
8. Spud: Mr. Long please hire me.

" Ah, what a dream I had. I saw in that dream that I was at the highest floor of a skyscraper which belonged to the Longs and Mr. Long created an A.I. and a reactor that produces 3.3 Megawatts of electricity per second. Such a silly dream. Well, time to get up and help mom run the restaurant after all it's Sunday." Thought Spud in a daze and at that moment he felt droplets of water fall on his face and heard the voices of both Jake and Trixie. He abruptly sprang up from the sofa and looked around and in a trembling voice asked," J.A.R.V.I.S are you here?" " Yes, Mr. Spudinski. How may I help you?" Asked J.A.R.V.I.S." J.A.R.V.I.S what's your computational power? Asked Spud. " 60 Terabytes per second, sir." Spud just sighed and returned to his carefree demeanor and said," Pleasant nature documentary." The aquarium turned into a display where a nature documentary surfaced which showed birds chirping on trees, fish jumping in the streams and stags galloping. Jake came over and asked," Yo, Spud you okay?" " You see Jake I like my carefree life but it's an undisputed fact that I also love science and creating an A.I. is actually a long term dream of mine but I kind of feel down. After all, J.A.R.V.I.S is anything and everything I ever hoped to achieve in life which is right in front of me and I can't accept it." Said Spud. " Mr. Spudinski please don't sell yourself short. I have investigated it and you are truly a genius and I'm actually a product of Mr. Long's long-term research and hard work combined with paranoia. For Mr. Long protecting his family takes so much precedence that in order to keep you all safe he can go to war with the world itself and it's also one of the purposes of my creation." Jake was swelling up with pride and tears while Trixie and Spud were stupified. At that moment both Lao Shi, Susan and Fu dog came out the elevator and Lao Shi yelled," Be gone demon!"

Jonathan Pov:

No wonder people call Mark Zuckerberg a lizardman. He is pale, eyes are always enlarged, barely blinks and sticks out his tongue in a weird way. He probably is one in this world but Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White were normal and all of them gave up their shares and rights so did Zuckerberg. But that lizard bastard bit of 70 million dollars thinking he made a killing and the founders of Android are just happy to sell their company for 80 million dollars and my company has no shares indirectly after all robotic board members work just fine. And I earned 400000 AP which is a result of 100 times the bonus after all I just changed history and I know just what to buy. At that moment a chime comes from J.A.R.V.I.S and he says," Sir, Mr. Lao and Mrs. Susan is doing odd rituals in order to exorcise me and it's actually doing some harm to my basic codes but nothing serious. Also I figured out how magic works." I sucked in a breath of cold air because I underestimated the magic of this world but the good news is that the principles of magic have been figured out. He directly rushed home with the documents and he paid them in checks. He finally arrived home and saw the absurd scene of a flame burning in a pot and Lao Shi and Susan chanting something in Chinese and Haley,Jake and his friends are trying to stop them. Jonathan shouted," STOP!!!!!" and he explained everything to them and also assured them that J.A.R.V.I.S will not breach their privacy. Finally Lao Shi and Susan calmed down. At that moment Spud came forward and said," Mr. Long please hire me."

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