad you're safe." He met her gaze before adding, "May I introduce you to Supreme Chancellor Valorum?"

A man stepped forward and bowed slightly. "Your Majesty, it is an honor to meet you."

The Queen nodded politely before her eyes shifted to Maximus, who descended the ramp, his massive frame causing the metal to creak under his weight. His gaze swept over the surroundings before settling on the city itself.

"A hive world," he muttered disdainfully. His attention, however, seemed to remain fixed on something else as he looked away.

"Brother Sebastian, can you hear me?" Maximus asked, speaking through his vox.

There was a pause, then a deep voice came through. "It is good to hear your voice, Brother Maximus. I have much to speak to you about."

"Indeed. We must meet, and soon. Where are you?" Maximus asked.

"Patience, Brother. I've made a new contract here. He will contact you shortly and bring me to you. I'm in… hiding, of sorts," Sebastian replied.

"You, hiding?" Maximus asked incredulously.

A deep chuckle came through the vox. "It's a long story. We'll speak again soon, Brother. Until then, may the Emperor protect you."

The vox went silent, and Maximus returned his attention to Valorum, who had clearly been ignored. He seemed offended, but Maximus showed no sign of concern.

"This is Senator Palpatine and Supreme Chancellor Valorum," the Queen introduced.

Maximus simply nodded in acknowledgment, clearly uninterested. Valorum, now visibly irritated, cleared his throat.

"I hope the rest of your entourage isn't as disrespectful as this… brute," he muttered, turning to the Queen.

"Please forgive him, Chancellor," the Queen said, offering an apologetic smile. "He's not accustomed to our ways."

Valorum grumbled but let the matter go. He turned his attention back to the Queen.

"I'm thrilled you're here and safe. Though, I must say, I'm disappointed in the Senate's reaction to the blockade of your planet," he said as they began walking toward one of the ships on the platform.

"Well, you have been one of our greatest advocates and allies. I thank you for your support during this trying time," Sabé said, playing the role of the Queen.

"Indeed," Valorum agreed, though his eyes kept flicking to Maximus, who followed behind them.

After a moment, the Chancellor gestured toward the giant. "I'm honestly not sure your… friend here can come with us on the same ship. Perhaps he should wait for another?"

The group glanced at Maximus, noting his heavy armor, and quickly realized the Supreme Chancellor had a point. Qui-Gon, however, stepped forward and addressed Maximus.

"I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I'd like to offer you the chance to speak with the Jedi Council about what happened on Tatooine. I think this would be a good opportunity for us to better understand one another," Qui-Gon said, adopting a diplomatic tone.

"Master!" Obi-Wan exclaimed, his surprise evident.

Qui-Gon turned and gestured for his apprentice to be silent. Then, he returned his attention to Maximus. The Astartes regarded them both silently before speaking.

"While it's true we have not seen eye to eye, I believe it would be… interesting to meet these Jedi you speak of. But it will have to be at a later time. I wish to find my brother first," Maximus said, easing Obi-Wan's concerns.

Qui-Gon nodded in understanding. He and Obi-Wan turned to walk toward another shuttle that had arrived.

"Master, what was your reasoning behind your offer?" Obi-Wan asked, still unsettled by the exchange.

"Ah, my young apprentice," Qui-Gon said as they continued walking. "You've seen the temperament of these Astartes. The Black Templar, the one who slaughtered our brothers and sisters at the Temple, would never have spoken with us. But the others were willing to engage diplomatically… if there were no aliens present. That's all I'll say for now. Let's discuss it further once we meet with the Council."

They watched as Anakin boarded the shuttle with Padmé and her guards, offering him a reassuring nod. The young boy returned the gesture before sitting down next to Padmé, striking up a conversation with her and Nira.

Maximus, still waiting for his own shuttle, stood on the platform as the two Jedi departed for the Temple with his arms folded, gazing at the city.


Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's ship landed at the entrance of the Jedi Temple. The two quickly disembarked, walking up the steps, where stains of blood and oil still marred the surface. The damage to the Temple was far from repaired—large holes in the ground and bloodstains on some of the pillars were a sobering sight as they made their way inside.

The atmosphere was heavy as they walked toward the elevator, which would take them to the Council chamber. The ride was silent, and when the doors opened, they were met by the solemn stares of the Jedi Council. Eleven members were seated, their expressions grim.

On the left side of the room, an empty seat stood as a stark reminder of the recent tragedy.

"Returned, you have," Master Yoda said, his voice quiet but firm. His gaze fell upon Qui-Gon.

"We have, Master. Though, I wish we returned with better news," Qui-Gon replied, stepping forward to stand in the center of the room.

"I bring troubling news regarding the attack on the Temple," he began. "What we initially thought to be a droid was, in fact, a super soldier from another galaxy, a warrior known as a Black Templar."

Before he could continue, Mace Windu leaned forward in his seat, a new mechanical arm gleaming in the light. His left cheek was marred by stitches that traveled down his neck, disappearing into his shirt.. He gently stroked the wound as he spoke.

"How do you know this information?" Mace asked, his tone direct and unyielding.

Qui-Gon bowed his head in acknowledgment before continuing.

"As you all know, my apprentice and I traveled to Naboo to negotiate its freedom from the blockade. We were ambushed and forced to flee the fleet, landing on the planet. We expected the capital city of Theed to be under lockdown. Instead, we found it still free—against all odds." He gestured, and a hologram of the city appeared.

"I thought Theed had no active military force," one of the Masters remarked.

"You're correct. The city has no army—at least, it didn't. Until—" Qui-Gon paused as the image shifted, revealing another figure.

"Impossible!" one of the Masters gasped in disbelief.

"Another one?" Ki-Adi-Mundi murmured as he studied the image of a towering figure in blue and gold armor.

"This is Maximus of the Ultramarines," Qui-Gon explained. "He single-handedly defended the city of Theed from all incursions. Before we left, I managed to acquire footage of his battles that I'd like to show the Council, with your permission, Grandmaster." Qui-Gon turned to Yoda, who gave a solemn nod.

The hologram sprang to life. The Council watched, astonished, as they saw Maximus effortlessly tear through tanks with his bare hands, his sheer power defying belief. He was thrown into a building, which collapsed on top of him. Moments later, he emerged from the rubble, ready to continue his fight.

"So..." Mace Windu spoke, his voice tinged with both awe and frustration as he watched the footage. "They can be hurt."

Yoda's voice cut through the tension. "Calm yourself, Mace. Clouded your mind is. Too close to this, you are."

Mace lowered his head in submission, but his eyes still flickered with barely-contained anger.

"When we first encountered Maximus," Qui-Gon continued, "we initially attacked him, given the recent events at the Temple. But he easily disarmed us, taking control of the situation. Afterward, he seemed wary of us, but when he encountered this being," Qui-Gon shifted the hologram to show an image of Jar Jar Binks, "his wariness turned to outright hostility. I believe Maximus and his brothers belong to a faction with xenophobic beliefs, which would explain the Black Templar's animosity towards non-human Jedi."

The room fell into heavy silence. Plo Koon was the first to break it.

"You mentioned brothers. Are there more of them?" he asked, his voice calm but probing.

Qui-Gon shifted the hologram once more to reveal another Astartes, this one clad in green and black armor.

"Yes. This is Raxor of the Salamanders," Qui-Gon explained. "The Ultramarine, Maximus, accompanied us with the Queen to the world of—"

He was abruptly cut off as Mace Windu slammed his metal hand down onto the armrest of his chair, denting it.

"What do you mean, accompanied you?" Mace demanded, his voice rising with indignation. "You mean to tell me you willingly traveled with this man?"

Yoda's voice rang out, sharp and commanding. "Enough, Mace. Removed from this meeting if this continues, you will be."

Mace's anger flared, but Yoda's authority quickly quelled it. The Jedi Master sat back, breathing deeply.

