
Chapter Seven 1/2

"WRATH!!!" Gluttony yelled through the dark halls of the place they called home. He looked at the note held in his hands that said, 

'Hey just so you know we exchanged a few skill cubes with [MME]-Wrath'

His eyebrow twitched in frustration as he yelled again, "WRATH, GET OUT HERE NOW!!" The sound of a large doors opening was accompanied by the blood red flame above wrath's chair lighting up, though that wasn't the only one almost all the chairs' flames lit up. Prides sapphire blue flame, lusts magenta flame, greeds golden one, and Envy's sun yellow flame.

"What is it Gluttony?" Wrath asked as she sat down at her seat, as did the others.

"This." he held out the note and handed it to her.

"…I never wrote this," she said as she tossed the note behind her.

"Well your name's signed on it. Maybe it was your other half that did the exchange."

"…" Wrath had no response and looked away

"Is it really that big of a deal she didn't tell you?" Greed asked

"You stay out of this."Gluttony growled at him.

"He has as much right to be here as we do. We were all chosen to be here for a reason." Pride said as she defended Greed, even if she didn't like him they were still stuck here together.

"The only reason he's here is so he won't be down there." Lust said as she refused to meet greed's eyes. 

"I don't wanna hear that from the incest succubus." Greed cackled back.

"Will all of you shut up. Look, Gluttony called me here, not you idiots. So you can leave or you can shut up." Wrath said as she laid back in her chair and kicked her feet up on the table. "So what's the big deal? We exchange skill cubes all the time."

"The problem isn't that we exchanged skill cubes, the problem is that no one told me. When I went to give the kid a skill I didn't know we had exchanged skills and ended up grabbing one that I didn't intend to."

"So which one did you accidentally give him?" Envy asked glad she didn't make the mistake.

"I meant to give the string skill so he could have some way to defend himself, but instead I gave him the ½ skill." The room was silent until Pride let out a noise.


"D-did you just laugh?"


"I think that's the first I've ever heard her laugh." Wrath said with a surprised smile on her lips.

"…I-I mean you know what that skill does, it's kinda funny."

"She's kinda right." Envy said, nodding her head.

"So what if you gave him the wrong skill, just give him another quest and reward him with the string skill you wanted to give him before." Greed suggested

"…Ok." Gluttony mumbled not wanting him to know he was gonna do his idea.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Gree said despite having heard him.

"I said you can leave." Gluttony said as he pulled up a black screen with a golden outline.


"Ok so what should we record first?" The gym teacher asked the kids, Hasegawa Ayano was her name and she had tan skin and short black hair that reached her shoulders. Her eyes were a hazel color. She had a great figure, a nice shaped ass and large breasts, some kids even had a crush on her.

"Hmm, hey Shinna what do you think we should do?" Yoshii asked 

"Oh, uh m-me?"

"Yeah, Ayano sensei asked all of us."Yoshii smiled brightly, almost blinding Shinna.

"We-well if we're trying to get people to come to the school why not, show them why they should." Shinna said while fumbling with her fingers.

"Sensei, Shinna has an idea for what to do!" Yoshii yelled to get Ayano-Sensei's attention. She walked over to Shinna and knelt down to be at her eye level.

"Well what do you have in mind?"

"Uh, um, we-well we, we could…" Seeing her struggling with this Kira walked over and talked to her.

"Take a deep breath, no one's rushing you." Shinna looked at him and slightly nodded her head. She took a deep breath in and then released it.

'I knew I was right, maturity beyond his age.' Yoshii thought as she watched the scene unfolding in front of her eyes.

"W-we could show off…the teachers teaching a class of students." Ayano-sensei looked at her with a smile and then sat up.

"Okay, looks like we got our first scene. Now we just need the camera." She looked around for Amamiya who was supposed to have it and spotted her looking for a student.

"Has anyone seen Kishimoto?" She asked the class and all of them said no, but they all looked at Kira for an answer.

"Why are you all looking at me?"

"You're the only one that talks to that weirdo." Shinji said with a look of disdain.

"So you probably know where that freak went off to." Hirikawa, a kid from Ayano's class said as he and Shinji high fived.

"Knowing him I have a pretty good idea of where he went, but don't call him a freak."

"Why? It's not like I'm wrong." Hirakawa said with a smirk as Shinji stood behind him as part of his entourage.

"You're not wrong, he's weird, he's into odd things, but at least he's more than just a bully."

"I'm not a bully."

"…whatever you say. Amamiya-Sensei, I think I know where Kishimoto is, want me to get him?" 

"Could you?"

"Yeah, I'll be back in 5 minutes with him in tow." Kira held up five fingers as he walked off to get Kishimoto.


"Mnm❤️" laying on a grand bed with silk sheets was Lust. She had her fingers inserted into her pussy and her other hand playing with her nipples when suddenly a bright light appeared before her. "Ugh, now really?" She fixed her chest and took her fingers out from inside her, they were covered in her pussy juice but she just licked them clean. she eyed the magic circle in front of her and a curious look appeared on her face. "I forgot about this one, guess we did have a connection to the anomaly. Speaking of which…" She looked at the name written on half of the heart in the center of the magic circle and laughed to herself. Written on the left side of the heart was the name 'Kira Vallery' and on the right side was the name 'Amamiya Reiko'. "Now this is interesting, the anomaly is to…well behaved to do something like this. So that leaves the boy with the occult obsession. Heh, well anomaly seems like you should pick better friends." Lust was about to authorize the spell when a devious thought entered her mind. "Now that just might be more fun." She then made a change to the spell and authorized it. Casting a curse of sorts on both Kira and Amamiya.


