
Super Saiyan 2 Goten

A few hours have passed since the battle between Majin Buu and Goku.

Buu flew around the earth. There was no one left on the planet as he had killed or absorbed almost every human.

Who to kill and who to absorb depends on their strength as Buu absorb everyone from Gohan's memory who could fight or use certain abilities.

This allowed him to ascend to a level that he had never expected before.

At first, he was only fighting for survival. He was forced to fight Goku and his friends when he was revived.

But now he has nothing left to do apart from one task. That is to kill the Supreme Kai.

When he absorbed Babidi he found out what happened when he went into hibernation millions of years ago and why he was forced to sleep against his will.

He knew Shin could not force him to sleep again as his power was now far above him but he still wanted to eliminate him so that he could get rid of the potential threat.

That is the whole reason why he has not destroyed the whole planet yet as he wanted to wait for Shin's return.

Then he remembered something.

Goten and Trunks. He noticed that the two boys from Gohan's memory were missing along with Shin and others.

Although he thought about the possibility of Shin taking the boys somewhere he also remembered there was still one place that he had not looked at yet.


Gotenks, the fusion of Goten and Trunks was testing out his power in the hyperbolic time chamber.

He was testing out how long he could stay fused in his Super Saiyan form and to see if there was any difference in fusion duration compared to fighting in base.

Goten's part of Gotenks knew that things like that were important if they wanted to go up against Majin Buu.

The fusion time-out after thirty minutes, which is the same as his base form.

"Then we will try Super Saiyan 2 next," Goten said.

"I am starting to get tired of doing that dance over and over again." Trunks said.

"Boys. Let's hurry up. Everyone is waiting for us." Yamcha told the boys.

Then at that moment, the door to the hyperbolic time chamber opened as Majin Buu walked in.

"Gohan? Is that you?" Yamcha asked as he saw Buu.

"Wait you are not Gohan?" Trunks said as he looked at Buu.

At that moment Goten became enraged when he saw Majin Buu who is taking on the appearance of his brother.


A few years ago.

"Gohan. Why do you stop training? You know no one could catch up to you if you just continued to fight." Goten who was lying in bed as he read a comic book about Mr Satan.

"Goten. I am not as great as you think." Gohan replied to Goten.

"I always wanted to become a scholar since I was a boy. I want to have a beautiful wife who loves me with all her heart and a cute daughter that I can pamper." Gohan continued.

"You can still get those things if you continue training, I mean don't you like fighting," Goten asked.

"You see Goten when I was young I was forced to fight because everyone saw that I had potential."

"I can do things that Dad would never be able to do at his age. But having too much of something is not always a good thing."

"I was kidnapped and my dad died because of that when I was still a little kid. Then Mr Piccolo died when trying to protect me from a dangerous person."

"I saw Krillin die in the hands of Frieza. I was beaten until I almost died by a group of people called the Ginyu force."

"Then I was forced to fight a Bio Android called Cell otherwise the earth would have been destroyed. Dad has to sacrifice himself because of my mistake during that battle."

"Whenever I started fighting someone always dies. If not they were beaten to near death. I love fighting as a sport but I don't like fighting when people's lives are at stake."

"I sometimes wish that Vegeta or Dad would step up to protect everyone so that I could stop fighting altogether."

"People said I have some kind of sadistic side and an unknown side that yearns for battle."

"And I somewhat agree with that but if I am given the choice between living peacefully for the rest of my life and never fighting again or becoming the strongest warrior I know what choice I am going to make," Gohan explained to Goten with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry Gohan. I will become stronger so that you never would have to fight ever again." Goten said to his brother.

Gohan laughed off Goten's words. He didn't seem to take them very seriously.


"I have failed Gohan," Goten murmured to himself.

For him, Gohan and Chichi are the two most important people in both of his life.

As they were the only people that loved him. They were his family.

"You will pay for this," Goten yelled out as he transformed into Super Saiyan 2 state for the first time.

He was already as strong as a Super Saiyan 2 in his Super Saiyan form so this increased his power even further beyond.

In this state, in terms of raw power he was even stronger than Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta whose power is comparable to Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Of course, his feeling intense rage also plays a major role.

Buu was shocked by Goten's increase in power.

"What power." Trunks was in awe.

Amazing. As expected of Goku's son. Yamcha was happy as he witnessed Goten's power.

"Go Goten." Paur cheered for Goten.

Buu however was not thrilled. He just survived Son Goku just by a single second and now someone who looked exactly like him was looking at him with eyes filled with hatred.

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