
Bitter wedding.

A MONTH AFTER..........

Above all the intimidation on the online media, Kate and Sarah's other enemies sank in guilt and shame after their plans failed. 

 Sarah Obama is about to be committed to president Andrew levis, before the altar and her entire family including her enemies. A day or event she never dreamed of, or thought could happen.

Sarah was stunning and beautiful on this faithful day, soft extensive lashes, thick red tomato lipstic, a white bright shining diamond bully dress adorned with millions of beads and stones Laced with a chevon veil. 

At dusk, the bell in the Church was jingle through the sky as Sarah majestically walked in with her bouquet of flowers. Andrew dressed in a royal blue tuxedo and a Black trousers suit pants. 

 When she was about to take a vow before the altar, a mixed feelings of happiness and anxiety wafted in he feeling through the air. The soft light filtered throughout the stained glass casting colorful patterns in the floor, while Andrew stood before her, his eyes filled with love and anticipation.

 Before the the priest wearing a priest costume set his foot before the altar to read. "This is the wedding ceremony of Mr Andrew Levis and miss Sarah Obama who are ready and willing to form a marriage ceremony and take a vow before God." He took a deep breath and strained his eyes before letting out the next sentence. "All distinguished guest, please bear witness to this marriage." 

Mr and Mrs Obama and all other well dressed guests at the ceremonial table applauded symbolically.

Sarah was stunned, all regards to the above and below, the wedding ceremony consists of dignitaries form different countries continents.

 Through the lens, the priest held the thick scripture in his hands and hands, "Sarah Obama are you willing to engage and get married Andrew Levis? Are you fully committed to him?" He glanced at Sarah a moment. "Will you accept President Andrew Levis as your husband, for Richer and for poorer, for better and for worse, in health and in sickness to Love, honour and cherish till death do you apart?"

"...." Her eye widened and looked at Andrew holding her hand next to her. Sarah clenched her fist tightly. Sarah was still in her brilliant youth, she never imagined in a month to come she could walk into a wedding church with a man she has never dreamt of, with her family and friends bearing witness.

 "Don't be scared," he whispered into her ear in a tone only they could hear. "It's not bad getting married to me."

 As Sarah made a vow before God accepting Andrew as her legal husband, to get engaged to him and to be loyal to him for the rest of her life.

 Samantha winked at Sarah with a feeling of amusement, she could clearly read her lips. 

Sarah is getting married to Andrew, she becoming his legal wife. "What going to happen to her in future? How will her future life look like?" 

 Alfred clenched his fist with his narrow gaze at Sarah. He kept his gaze in his phone, constantly looking at the time. 

 "Mr Andrew Levis, will you accept miss Sarah Obama as your newly wedded wife? Are you ready to commit to her as her husband? And also be loyal to her for the rest of your life?"

 Andrew looked down on his feet, folded his lips, blinked few times, galnced at the sky before saying "yes." He was over excited to get married to Sarah. His emotions was out of control, he couldn't control his cravings for Sarah. He grabbed her tightly, pressing his chest against her breasts. He pulled her cheeks tightly, rolling his tongue against hers. 

Just as they exchanged their vows. Suddenly a group of Mafia guns men arrived from a black Mercedes Maybach with dangerous weapons threaten all guests including Sarah, their presence commanding great attention and decorum. The laughters and jubilations faded into tense silence, replaced with heavy footsteps and whispered gasps. As one of the men surged forward, Pain surged through Sarah looking at Andrew's eyes for reassurance, but all she saw was shock and pain. She was hi jacked from Andrew in the presence of the entire guest. Sarah's in laws was totally helpless at that moment she was kidnapped. Her brother Eric tried to scare away few of guns men. He lost his balance and failed to resist a stray bullet. 


Sarah's body ache after she woke up from a short sleep. Her nerves felt like she's somatically hallucinating. Strands of ropes laced all over her body, blind folded with a thick black lining. 

 "Hmm.... " Sarah cried for help.

 Suddenly the strands of rope and blind fold was yanked of her body. To her surprise, Alfred came back to haunt and torment her.

 He tucked her bang, caressing her cheeks. "I still love you Sarah. You are mine. Please come back to me." Alfredo pleaded with a sexy voice ready to press his lips against hers.

 "Let go of me." She aggressively pushed Alfred. He became furious at her childish behavior. 

He wrapped his hands around Sarah's hand and tossed her in his soft mattress. He slipped her gown off her shoulders, wanting to force intimacy on her.

She aggressively scratched Alfred's face aggressively with her artificial nails. Sarah angrily kicked him between his thighs, smashing her head again his.

Alfred grabbed her shoulders, tightly squeezing her chest in response to her actions. He slowly traced his hands beneath her dress, pulling her under skirt. He almost tugged her clothes........

 He never loved her, all promises he made was fake, he only wanted to her to be Mrs Lucas.

 Alfred held her hand desperately and said, "Sarah please leave Alfred and come back to me. Let's continue our love journey."

 Sarah bit her lip and felt a heart–wreching pain. At this moment, she confessed she no longer love Alfred. "I have no feelings for you anymore. I have tried putting up with your toxic trait......."

 He squeezed his face and strangle her with a narrow gaze in the eye, he refuse to let her go. 

 Sarah lost feelings for Alfred when she discovered he as only been using her as a tool for pleasure. 

 Her father who always doted on her, almost broke his relationship with her, and drove her out of the Obama family. 

Her blood continued to boil as she became nervous. Out of anger she hit Alfred with a flower vase.

"How dare you? I am still your lord. You submit whatever I ask from you." He tried pressing his lips against hers, as she resisted.

 "I hate you Alfred. I knew you by mistake. You lied to me and deceived me ..." Alfred grabbed her chin.

 "Shut up! Are you ready to be my wife or not? El

se, I will kill you or Andrew."