Walking through the halls of the old abandoned schoolhouse Kira noticed Kishimoto walking through the halls and yelled his name.

"Hey, Kishimoto, what are you doing idiot!"

"Oh, hello Vallery. Why are you here?"

"To look for you. Why are you here?"

"Kishishi, Occult research of course."

"I knew it, come on Sensei sent me here for you."

"I see, Vallery, what is your opinion of Amamiya-Sensei?" Kishimoto asked as the walked through the halls of the old building 

"She's a nice teacher, though she's seemed kinda tired as of late, ever since she got married."

"I see." Kishimoto and Kira walked back in silence though Kishimoto's mind was racing.

'Did the spell not work? But it vanished and everything. So it should have worked. Maybe this one's just bogus.' As the two reached the classroom they saw Ayano-Sensei talking to one of her students. He had a bowl cut and looked nervous as he was talking to her

'Isn't that the Sugino kid that gets bullied by Hirakawa, guess he finally decided to tell on him. Hope it works out for him.' 

"We're back," Kira said as he opened the door to the classroom and saw all the kids sitting neatly in their desks and the teacher teaching them with complicated words and equations on the board. At the back of the class was a camera being operated by Shinna.

"Okay let's cut there," Amamiya-Sensei said as she walked over to Kishimoto to give him a scolding. Kira walked away from that and went over to Shinna who was sitting in a tall chair to be able to be eye level with the camera.

"You need help getting down?" He asked, seeing her feet dangling off the chair.

"N-no I got…" she looked down and realized she did in fact need help. "Actually, could you help me down?" She mumbled in embarrassment as her face grew a light red.

"Of course, here take my hand." She looked at his hand and hesitated to touch it. The only boy outside her family she's interacted with was Shinji and they rarely did these days, only when their families forced them together did they. She looked at the hand, swallowed her fears and took it.

'It's soft.' Was her first thought. She was pulled into his embrace to prevent her from falling off the chair and her face gave off several shades of red as he gently put her down.

"Th-th-thank you." She said in a robotic tone as she speed walked to her seat. 'He caught me, he held me in his arms!' Shinna thought as her heart beat faster and faster. 

"Haha, glad I could help." After that the rest of the scenes were filmed with the other teachers and a few would be done by the teachers after school to show off the staff. When all was said and done the camera was to be handed into the teachers office by the teacher in charge. However that didn't happen, instead the film was given to Kira by Ayano-Sensei because her boyfriend stopped by to pick her up.

*knock knock*

Kira knocked on the door to the teachers office and it was opened by one of the teachers who taught him last year.

"Oh good evening Ishiguro-Sensei." Kira bowed to him.

"Oh it's good to see you young Vallery, though why are you here?"

"I'm here to return this," he held out the camera 

"Oh, right your grade was in charge of that, but I thought Ayano was supposed to bring that back here?"

"She was but her boyfriend showed up to take her home, so she asked me to bring it down here."

"B-boyfriend?" He asked surprised and with a depressed look on his face

"Yeah, apparently they plan on getting married next month."

"M-ma-ma-ma." He looked like he was going to cry

"Uh, he's broken." Kira took Ishiguro's hand and placed the camera in his hand and then tried to walk off, but Ishiguro grabbed him by the shoulder and said,

"Tell me everything." 

"Damnit." Kira sighed and walked into the teachers office sitting down across from him. Before they started, Ishiguro handed him a plastic cup filled with cold water for him to drink.

"Oh, thank you Sensei."

"No need to thank me, now tell me everything about that bitches boyfriend." 

'Not even hiding your true feelings anymore.'

"Well I don't know much, but he's 25, the same age as Ayano-Sensei. They met three years ago and started dating soon after. He's got a good job working for a big company, don't know which one. He has above average looks and is mildly fit."

"You actually know quite a lot."

"Really? Hmm I didn't think so."

"But why wouldn't Ayano tell me? You see Vallery, I've known her since we were in nursery school."

'Don't look so smug about that.'Kira thought looking at his face.

"And because of that We've always been by each other's side, were meant for each other and now I hear she's getting married! How could she not tell me!" He yelled in frustration 

'I think I know why.'

"Just wait, I'll make her realize that the only person worthy of her perfect body is me!"

'…ah, so he's a pervert.' Kira set down his water and stood up, in the process knocking a pen off the desk, and it rolled over underneath the desk. 

"Marriage! She's getting married and didn't tell me!" He brought his head down to the desk and began to bang on the desk with grief. Kira went underneath the desk to grab the pen and upon beginning to come up from underneath the desk the cold water fell on top of his head causing him to get a notification 


The passive effect of the skill [½] is now in effect.  The host has transformed into a woman.


"What?" Kira said his voice now a much higher tone.

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