
Chapter 2: Preparations

Months Later.

Time passed, and Cell Max continued to develop within his incubation pod. Dr. Hedo and his team conducted endless tests and tweaks, refining the creature's physiology and ensuring his energy system was stable enough to withstand the demands of adaptive absorption. Meanwhile, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 trained tirelessly in the combat simulation chambers, preparing themselves to confront any threat.

One afternoon, as the Gammas finished a sparring session, Dr. Hedo gathered them in the observation room overlooking Cell Max's pod.

"This creature," Hedo began, nodding toward the hulking figure within the pod, "represents a culmination of everything my grandfather dreamed of and more. If things go as planned, you two will never need to see him in action."

Gamma 1, always the pragmatic one, gave a curt nod. "And if things don't go as planned?"

Hedo hesitated. "If that day comes, Gamma 1, you will do everything in your power to subdue him. But understand, Cell Max is not like you. He doesn't have a personality or a sense of duty. He's a force of nature, pure and simple. If his absorption ability activates, he will consume anything in his path, even other androids."

Gamma 2, ever the optimist, grinned with a flash of defiance. "So, you're saying even we're on the menu if he gets out of hand, huh?" He chuckled, though a glint of worry betrayed him. "Guess that'll make things… interesting."

Hedo gave a faint, humorless smile, though his eyes lingered on Cell Max in the pod. "Interesting isn't the word I'd use. I've designed both of you with high resistance to absorption, so theoretically, you should be able to hold your ground. But I can't account for what Cell Max might become if his power goes unchecked. The energy he could amass would dwarf any calculation I can make now."

Gamma 1 glanced at Gamma 2, his steely gaze unwavering. "So, our role is simple. We intercept anything that threatens the Red Ribbon Army, and we keep Cell Max asleep."

"That's right," Hedo confirmed, adjusting his glasses. "I have faith that with the two of you, we'll never have to wake him fully." His voice held an edge of hesitation. He'd added the absorption feature as a contingency, knowing all too well that if Goku or Vegeta, or any Saiyan, appeared, the Red Ribbon Army's standard arsenal wouldn't stand a chance. But even in his brilliance, he couldn't entirely predict the chaos that such a power could bring.


Weeks Later.

Hedo's belief in the Gammas' power was strong, but Magenta's patience was wearing thin. He'd poured everything into the Red Ribbon Army's revival, rebuilding the organization from the ground up, but he had yet to see results. The Saiyans had already faced and defeated the original Cell, countless androids, and even a creature from another universe. To him, every passing day was a risk.

"You know," Magenta said, pacing his dimly lit office, "this is all well and good, but when are we going to see some real action? My father's vision wasn't to sit around waiting for a threat that may never come."

He shot a glance at Carmine, who stood silently by the door, watching his employer's outburst with a measured gaze.

"It's not enough to have them here, in hiding!" Magenta continued. "The Red Ribbon Army should be commanding fear across the world again, not lurking in shadows." His tone lowered, a dangerous edge creeping into his voice. "Carmine, bring Hedo in. I need to have a word with our 'genius'."


Minutes later, Dr. Hedo stood in Magenta's office, the door sliding shut with a metallic clang behind him. His expression remained neutral, but he could tell Magenta's impatience was at an all-time high.

Magenta leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled as he glared at Hedo. "Doctor, we've been following your plans for a while now. But I'm starting to think your faith in these 'heroes' of yours might be misplaced."

Hedo sighed inwardly but kept his voice calm. "With all due respect, Magenta, the Gammas are more than capable of handling any threat. I've built them with the specific purpose of facing warriors like Goku and Vegeta. I know their power levels, their tactics, their abilities, they're prepared."

Magenta's gaze hardened. "And yet, we're still hiding here, waiting for something to happen. I didn't bring you on board to create just another army. I brought you on because I want results. I want the world to fear the Red Ribbon Army again." His voice dropped to a hiss. "And I want that Saiyan threat eliminated once and for all."

Hedo bristled at Magenta's tone. "The Gammas are the best possible answer to that threat. Cell Max is a last resort, something that should only be used if absolutely necessary. His absorption ability-"

Magenta cut him off, a sharp glint in his eye. "You're still hung up on that. Are you so afraid of your own creation?"

Hedo hesitated, knowing that anything he said here could tip the balance of power between them. "Not afraid," he replied carefully. "But wary. Cell Max is designed to absorb energy at an unparalleled rate, not only from living beings but from synthetic sources as well. That means he could turn on us, on the Gammas! If his hunger for energy grows too strong. He doesn't have the mental stability or self-control that they do."

For a moment, silence filled the room. Magenta's expression remained unreadable, though a slight smirk played at his lips. "Then let's make sure we keep him as an option," he said finally. "But know this: I'm not waiting around forever. If there's even a hint of Saiyan interference, I want Cell Max ready."

Dr. Hedo nodded, though a shadow of doubt lingered in his mind. He had always known that Magenta's ambition ran deep, but he hadn't realized the extent to which the man would push for dominance. With a slight bow, Hedo excused himself, leaving the office with a new resolve. He'd monitor Cell Max closely, refining his systems, ensuring the failsafe was in place if they ever had to awaken the creature.


Back in the lab, Hedo stood before the massive containment pod, watching as Cell Max's hulking form floated within, shadows dancing across his armored skin. The creature seemed almost sentient, a living weapon waiting to be unleashed.

Hedo pressed his hand against the glass, feeling the faint hum of energy pulsing within the chamber. 'How far would Gero have gone?' he wondered, the thought of his grandfather's ambition weighing on him. 'Would he have hesitated to unleash something like this?'

As if in response, Cell Max's eyes opened suddenly, glowing red and filled with a primal hunger. Hedo took an instinctive step back, shaken by the sudden surge of energy within the pod. The systems began to blare softly, registering a spike in Cell Max's energy levels. It was only for a moment, but it was enough for Hedo to realize one thing.

If Cell Max ever awoke with his absorption ability fully active, there would be no one in the Red Ribbon Army, or the world, that could contain him.

With a determined look, Hedo adjusted the settings on the control panel, reinforcing the restraints on Cell Max's chamber. He couldn't shake the feeling that Magenta's ambition would lead them down a path of no return.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Hedo murmured, casting one last look at Cell Max before turning away.


Patreon: SaintNull

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