
A Healthy Competition

As the sun rose fully over the city, Laura stepped back, watching her team practice. She pulled a meal from her inventory, quietly eating as she observed their progress. Each of them was advancing quickly, and as she took in their determination, she felt a flicker of pride.

She knew they still had a long way to go, but as she watched Miara's hands glow with mana, Eric's flames flicker to life, and Essei's pebble hit another target, she felt a surge of confidence. This team had potential, more than she had hoped for.

"Alright, everyone," she called out. "That's enough for now. Let's get back to base and rest up. Tomorrow, we train even harder."

They nodded, each of them tired but content, and as they returned to their rooftop base, Laura couldn't help but feel that they were finally becoming a team. The road ahead would be brutal, but with each step, they were getting stronger—and they were ready to face whatever the apocalypse threw at them next.


The team was up before dawn, the early morning air cold and thick with mist. Laura led them down the same path as the day before, her pace steady and unrelenting.

The dark streets seemed deserted, and the silence around them was occasionally interrupted by the faint, distant screeches of apocalypse creatures roaming the far-off ruins.

As they ran, Laura called back to the others, her tone serious but with a hint of mischief. "We're going to make this morning run a habit. The goal is to make it so natural you'd do it without me here, out of pure instinct."

Eric, running beside her, shot her a curious glance. "So, you're saying we'll have to do this every day?"

Laura nodded, but then her tone shifted, lighter, more engaging. "To make it interesting… how about we add a reward?"

Essei perked up, clearly intrigued, while Miara ran with wide-eyed curiosity. "What kind of reward?" Essei asked, a glint of excitement in her eyes.

"I was thinking…" Laura said, keeping them in suspense for just a moment, "that whoever shows the best performance over the next week will get a decent weapon—something that'll make dealing with creatures a lot easier."

That immediately sparked interest. Eric's eyes lit up, and even Miara seemed more focused. Laura smiled inwardly, pleased that she'd caught their attention. She knew how tough the training could be, and adding a reward gave them a purpose to push harder.

"Additionally," she continued, "whoever arrives first at our training spot each day gets a special meal from my inventory—a meal I'd prepared before this apocalypse. Inventory items don't age, so they're as fresh as the day I stored them."

Eric's eyes widened with genuine interest. "A real meal?" he asked, almost incredulously.

Laura nodded. "Real food, freshly prepared. But only for the one who comes in first."

Without another word, Eric took off, sprinting down the path. Laura laughed softly, glancing back at Essei and Miara. "Well? You heard him. First to the training spot gets breakfast!"

Essei and Miara immediately picked up their pace, and soon, it became a full-on sprint. Laura followed with a grin, observing how her team responded to a little healthy competition. Eric, with his impressive strength and agility stats, took the lead, his strides long and powerful. Essei, light on her feet, quickly followed, using her agility to close the gap, while Miara, though slower, was pushing herself harder than ever.

For thirty minutes, they raced through the broken streets, leaping over debris and dodging obstacles in their path. Laura held back slightly, focusing on studying each person's movement and form. She noticed how Eric's strength propelled him forward but also how he had to occasionally pause to steady his balance. Essei, on the other hand, moved with fluid grace, though her stamina seemed to be fading as she pushed herself to keep up.

As they neared the training spot, Laura picked up her pace, closing the distance between herself and Eric. The dark city loomed around them as they sprinted, their breaths visible in the cold air.

Finally, with one last burst of speed, Eric reached the end point first, skidding to a stop with a triumphant grin. Laura arrived just behind him, Essei close on her heels, and Miara coming in last, panting heavily but grinning nonetheless.

Eric turned to Laura, extending his hand with a gleam in his eye. "So… breakfast?"

Laura chuckled, reaching into her inventory and pulling out a neatly wrapped meal, still warm from the timeless state of her storage. "As promised," she said, handing it to him. "A fresh breakfast, just for you."

Eric unwrapped it eagerly, inhaling the scent of roasted meat and warm bread. He looked almost reverent as he took a bite, savoring each mouthful as if it were a rare delicacy. "Laura, this is incredible," he mumbled, his mouth full.

Essei and Miara watched him enviously, and Laura laughed. "If you want a taste, you'll have to beat him tomorrow."

Essei grinned, determination flashing in her eyes. "Tomorrow, I'm getting that meal."

Miara nodded, still catching her breath. "Me too."

Eric, still chewing, gave a mock gasp of horror. "You'll have to pry it from my hands. Good luck."

Laura smiled, pleased by the energy the competition had brought out in them. She could tell they were enjoying the challenge, and she knew that a little rivalry would keep them motivated.

As Eric finished his meal, she gave the team a moment to recover. Then, her tone shifted to one of focus and intent. "Alright, fun's over. Let's get started on today's drills."

They groaned but complied, dropping into their usual routines of sit-ups, push-ups, and other conditioning exercises. Laura kept them moving, correcting their form and pushing them to maintain focus. She knew that while they needed motivation, they also needed discipline—and she was determined to instill both in them.

When they finished their conditioning, Laura gathered them for combat training, handing each a dagger once more. "Today, we're building on what you learned yesterday," she said. "Focus on precision and control. The basics are what will keep you alive, so perfect them."

They practiced each move—the stab, swing, and slash—until their arms burned from repetition. Laura moved between them, adjusting their stances, fine-tuning their grips, reminding them to breathe and stay focused. She watched how they absorbed each correction, their movements growing more fluid, more controlled.

As they trained, Laura couldn't help but feel a glimmer of pride. They were pushing themselves, growing stronger, not just in skill but in willpower.

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