"Master Yoda, you cannot ignore this matter," Mace said, his tone quieter now but still laced with frustration.

Yoda's gaze was steady. "Enough, I have said. Clouded your mind, this situation has."

Qui-Gon took a steadying breath, then stepped forward again. "As I was saying, the Astartes are involved in a conflict far greater than they realize. There are three more topics regarding these warriors that we must discuss, but I understand if this is too much to process for now."

"Continue, you will. Interrupted, you will not be," Yoda said, his eyes sweeping across the Council chamber before he nodded to Qui-Gon to continue.

"Thank you, Grandmaster," Qui-Gon replied, offering a respectful bow. "The Astartes accompanied the Queen, and she would go nowhere without him. He saved her city, and she feels an enormous debt of gratitude towards him. She insisted on bringing him with us when we left Naboo, though the ship was damaged as we exited the planet's orbit, forcing us to make an unscheduled detour to this planet." Qui-Gon flicked a switch, and the hologram shifted to show the barren world of Tatooine.

For the next hour, Qui-Gon recounted the events on Tatooine. He explained how he had met Anakin Skywalker, how he had come to believe that the boy was the Chosen One foretold by prophecy. He also described the crash of the Astartes' ship on Tatooine, and how Maximus had claimed that their weapons could end wars on their own.

A quiet murmur passed through the Council as the story unfolded, and Qui-Gon's voice grew heavier as he described the final confrontation. He activated the hologram once more, showing the brutal killing of what he believed to be the Sith by Maximus—a vicious and overwhelming display of power that left the room filled with a palpable unease. Many of the Jedi turned their heads, uncomfortable with the raw violence they had just witnessed.

"Such power... It's… unimaginable," Mace Windu muttered, his voice strained.

After a long pause, Qui-Gon continued. He brought forth the lightsaber he had taken from the Sith's corpse and showed it to the Council. The weapon hummed faintly, its red blade a chilling reminder of the darkness they had just seen.

"Impossible," Ki-Adi-Mundi said, staring at the weapon in disbelief. "The Sith have been extinct for a millennium."

Qui-Gon met the gaze of the Council, his expression unyielding. "Clearly not," he replied softly.

He then recounted how Obi-Wan had been feeling ill ever since leaving Tatooine, his condition worsening as they traveled. Turning to his apprentice, Qui-Gon gestured for Obi-Wan to explain what had transpired.

Obi-Wan stepped forward, his face pale but resolute. "When we left Tatooine, I began to feel… strange. I feel as though something is... watching me through this chaotic power." His voice faltered slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. "There's a presence—something ancient, something dark."

Yoda's eyes narrowed, and he tilted his head slightly. "Troubling, this is," he said softly, his tone filled with concern. "A darkness, you say? A shadow over you, it feels."

Obi-Wan nodded, his gaze distant. "Yes, Master. It's as if… something is calling to me, pulling at my mind."

The Council exchanged uneasy glances. "A connection to the dark side." Mace Windu mused, his tone grave as his hand went unnoticed as it went to the hilt of his newly crafted lightsaber.

Qui-Gon frowned, clearly troubled by the implications. "The Astartes, the Sith—there's a web of forces at play here, and I fear we have only begun to uncover its depths."

Master Plo Koon leaned forward, his voice calm yet resolute. "What are we to do, then? If the Sith are returning, and these Astartes are involved, our time to act may be running out."

Qui-Gon exchanged a look with Obi-Wan, both sharing the same foreboding sense of urgency. "We must continue our investigation. The Sith may not be extinct, but they are not the only threat. The Astartes and their mysterious origins, the conflict brewing around them—these are all pieces of a puzzle that must be solved. And the boy… Anakin Skywalker, I believe he may be key."

Yoda nodded slowly, his eyes fixed on Qui-Gon. "Keep to the path, you must. Caution, you must exercise. Dangerous, this path is."

Obi-Wan stood silently, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the troubling developments. The Council had much to consider, but one thing was clear: the galaxy was teetering on the edge of something far greater than they had anticipated.


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